BREAKING NEWS : Admins ran out of Paralake City?

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United States of America
Playing Perp really has me triggered as of late, and let me tell you why. Personally i've been having some pretty awful experiences with admins/mods; And worse... so has everyone else.
Taking a look through the recent bans really distorts the general idea that everyone shoves down your throat at any given moment - PLAY REALISTICALLY, This is a second (real)life, and some of the reasons given for these bans are - for lack of a better term... Fucked
For example:
1 week - 3.4 2.5 - Shot an officer who was arresting his friend for a minor jail sentence.
When you read that explanation, I would like you to ask yourself one question - What is the one reason someone would shoot police in real life? Surprise, the answer is SO THEY DON'T GO TO JAIL(to avoid punishment). That is a realistic reaction, maybe not common, but yes this situation has and will play out in real life. They didn't break 3.4 as they were not in danger, the cop was. If this is considered 2.5, then every person who has ever raided someone, or cop who has shot a criminal needs to be banned for ruining a players experience. Now here's the balance, the context of this situation is not an unavoidable plague of anarchy, this encourages cops to work in at least pairs, or call for backup before engaging with a suspect, etc etc. In fact this situation shouldn't even be disputed, killing cops arresting an org member and breaking them out of cuffs is and should be a normal occasion, the cops should be prepared for potential danger in this situation. BAD BAN.
1 day - 3.4; Evaded from the police due to a minor traffic violation.
I understand that a large portion of the servers population is from Europe and the fastest car on your prehistoric stone roads is a caddy that reaches 55 Mph(88 Kph) but in the US(which paralake represents) we have cars that dont take 60 seconds to reach 15mph, ours go fast ;). With that privilege in the real world, its almost common(depending on where you live) that people will try outrunning police and evading(Even for) "a minor traffic violation" if they are dumb enough, and their car is expensive enough. So ...Realistic? Check. If anything, someone trying to make a run for it makes a cops experience more entertaining. Now this doesn't do away with lawful reaction; There is always balance; The consequences spike much higher if you evade the police, if you die in the chase or when the police stop you, you get revived and now have a jail sentence and a much bigger ticket, plus a search for illegal goods, etc etc. So no, your precious traffic stops wont be done away with if you don't uphold your urge to ban for evading the police. BAD BAN.

It should also be said that staff will almost always take the side of police and if you are being prosecuted as police, you are immune to punishment for breaking the rules; You have this magic response that even the admins will say for you, you may have heard it "Make an IA complaint" and everyone knows that translates to - youre invincible; I bet you've never been taken into a sit while in uniform ;).
The last thing just emphasizes the boneheaded thought process of SOME of your resident moderators. A pal in my organization was crossing the road between slums and Pd with no cars in sight when he was picked up by an admin and disciplined for 3.4 "because crossing the road is putting your life at risk", listen friend, No cars.(small road with low speed limit not a highway). It's like a hunt to over extend the power to ban.

Stop banning people because you think you should, please actually take a minute to review the situation.
Thats all :^) fight the power
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United Kingdom
i will actually be very surprised if you did not make this thread because you have been banned yourself and dislike the staff team for it because you cannot understand what you did wrong, have you tried talking to an admin before there all pretty much top geezas and not some sort of god figure unless its @John Daymon
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1 week - 3.4 2.5 - Shot an officer who was arresting his friend for a minor jail sentence.

3.4 Putting your Life at Risk
Any actions taken by a player that may put their In-Character life, freedom from imprisonment or general well being at risk must be done so in a realistic fashion and for beneficial reasons.

Shooting a cop and risking 10 years imprisonment for murder of a law enforcement officer is not beneficial to get your friend out of a 3 year sentence.

1 day - 3.4; Evaded from the police due to a minor traffic violation.

Once again, it is not beneficial to risk a jail sentence for evasion of a minor traffic violation which would only cause you to get a ticket originally.

Your post is dumb and your argument are ridiculous. "But in real life" in real life I can be a terrorist and blow up times square with a bomb but I can't just do that on perp in Bazaar. That is called "Realistic to an enjoyable extense.
It's pretty clear that you're from america. Easy to spot on your attitude.
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I understand that a large portion of the servers population is from Europe and the fastest car on your prehistoric stone roads is a caddy that reaches 55 Mph(88 Kph) but in the US(which paralake represents) we have cars that dont take 60 seconds to reach 15mph, ours go fast ;).



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Playing Perp really has me triggered as of late, and let me tell you why. Personally i've been having some pretty awful experiences with admins/mods; And worse... so has everyone else.
Taking a look through the recent bans really distorts the general idea that everyone shoves down your throat at any given moment - PLAY REALISTICALLY, This is a second (real)life, and some of the reasons given for these bans are - for lack of a better term... Fucked
For example:
1 week - 3.4 2.5 - Shot an officer who was arresting his friend for a minor jail sentence.
When you read that explanation, I would like you to ask yourself one question - What is the one reason someone would shoot police in real life? Surprise, the answer is SO THEY DON'T GO TO JAIL(to avoid punishment).

You shot an officer who was arresting your friend that was getting a minor sentence, this minor sentence could only be 2-4 years. There is no need, just let it happen. If he was wanted and was going in for 7+ years, then you got a fair reason to kill
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Dumb title: check!
Dumb poll: check!
American superiority complex: check!
Player who's been part of the forums for 2 months thinking he knows better than admins: check!

