[CORONA VIRUS] what do u think?

We would've taken much more drastic actions if it were. But no, we're not ready for an actual virus that's dangerous. Seeing how a bad flu can already take out a portion of the world's economy.
@Tilin or you can just try not going out unless you need too? Don't shake hands, keep a social distance, don't make out with strangers and stay home if you have a cold.
@Aero If this was a magic killer virus more drastic measures would have been taken but we need to find a balance, as society must continue to function... Hospitals must stay open, local supermarket must stay open, your phone carrier must continue to function and farmers must continue milking their cows.

In your opinion, what actions should be taken that has not been taken?
@Samuel Yeah, I completely agree. I mean even if I get it, I've got a good chance of pretty much just getting over it. But people with bad immune systems or illnesses do not have that luxury. We have to watch out for them.
@Tilin Exactly, I don't know if this is something that other companies and countries do but if you have a cold or anything HR will force you to leave.
@Draxen what @Samuel is saying is correct. The government and the companies in Sweden are dealing with this issue in a great way, they've stated exactly what all citizens should do and have given us all the right advices to deal with this virus and it's pretty simple;

Don't shake hands, don't go meet elderly and/or sick people if it's not necessary, if you have any cold symptoms you must stay home, wash you hands. Non-Emergency surgeries are pushed as Samuel says because we don't need them to happen right away and simply because we don't need everyone in the hospital as that would cause a complete collapse on the hospitals.

Our Health Organisation is dealing with this the way they should, they're trying to keep everything running aslong as they can because they believe that everyone will follow the procedures that are released by them, this will result in the infection to be spread in waves and thus we will be able to deal with the virus in a safe and calm way.

If you're one of those people who read mass media then sure enough you might say that we're not ready for this, because according to them this virus is going to kill all of humanity which really makes no sense if the statistics are correct.

In my eyes our government has dealt with this perfectly, even our National Bank is lending 500 billion Kronor so that viable companies wont die.
@Jay_ Right, just like driving on the WRONG side of the road and using STONE as a way of measuring things. It's so primitive. "Look I got 2 stone", "no I got big rock!", "I trade 3 stone for big rock". And then it's US, the normal world that is wrong.
@Samuel Our biggest company "Gorenje", has such drastic measures that the secretaries are walking around, writing down anyone who shows any signs of illness, whether it be a runny nose or anything. They put up tape so when they go to lunch, they sit 1m apart and put cardboard boxes in front of them so if they cough, they don't cough at the person in front of them. It's mental.
Someone please tell all the Joes, Karens and dumb people to stop buying all the potatoes, toilet paper and beer at the market. Had to fight a grandma for an apple yesterday.
haha. My coworkers wife is one of these people, she thinks the world is ending so she is spending their savings on food and stuff...
@Jay_ Yes due to horses and carriages. Also it's been like that since the time of knights, who rode on the left as majority was right handed so they could cut people throat's off with ease.
@Jay_ What? Pasta is good too have! Easy to make and you can keep it for a long time without it even going bad