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Death needs to be more scary and undesirable; I think this suggestion/idea will greatly help:

When you die, you should remain dead for 10 minutes.

The time in which you can be revived should be dependant on how you died.

For example, if you are knocked unconscious, if you are not revived within 1 minute, you will die; once dead, your screen will go from red (covered in blood) to black, where you will remain dead for the remainder of the 10 minutes; so 10 - 1 = 9 minutes additional minutes.


The more undesirable death is, the more realistically people will play to avoid it.

Will help to prevent people from driving recklessly, because of the increased risk of death.

Will make people care more about dying, rather than just what weapons they'll lose.

Will help to prevent people from doing dangerous and life-threatening things without proper consideration/planning.

Will prevent people from 'finishing-off' their friends so that they spawn more quickly, which is against the rules.

This idea would also coincide with the body bag ideas where the current plan is to have corpses stay around for longer.

Will help prevent people from breaking the New Life Rule, NLR; specifically, the aspect where you are not allowed to return/re-join to the place/the situation which involved your death, for at least 10 minutes.

This would be particularly helpful when killing Police officers within the Police Department when breaking someone out of jail, for example; this is currently a problem because when a Police officer dies, they will re-spawn inside the Police Department, which can be very problematic; this idea/suggestion prevents this from being a problem.

Being a serious RP server, there isn't a reason not to do this.
CaptainHerbert;n3050 said:
I think that would ruin it and make it boring if you are raiding.
I don't think that raiding should be an easy solution for easy money.
Luke;n3049 said:
The time in which you can be revived should be dependant on how you died.

This is something I pointed out some time ago. Got hit by a car? You're fucked. Your head got obliterated by a .50 cal sniper rifle? As long as the medics revive in 5 minutes to revive you with a defibrillator, you're good to go.
hmm, if you have been dead for 10 minutes, will there also be a NLR of 10 minutes ?
Also I would do something else than just a black screen IMO having to wait is allready punishing enough.

Why not let them watch their dead bodies in 3rd person, would be pretty funny to see what happens with your body when the "dead body man" (don't know the exact name of the job) puts you in a bag and carries you to the graveyard. Assuming offcourse that this will be implemented together with the body bags.
MazZ;n3057 said:
hmm, if you have been dead for 10 minutes, will there also be a NLR of 10 minutes ?
Also I would do something else than just a black screen IMO having to wait is allready punishing enough.

Why not let them watch their dead bodies in 3rd person, would be pretty funny to see what happens with your body when the "dead body man" (don't know exact name of the job) puts you in a bag and carries you to the graveyard. Assuming offcourse that this will be implemented together with the body bags.

Well, NLR lasts the duration of your new life and the new, subsequent lives, not for only 10 minutes. The 10 minutes bit is just there to stop people from going back to their place of death for revenge or scavenging.

  • New Life Rule: (NLR) A rule in which if your character dies you must respawn believing you are a new person and can not go back to your place of death for 10 minutes, armed or unarmed. You must also forget any contact you had with any players during your previous lives.
Guest said:
MazZ;n3057 said:
hmm, if you have been dead for 10 minutes, will there also be a NLR of 10 minutes ?
Also I would do something else than just a black screen IMO having to wait is allready punishing enough.

Why not let them watch their dead bodies in 3rd person, would be pretty funny to see what happens with your body when the "dead body man" (don't know exact name of the job) puts you in a bag and carries you to the graveyard. Assuming offcourse that this will be implemented together with the body bags.

Well, NLR lasts the duration of your new life and the new, subsequent lives, not for only 10 minutes. The 10 minutes bit is just there to stop people from going back to their place of death for revenge or scavenging.

  • New Life Rule: (NLR) A rule in which if your character dies you must respawn believing you are a new person and can not go back to your place of death for 10 minutes, armed or unarmed. You must also forget any contact you had with any players during your previous lives.
Im not saying that the NLR rule needs to be deleted, I'm just asking if that timer is still necesary because you've allready waited for 10 mins.
Because if you keep the 10 minutes timer when you respawn, you essentially have to wait for 20 minutes before going back to your place ...
I've given up with the server, and I'm just going to add that if all these suggestions go through I doubt the server will be quite as popular as it is today.
NOOOO... 10 minutes its a absurde!!!
10 minutes of death???
you are crazy?:eek:
Guest said:
MazZ;n3057 said:
hmm, if you have been dead for 10 minutes, will there also be a NLR of 10 minutes ?
Also I would do something else than just a black screen IMO having to wait is allready punishing enough.

