Police Suggestion Captain or Lt+ get the raging bull

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Brief description of idea:
Captains, or Lieutenants, get the Taurus raging bull revolver.

Currently upon getting the rank of captain, you do not receive a new firearm as part of the job.

Adding the raging bull for captains would be a harmless addition to be honest.

What benefits would this idea have for the department:
- Normal officers already get the Colt Anaconda, which is a .44 magnum revolver with similar stats to the raging bull so it wouldn’t disbalance anything.
What potential negatives could this have for the department:
- Only a fraction of the community will ever use it,

Other additions:
Colt python for seniors too maybe?​
Plus sgts get the model 29 already which does the same damage but feels infinitely better.
I mean it's possible, but I don't see how the rest of the community benefits from this idea. It's not hard to implement. I'll give you that but it's kinda not necessary and only 4 to 8 people will benefit from this suggestion. I say we should not make suggestions like this and make the chiefs decide if they want this to be added.
Why does the Police Department need more weapons?

You already have 13 pistols that you can choose from, if you have access to them all. IMO that is 12 pistols too many. On Top of this the PD has 9 other weapons too, such as rifles. That is 22 weapons to choose between. Revolvers are a meme. Also, if anything weapons should change for ranks that the majority of the community hold, and not LT/Captain.
I'll start with your first point.

People like variety and I don't think there is any harm in adding an extra weapon to the armoury, especially when only a select few will have it.
You then mentioned revolvers are a meme, I mean kinda but I've been raped by them in the past so they are OP if you can use them but an understandable point.
I do agree with your final point.
@A1L Ratings were literally disabled in this section of the forums, no one can rate anything in here.
People like being able to use their favourite weapon, it does not mean we should allow them to select any firearm in the game. Revolvers are unpractical for police, takes way to long to reload.

The PDs 22 firearms works fine, there is a big selection of firearms you can choose between.
Maybe something to combat this would be this https://perpheads.com/threads/patrol-armoury-rework.42697/ which has been left open for some time. Suggestions for the PD take a long time to even have a response.
There are suggestions from October 2019 that still have not been looked at. Perhaps @Collier @Momo @Super_ and @McGlinchy should discuss these suggestions, if not, Have individuals that will do it because it's starting to become ridiculous how long it takes for some suggestions to be looked at.
People feel as though firearms are too locked, Although revolvers were just added, that suggestion was accepted and yet was made after that suggestion. We discussed a Rework for armoury with @Momo @Devon Stewart @GamingPeach myself and @McGlinchy when we discussed about new cars for just patrol etc. and said moving firearms down a rank could work for Just patrol, as there was not an incentive to even be in that division.
That suggestion is the only one thats been open since last year and that's being left due to the upcoming changes

Any suggestions that are opened are looked at by SMT, those that we need urgently are accepted. We can't accept suggestions unless we know it will and can happen. Any suggestions we like the look of are progressed.

There is a major PD update happening soon and all priorities are on that right now. We don't have time to plan and make small stupid changes right now
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