Commenting on Appeals/AR's.

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Before I start I understand this is going to get a lot of 'dumb' and 'disagrees' from mainly non staff members because how can we get post count up without +/-Supporting Appeals :kappa:

I think that commenting on Ban Appeals, Refund Requests, Action Requests (along them lines, NOT ENFORCER APPLICATIONS) should be restricted to only staff members unless the person commenting has information on the incident. Hold the dislikes pls.

I believe this because I understand people want to give their opinions on bans and other appeals in the community, but there is a rating option for a reason... Of course you want to explain to the person why you think that there ban appeal on killing everyone in the PD because he got a parking ticket is dumb, but at the end of the day your opinion isn't what keeps them banned or gets them un-banned, unless you have extra information about the incident to support it, its the staff members decision.

The main reason for this is because 8/10 times comments on Ban appeals just lead to petty arguments between the person who appealed and the person commenting, because of course the person making an appeal won't accept their wrong and you know you're right/can't accept you're wrong. In addition to this it commonly leads to a lot of people repeating each other because everyone wants to have their say;

For example in the AR against Amber Powell, I'm pretty sure over 5 people said something along the lines of 'Going AFK for a drink isn't a valid reason +Support', I think everyone would of understood that after a Mod explained it in the 5th comment.

I don't want this to seem like a rant, I think it will just make appeals a lot easier for the person making the appeal; because it doesn't seem like the entire server is against them and doesn't want them on the server, but also it will make it easier for the Moderators because they will be able to see clearly from their own questions they ask the creator if they deserve to be un banned/banned etc.

It's a discussion so feel free to give your opinions :kappa:

Kind Regards,
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I honestly see some of you points and you do make a decent point. The current AR/BA/RR system I feel is perfect the way it is and it serves a purpose just liked a enforcer app. Reasons why you might want to have someone comment on either of them are listed as following:

- Firstly it is an easy way for people involved to provide evidence or further explain the situation
- It shows perspective, as staff members are humans I feel that player base helps them out a lot in performing their job. Don't get me wrong they can fully do their job without help, but the current system it gives perspective of how other players feel about the entire situation.

Yes, I see why some people may feel that the current system maybe flawed, but there is a lot of other players love this system and I feel the way the current system is perfect. As you did say there is a rating system for a reason at the same time some people don't like that being the only way to support something. As the rating system is a one/two words response some people might feel that they are getting rated for no reason.

Commenting on an AR/BA/RR is a good way to explain why you rated an AR/BA/RR. Anyway I wanted to come on this thread and just give out my personal opinion on this post. I just personally feel that the system PERPheads have right now is a very good system and should continue.
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