Server Suggestion Change the animation for crouching in passive stance

Reaction score
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Suggestion Title: Change the animation for crouching in passive stance
Suggestion Description: (Maybe a 'Model Suggestion'?)

For some reason the animation used when crouching down with a two-handed gun in passive stance points the weapon straight into some unfortunate persons face. This was most likely back then because the animation we used was the character leaning forward a bit when they crouched when in reality they were actually crouching, screwing up hitboxes.

Use the same animation as if you'd crouch with nothing or a one-handed weapon in your hands like a pistol. It would look weird if you suddenly one-handed wield a .50cal but better than pointing it at someone's face with the intent to shoot.

Why should this be added?:
-Less confusion on why a cop suddenly points their Remington 870 at your face.
-Still shows your intent of actually being in passive stance.

What negatives could this have?:
-Missplaced hitbox if we use the old animation mentioned above.
-Probably not fixable, needs an entirely different animation set like the one XQ created back then.

Useful Images:
This is how it looked like back then which was understandably pretty broken.
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