Why not let them watch their dead bodies in 3rd person, would be pretty funny to see what happens with your body when the "dead body man" (don't know exact name of the job) puts you in a bag and carries you to the graveyard. Assuming offcourse that this will be implemented together with the body bags.

Well, NLR lasts the duration of your new life and the new, subsequent lives, not for only 10 minutes. The 10 minutes bit is just there to stop people from going back to their place of death for revenge or scavenging.

  • New Life Rule: (NLR) A rule in which if your character dies you must respawn believing you are a new person and can not go back to your place of death for 10 minutes, armed or unarmed. You must also forget any contact you had with any players during your previous lives.
I'm aware of what you meant. I'm simply insinuating that players don't follow the New Life Rule properly as it is; Sort of an addendum to your post.
Dye said:
I've given up with the server, and I'm just going to add that if all these suggestions go through I doubt the server will be quite as popular as it is today.
Please don't exaggerate :P
Dye said:
I've given up with the server, and I'm just going to add that if all these suggestions go through I doubt the server will be quite as popular as it is today.
I'm not.
I like this idea a lot. It really will make people start worrying about their lives in-character.

I have some suggestions in addition:
  • The duration of the unconscious phase should depend on how you died. Like so: ​
(*) Getting killed by headshot = 1 minute unconscious + 9 minutes black screen
(*) Last hit on chest = 3 minute unconscious + 7 minutes black screen
(*) Last hit on legs/arms = 5 minutes unconscious + 5 minutes black screen
(*) Bleeding out = 7 minutes unconscious + 3 minutes black screen
(*) Being ran over = 9 minutes unconscious + 1 minutes black screen

(Unconscious timers are for medics to revive the people, other than that, total waiting time in-case there's no medic is always the same)
  • Shooting someone on the head will still finish people off, but will put them to black screen state from unconscious state, instead of respawning them.
Ideas similar to this rolled through the development team when initially setting up the server, however it was rejected on the notion that players would not enjoy their time being dead for any extended amount of time. Not many people would like to play a game in which when you die, you sit there every single time for 10 minutes staring at a blank screen (unless revived but generally you'd be dead). If this were to be considered I would guess we'd need something for people to do while dead, so they don't get completely bored out of their skull waiting. Cause I think it may make some people a little more trigger happy, due to the fact of the reason people don't finish others off now is to make them sit on the dead screen for as long as possible out of personal spite, so with this people have to wait 10 minutes no matter what. While I would love to have this on the grounds that we could remove the NLR because the person already had to wait 10 minutes, I don't see this really benefiting the server, it's one of those cases of realism vs gameplay.

@Dye I know you say you're not being dramatic, but you aren't really adding to the conversation by saying that, since you also noted that you've given up on the server. Why you have I don't know, but I do know that it helps everyone if you give your personal feeling, not your feeling of how everyone would react since this is a place for discussion of ideas, not necessarily all make it in.
I played on a PERP server where they had 10 minutes "red screen of death". It was horrible. Why? Because of RDM and CDM.

If you are just minding your own, and some failRP'er kills you, YOU are paying the price for that, and that's a furious situation to be in. You get to wait a looong 10 minutes to respawn, while often had no idea of who killed you, and how you got killed. I like the idea of people caring more about their IC lives, but I'm afraid that this idea will turn people away from the server.
Fexxe said:
I played on a PERP server where they had 10 minutes "red screen of death". It was horrible. Why? Because of RDM and CDM.

