I’ll update this until Wednesday I feel shit go die I hate you all
Covid-19 diary:
Day 1:
Woke up in cold sweats and feeling very dehydrated. Kept drinking water throughout the day and didn’t feel better, felt a looming sensation of being sick all day.
Day 2:
Began coughing a lot more regularly than usually, feeling a bit achey all over but nothing awful, high temperature set in throughout the day. Mild to moderate chest pain
Day 3:
Throat and chest feeling a bit worse today, muscles feeling much less sore and my temperature is slightly lower than yesterday in the morning. Chest pains are intermittent and severe. Got to the point in the evening where I was exhausted but sleepless. Just feels like one of those VILE colds.
Day 4:
Not a great morning, sleeplessness and aches have made me lethargic, making any chest pains feel a bit worse and the sudden movement of coughing is simply mentally jarring. My temperature has been alright thus far. Tried to eat, immediately threw up quite violently, chest pains became moderately unbearable.