Cops And Civs NLR During Raid.

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 5.3 Raiding/ 3.5 New Life Rule.
Your version of the rule:

When a player has died In Character, and after they have re-spawned, they must wait at least 5 minutes (a countdown is provided) before they may either return to the place where they died and/or interact with the situation. They must also treat their re-spawn as a new life. A system is in place to inform players that they are in breach of this rule, any attempt to bypass this system will not be tolerated. Joining or leaving any government job is to be treated as a new life.

When a player is given a new life they must forget/may not act upon any and all details of their previous life; this excludes properties and cars that they own, government positions that they hold, and any friends or acquaintances that they have/had made.

Players should not use or act upon any information gained from other players that are relevant to their previous death, while their NLR timer is active.

Police Officer shouldn't be able to go back to the shootout if the Officer has died at the scene. If all Officers have died at the scene they should not be able to raid for 30 mins (or an hour)

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: Currently the NLR rule isn't 100% followed, nor is it really RP friendly since when you die, 10 min after you've waited to respawn and for your NLR to go over it seems you allow people to return to the still-active scene as long as 1 person says "oh I need help here" which is breaking the rule in itself. NLR shouldn't be something you can instantly disregard second someone asks for help. You shouldn't be allowed to return to the scene where you died if it is still ongoing even if a fellow officer, org member, or friend asks you over an SMS, Phone Call, or radio for help because you died in that situation. Currently, we have people running back and doing a never-ending raid on the Police force where it is most common for this, by having 1 police officer remaining alive and hidden so they can constantly call reinforcements in after their NLR is over which is not fair at all. Despite if you're a tiny group, big group, or only one person this happens way too much. You should not be allowed to return to the scene you died no matter what and that should count for everyone.
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I agree fully with this. When you die you shouldn't return to your place what so ever to the raid. I do want to add in I do not think the Police should be allowed to raid after 30 mins without proof of us doing anything, and if all cops died in that situation who were involved should not be allowed to do so without any real reason either of course. The problem here is yes, it can be annoying to die. But that doesnt mean you should be able to return to the place you die. If you die as a Cop, or a Civilian you should stay away until the situation is solved either by the Police losing, or the Civilians losing. Doesnt matter who you are, no cop nor civilian should return. Because otherwise if example you defend your place due to a police raid, you can be raided indefinitely if just 1 cop survives. Which is unfair and not good in any way and it does technically break the NLR Rule because its a new life, you shouldnt have anything to do with your old situation. I know many of you will not like this rule, and that is fair you do not have to! No one forces you to, but you should not return to a scene you died.
No, its your own fault that you're getting raided over and over again because you want to keep growing virtual plants in a warranted property and cant be arsed to just move somewhere else. On top of this, allowing raiders and defenders to return to a raid after their NLR Timer is up whilst disallowing the police to return would further the issue of players playing as criminals not actually being as scared of the police as 3.4 requires them to be.
-support Cops have NLR like civs, we can wait 5 minutes then return to the scene since it would extremely unfair to wait an hour to return to a scene when everyone would have left and no evidence would be left. Also, what would happen during a PD raid when cops die? Wait an hour to go into PD?
Also saying that people break NLR to go back to a scene is utter slander and I have never seen this happen.
How can we move when we are being plastered every 2 seconds? We don't have a chance to move... We don't have chance to leave the building and what if the owner of the property isn't warranted? and they keep coming back because of 1 Officer who's outside and telling the whole of TFU to come back what's the point? there is no fun.
I see this was made after the situation with the police. When cops raid your property you should make an attempt at the nearest possibility to leave the base, otherwise cops will keep coming back. People always complain about "1 cop sitting outside" when if you guys all push out you can easily kill the last cop. Don't sit inside your property just because you want to keep growing or finish your plants and cops won't keep coming back in raids. When a cop dies, they have to wait 10mins to essentially go back, that is enough time for you to grab the essentials and leave.

-Support, keep it how it is
Been suggested before, not exactly the same but somewhat the same.

In real life the army would eventually show up to deal with you, so be happy there is no such thing. Just leave the property.
Just because you cant, doesn't mean others can't as well? Or you don't think players should have to leave the sanctity of a head glitch defence and would rather sit behind it shooting cops rather than pushing out and having to use actual Aim and movement skills, as well as coordination to win? I always find that when my friends and I have killed all the TFU and cops inside, most the officers outside all have pistols and are very easy to kill. No one said playing criminal was supposed to be easy, if you don't like it, then there's always the PD 24/7 option open :)
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Not the point, The point is 1 Officer is camping Office when they should all go in.. If your character has died it should not return till the situation regardless if you are a Police Officer or a Civilian a Raid should be a fair fight as I've been told by multiple staff members, and this isn't a fair fight.
Push the Officer, there is no reason for him to go in alone vs 3 people with rifles, winning against police isnt supposed to be easy.
Office has 2 entrances? How can they camp both?

You just want cops to all rush like bots and die, and the situation to be over so you can keep powergrowing easily at this point, lets be real.
Well it is a video game as well, and you have to think about that. The thing is yes! You can try to keep it as realistic as you want but in all fairness the server is more of a more "serious" version of Dark RP. As much as I love to keep it as realistic as you can, if you win a raid from the police, they should not return endlessly. What we're saying too isnt Only do it to police, but do it for everyone. Because otherwise the Police can return indefinitely if they so choose and so can Civilians if they are called in after their NLR timer is over. If you die fully the first time, you should not return after that. And it shouldnt force people to move 24/7 because of it. If you die in the situation thats it you're out of it until the situation is done and should do other police work.
I'm sorry where does it state that cops must enter a building and die upon entry? Cops stay outside and let TFU do the job they trained for. Not my problem people stay inside the same apt and wonder why cops breach again.
@BigBenji 2 Entrances? not everywhere has 2 Entrances though, No I just think the fight should be fair instead of Police tryharding all the time.
@BigBenji And that isnt true Benji. As a person who mostly plays as a Police Officer I also disagree with this being able to return every time your NLR timer is over, it makes no sense. If you die that should be it. And its not powergaming either by telling them to not break NLR, because NLR literally means to NOT return to the place where you died and that should apply for both Police and Civilians if the same situation you died at continuous on even if someone calls you or radios you for help.
Sitting inside our property to keep ourselves protected is actually better then rushing out because of fearing for our lives as we do not know exactly how many cops are alive. But we know we killed several and several of those that we did kill returned which is technically breaking the NLR rule. Its not about growing, its not about who wins or who dies or to tell the police to not do it. Its to tell everyone that you shouldnt be able to return to a situation you died at. If I as a civilian get raided, I wait 10 min when my NLR is done etc, then I get a call from my Org member to return. I shouldnt be allowed to return, same for police.
It actually isnt. If all the police are dead or raiders are dead it is not violating 3.4 because we're still valuing our lives by staying in our property behind defenses. It is breaking 3.5 to return to a scene after you died as it is NLR and you should not be allowed to return to the situation you died at even if someone calls you to it be it a Cop or a Civilian that does it. No one should be allowed to return ot the active scene they died at.
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