Community Decal Competition

Reaction score
To complement our recent decal updates we are going to create the chance for one of you to have your own decal in-game! You will have until 25/01/2022 to submit your designs in this thread. After that date, I will close the thread and we will shortlist 5 for the community to vote on in a poll created in this thread which will close on 28/01/2022. The winner will receive their decal in-game and 100K!

This thread should only be used to post your image and an optional short text accompanying. Any other post will be deleted, a discussion thread will be created. Click here to access that thread.

256x256 is the minimum required, 512x512 is the ideal resolution however. Upload in PNG format preferably, any is acceptable though.
No decals that would violate basic conduct rules or target an individual. Jokes are allowed, just be tasteful.
The RX7 decal (pictured below) is the kind of decal we're looking for.

Again, this thread should only be used to post your image and an optional short text accompanying. Any other post will be deleted, a discussion thread will be created. Click here to access that thread.

Good luck to all! Hope to see some creative stuff!