@Draxen what
@Samuel is saying is correct. The government and the companies in Sweden are dealing with this issue in a great way, they've stated exactly what all citizens should do and have given us all the right advices to deal with this virus and it's pretty simple;
Don't shake hands, don't go meet elderly and/or sick people if it's not necessary, if you have any cold symptoms you
must stay home, wash you hands. Non-Emergency surgeries are pushed as Samuel says because we don't need them to happen right away and simply because we don't need everyone in the hospital as that would cause a complete collapse on the hospitals.
Our Health Organisation is dealing with this the way they should, they're trying to keep everything running aslong as they can because they believe that everyone will follow the procedures that are released by them, this will result in the infection to be spread in waves and thus we will be able to deal with the virus in a safe and calm way.
If you're one of those people who read mass media then sure enough you might say that we're not ready for this, because according to them this virus is going to kill all of humanity which really makes no sense if the statistics are correct.
In my eyes our government has dealt with this perfectly, even our National Bank is lending 500 billion Kronor so that viable companies wont die.