[Discussion] Raiding and rule 3.25

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Today I was just chilling growing some cocaine until some people raided me. I called for help and Police was already on their way. Now, when the raiders killed me they went and harvested the drugs pretty much right away. This is because rule 3.25 states;
Players may not harvest drugs or mug players while being raided or when they suspect they are about to get raided if they don’t have a significant chance to escape the situation. (For example if you know you can escape you may do so with the drugs, although you will have to drop what you harvested if you’re caught by the police/raiders)
This means that if you raid someone you can still harvest the drugs that are inside the raided property. In my eyes, this is kind off broken. In the current state of PERP there are always cops responding or org members flanking. For the record, after they raided me they all died and lost but they still got the drugs. So if people can still harvest while raiding why wouldnt people just raid with for example, an HK45, kill the people inside, harvest their drugs, run outside and hope to get lucky or just die and still make profit from the drugs they harvested.

I'd like to discuss this rule a bit further and maybe even suggest a change if a lot of people agree with this.
Should raiders make sure EVERYTHING is clear and they are clear to just go before harvesting any drugs inside the raided property? Of course there will be blitzkrieg methods of just pushing as fast as possible to try and avoid any flankers/cops and that should be fine, as long as they make it out right away and don't stay for a few minutes. But if raiders decide to hang around for a few minutes they shouldn't be allowed to harvest the drugs until they actually leave the property and go back to their base or whatever they were doing.

What are your opinions on this and how do you want this changed?

@Mango responded to my report when I made it and we had a small discussion about it seen below.
It doesn't really make sense for them to not take drugs, for example; if all defenders are dead but attackers are not sure if there are police/flankers outside the apartment block, it only increases risk and the time that it takes to leave for them to clear all the surrounding area, rather than just grabbing any drugs and fighting their way out immediately.

If they had to completely fight the police force, make sure everyone was dead then go BACK for the drugs, it would significantly increase the amount of time a raid would take, which would increase the odds of more officers being able to respond/coming on duty, and would also make it more likely that any flankers would be able to turn up before they could get away from the scene, as opposed to grabbing all the drugs, shooting their way out and immediately driving off.
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