On a side note:
I understand that a large portion of the servers population is from Europe and the fastest car on your prehistoric stone roads is a caddy that reaches 55 Mph(88 Kph) but in the US(which paralake represents) we have cars that dont take 60 seconds to reach 15mph, ours go fast ;).

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If you've actually read the rules, which I sure hope you have, you would've read this part at the very top of the document

Let's focus on "to recreate real life to an enjoyable extent". If you're arresting someone for 2 years because they were stupid enough to try tax evasion, how enjoyable do you think it is to be immediately shot and killed by a friend/acquaintance of the suspect? Probably not enjoyable at all.

You were recently banned for shooting someone (presumably an officer) over a ticket. How enjoyable do you think it was for that person/officer to be shot simply because you weren't able/don't want to pay a ticket. Spoiler alert: Not enjoyable at all.

The rules are here to actually make it fun to play on the server. If you disagree with them, you're free to leave.

On a side note:
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I like the diversity in your options to vote on in your poll.

Reminds me of the Korean elections.

Do you want Kim yong Un as your leader?

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You obviously don’t seem to understand the fact this is a Serious RP server, These sort of rules are in place because where realistically is a cop going to get shot in the back for giving a ticket to someone for running a stop sign. If this wasn’t a rule cops would get killed for stupid shit like looking at someone the wrong way.
If you don’t think these rules are fair make a discussion and try get them changed, Don’t just bitch here trying to get some attention
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I've decided to respond to this one comment of yours, and making a post is the easiest way since there isn't enough space in a comment to do so.

"People are being arrested around you all time, most of the time you don't know what happened = you're still pretending. Love being called in as cavalry with 6 other org members and gatting all the cops trying to arrest 1 dude whom we have no idea why hes being arrested, Nobody knows."

Let's get something straight. You shot and killed police because they were arresting your friend/org member, without knowing why he was being arrested, whether he was actually going to be put in jail, or for how long. This is quite obviously against the rules. Why, you may ask?
Because you are risking your life over a small, potential, benefit. If your friend is being taken in for questioning, there is no reason to kill police. If the sentence is less than 6 years, there's no reason to kill police. Because, instead of your friend getting a small-medium sentence (or no sentence at all), you risk a major sentence for yourself, most likely your friend as well, and whoever else participates in "gatting all the cops". The benefit of your friend not getting jailed for 2-6 years, and both of you and everyone else "gatting the cops" getting the risk of either a. Death or b. 10 years in jail, is disproportionate. The risk is too high compared to the benefit.

Of course, it's no fun to get a long sentence without any chance of escape. As such, it's permitted to kill police if you know the person getting arrested is getting a sentence of 7 years or longer. Note, the keyword here is know. To know whether your friend is getting 7 years or longer, you will either have to witness the crime he broke that would give 7 years or longer, or you would need the arresting officer to specifically state the reason and/or length of the jail sentence. Your friend simply saying "KOS COPS THEY'RE ARRESTING ME" isn't sufficient. Your friend can yell "10 toes", "I'm wanted" or whatever they want to, but you are not to act on that. You shouldn't blindly follow orders from friend/org members. You have a mind of your own.
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United States of America
Now here's the part you're missing, we always travel in packs, the participating pack determines the situation and the warrant to kill, I just show up in the back seat of the car with a bunch of guys with assault rifles who already know its with in the boundaries of the rules based on the fact that the witnessing pack asked us to come in the first place. The fact that I dont know why he was arrested still holds true. Maybe the cops show and say that he is wanted but dont tell us why, we have to make a judgement call, are we gonna let them take our guy for an undisclosed amount of time when we can simply stop it because we are a big bad rp gang. This is vague and hard to understand without specific details but its fits the shoe in the situations I am describing.
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When Playing as a police officer, Almost nothing is more frustrating than someone evading a ticket. They put not only there own life at risk, but the lives of many other people to avoid, at most, a small fine of 5K.
1 day - 3.4; Evaded from the police due to a minor traffic violation.

In this particular incident, The car drove on the wrong side of the highway and eventually crashed, killing the passenger, and the user went to jail over what began as a traffic stop.
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United States of America
After triggering the entire perp fanclub, Im going to have to wish you all a goodnight with my American pride intact. Im not an expert, although, luckily you guys are ;) hahaha have a good one. ASs beating cops 4 lyfe
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United Kingdom
After triggering the entire perp fanclub, Im going to have to wish you all a goodnight with my American pride intact. Im not an expert, although, luckily you guys are ;) hahaha have a good one. ASs beating cops 4 lyfe

WhAt ExAcTlY ArE yoU pRouD oF???

Don't forget climate change isnt real



I understand that a large portion of the servers population is from Europe and the fastest car on your prehistoric stone roads is a caddy that reaches 55 Mph(88 Kph) but in the US(which paralake represents) we have cars that dont take 60 seconds to reach 15mph, ours go fast ;)

Just seen this so i'm a little late to the party but last time I checked the majority of these "fastest cars" are made in europe or by european companies? For instance the current fastest production car while 90% of american cars are just complementing the average Americans ego

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If we would allow people to shoot officers over minor things, like traffic offences and minor jail sentence, there would be mayhem. As big and powerful orgs would kill cops and free their friends constantly.
And even though you think it would be realistic, the rules aim to give us an enjoyable experience. I do not think cops being shot constantly would be an enjoyable experience.
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