If you are just minding your own, and some failRP'er kills you, YOU are paying the price for that, and that's a furious situation to be in. You get to wait a looong 10 minutes to respawn, while often had no idea of who killed you, and how you got killed. I like the idea of people caring more about their IC lives, but I'm afraid that this idea will turn people away from the server.
Yea I mean granted admins are able to revive people that shouldn't be dead due to things like RDM or CDM, but then that just puts more strain on admins as a whole to be present and having to judge situations that they didn't see, so their death might have been perfectly legit and someone begging to get out of the nothingness screen. Also I agree that people do need to care more about their IC lives, but I don't think a boring screen would be enough motivation or the right kind, the only other solution is make it so people lose items, which I am thinking of making a poll about of what might be okay to lose on death, but it also would be highly annoying if RDMed or CDMed and admins are unable to spawn props or give money for any player including his/herself. Can easily make it so being run over makes it so you don't drop anything, but as for RDM, that's all situational and no way to judge easily unless witnessed by an admin or a demo is posted about it. If people didn't ever lie to an admin, it'd be easy to know who was at fault, but if you ever arrive to the scene it's generally two people bickering about what happened and each views it completely different.
MazZ;n3057 said:
hmm, if you have been dead for 10 minutes, will there also be a NLR of 10 minutes ?

No, once you spawn, you will not have to wait 10 minutes before returning to your property/job.

afonso003;n3081 said:
10 minutes of death???

Equal to that of a LIFE sentence in jail, yes.

StephenPuffs;n3145 said:
Not many people would like to play a game in which when you die, you sit there every single time for 10 minutes staring at a blank screen

Unless these players prefer Call of Duty over Counter Strike, I think they'll manage.

StephenPuffs;n3145 said:
players would not enjoy their time being dead for any extended amount of time.

I'm sure we can do something about that; but don't forget, death should NOT be fun - death is losing.

There are ways to make it less boring, though; here's 1 idea:

MazZ;n3057 said:
Why not let them watch their dead bodies in 3rd person, would be pretty funny to see what happens with your body when the "dead body man" (don't know the exact name of the job) puts you in a bag and carries you to the graveyard. Assuming offcourse that this will be implemented together with the body bags.

StephenPuffs;n3145 said:
it's one of those cases of realism vs gameplay.

This is not a particular new/unique idea; games like Counter Strike, and its successors have been using this 'style' of gameplay from the beginning for very similar reasons; to make people care more about their lives, play more realistically, and to generally make people think more - this is why Call of Duty multiplayer is VERY different to Counter Strike: Source - because with the latter, people have to wait when they die, and thus will play more carefully to avoid dying.

Fexxe;n3147 said:
It was horrible. Why? Because of RDM and CDM.

I agree that this change would make RDM more of a problem; but to compensate for this, we'll just make RDMing equalling less appealing by banning people longer, for example. Let not rule breakers stand in the way of progress.
Luke;n3154 said:
This is not a particular new/unique idea; games like Counter Strike, and its successors have been using this 'style' of gameplay from the beginning for very similar reasons; to make people care more about their lives, play more realistically, and to generally make people think more - this is why Call of Duty multiplayer is VERY different to Counter Strike: Source - because with the latter, people have to wait when they die, and thus will play more carefully to avoid dying.
Yes, but in Counter Strike you can at least still spectate your teammates which gives some form of entertainment than just a black screen.
That is why i suggested the 3rd person dead body view.

Luke;n3154 said:
Equal to that of a LIFE sentence in jail, yes.

I get your logic here, but same as above. In jail you can still move (if not limited) and can talk with the inmates or be freed which can lead to interesting RP situations, being dead and having a black screen doesn't, which kills the entertainment/fun factor a lot !

Also a thing to note, if you arrive in jail you more or less chose for it by comitting a crime. But you don't allways choose to die, many players make that decision for you (as in RDM, CDM or just a robbery).

I wouldn't mind being dead for 10mins but at least give me some form of entertainment than just a black screen.
If this was put into the server people would just relog to spaw. Again. It's a bad idea, the server would lose a lot of players and new players would probably not stay for long once they discovered the 10 minute respawn.
Alex_:D that can easily be changed so people rejoing would reap no benefit.

As to Luke and MazZ, to add to what you had said, the other reason CS can allow for third person is because it is not trying in any way to promote realism, while our game is to an extent. There is a reason I changed it so your screen is completely blanked out and you can't hear/read voices around you, and that's to prevent anyone from obtaining information which can be shared via metagaming in a third party chat system where no one besides the occupants of that chat would know. So having third person be available might be fun to watch at times when you see a medic coming to revive you or what, but if you were raiding a place, it would easily be abused for profit. Therefore I don't see that being a very viable solution to the boredom factor. People could manage this if dying only happened every 2-3 hours, but with how commonplace it is to die, waiting 10 minutes each time would get boring incredibly fast.
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