Cinematic Camera

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39.007238, 126.281624
Topic: Add a buyable cinematic camera

Short explanation (in notes):
-Costs at least 1 k
-Buyable in the technic store
-Looks like this:

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
I remember, yesterday, i was trying to film a documentation about being cop. While recording, every guy thought i would only take pictures and didnt realise that im recording. It would be much better to see other guys not with a camera, but with a cinematic camera. It would add much realism
(There is actually a cinematic camera mod in the steam workshop. downloadable

Optional additions:
+SUPPORT I was that cop that you filmed and yes, we need a cinematic camera. This could add RP so we could record movies, and with the help of admins it could be shown on big screen. This would be awesome and not so expensive. (And yes, I used the same font as in the movie plot)
Would be lovely if they could add a TV show or someshit where a guy and like a reporter goes around and record n stuff so we could watch it on the tv, dont know if it would be good tho since alot of rules and shit can be broken but i like your idea, +support
If the TV can be changed for instead of people using it for music to an actual TV that would be great. People can watch stuff when they are done recording, and im sure that if this will be added the dev team will make some stop/continue buttons to stop and continue the recording of the show/movie/documentary and such. If this will be added I would start doing it so quick, I dont care about noone watching it and people keeping to grow drugs, I just love the experience you have while doing it.
+Support I will need this for my pornographic movies or other filming
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+support - Expect The Following Channels
- Propaganda TV
- Ross Kemp on Gangs (I'll make myself bald for this idea!)
- Ross Kemp on the Police Force
- Asian Rabbit
+SUPPORT. Hi This Is a Good Idea I Will Love This If It Comes out and I like filming Things and Wars and Raids
Neutral +/-

As good as it would be to have the ability to film RP situations etc., as Daymon said, people would break 3.4 a lot by running into the situations and risking their lives just to get a good video. It wouldnt just be one person either, it would be atleast 5 or more trying to get a good view of the situations.
I'll first respond to all the people talking about having this function with TVs. This wouldn't work and would probably be super duper laggy if I found a way to remotely do it.

As for the camera itself, we actually do already have it as a SWEP in server files, however as pointed out by a few people, people would have a tendency to get in the way and pull the "I'm a reporter" card far too often trying to enter areas they shouldn't. If you want to RP as a reporter you can do so already, just use a camera and try to get the inside story on things as you see them happen, interview the lieutenant as he returns to his/her car after a drug bust, report disproportionate pay for government workers as set by the mayor, low city funds with low taxes so the city goes bankrupt, etc...

Whenever I've been on the server I've only seen two types news reports in /advert, that from PNN (I assume this is Paralake News Network) and the Paralake Press. Both do a very nice job of showing that it is a news headline and keep it perfectly appropriate for /advert use. The one thing people often times don't seem to understand that is when you're reporting a news story, it needs to appear professional and that's one reason I'm always hesitant to allow for a reporter/journalist job.

To get back to the idea of having this camera again, I can see the appeal to having it, but I'm uncertain if it's needed without an official journalist job. So you can make a full and complete idea for that, if you can't get all the details of what you feel would be appropriate for it, please make a discussion first and have people contribute to it, and when ready then make an idea/suggestion post as it needs plenty of details of what you do, pros/cons, how pay is defined, and more. At that point then I can rule if this idea would be accepted/denied.
Yea, the reporter job should become added. But i got an brilliant idea: If you want to create a news company, you need to apply in the forums, i would say then, some guys from the company are able to create a skin for a car they have (like Paralake Press and these things) and need to put it also in the application (the skin).

Now, lets say some details, if someone wants something changed, just comment it.

Job: News Reporter
Pay: Max. 200 with 0 taxes
Where you can become: In the forum, you need to apply
Where you can start your shift: Report to your boss that youre available
Can become warranted: Yes
Can become demoted by Lieutenant or Sergeant: No
Can become demoted by Mayor: No
Can become demoted by Boss: Yes
Pay can be lowered by: Boss

I would say the boss is available to lower the pay at single persons. But this is not a job like police officer where you can just join in, you need to apply if you want to work there, but because there are 3 news "channels" you need to choose which company you take. But if you want to create an company you need to have much roleplay-experience because this is a job, which also needs much responsibility. But i would say the 3 or 4 companies can become automaticly news reporter, because i don't think this job just becomes popular if its like coded in.
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