[Discussion] Stop shootouts at bazaar.

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So i wanna see whats everyones opinions about the shootouts at bazaar. They dont solve anything other than deaths of officers. I think the way it should be is that no illegal activity should be done at bazaar. Meaning no raiding, no drug growing, only the trading of stuff. Its getting to the point where oh look a shootout at bazaar, you attend and die as an officer. You respawn and you attend a second shootout at bazaar mins afterwards, and die again. This has happened 5 times to me the space of 25mins yesterday. Its fucking pathetic.
I get your point of view,

It would be nice to see bazaar actualy being used for selling/buying stuff only.
But it wont happend i recon, bazaar will stay as it is currently.

Mabye the Police Academy should train officers more into certain situations regarding and involving Bazaar.
Your salty that you got killed as a cop, Bazaar is the criminal hub. Let it be.

It shouldnt be, it should be kept Public, Fully public, if you shoot someone in bazaar, thats it you get punished for it via staff. Im sick and tired of these pointless shootouts.
They’ve tried doing it in the past (banning defenses in bazaar) but it didn’t really stop anything
Bazaar shootouts are great, it’s just annoying seeing the amount of unarmed skids running around completely uninvolved trying to minge guns and crying when they get shot by anyone.
Bazaar shootouts are great, it’s just annoying seeing the amount of unarmed skids running around completely uninvolved trying to minge guns and crying when they get shot by anyone.

sometimes im there trying to sell my guns, next thing you know you got people tryna mug ya, people walking around unarmed and they die just trying to buy a gun.
sometimes im there trying to sell my guns, next thing you know you got people tryna mug ya, people walking around unarmed and they die just trying to buy a gun.

Those are also the people that tend to stick around during shootouts, if someone starts shooting in bazaar the appropriate response would be to hightail it out of there, while people "just buying guns" tend to stick around to see if they can get some dead guy's AK for free, instead getting some free bullets penetrating their skulls.
I kind of agree, I use to spend a lot of time crafting and selling guns at the bazaar and after a while, you do notice how many shootouts there are at the bazaar. But on the other hand, banning all illegal activities in a given area is an absolutely outrageous idea. People going to shootouts just to pick up guns is a problem, but if you see someone pick up a gun in a shootout just shoot the fucker, they broke 3.4 and deserve to die for it.
Like brikaas said, the academy needs to do more training but not so much how to respond to the situation but more how to aim. Countless times I've seen officers just shoot their whole mag as quickly as possible and hit about 1-2 shots of their 15 round mag, whereas if they took their time and aim a good officer can get 2-3 kills with a single mag. in short, git gud.
(sorry for my outrageous screaming and laughter, its quite cringe)
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lets say your wanted for murder, your in bazaar and cops find you, what are you supposed to do drive away to have a shootout?
if you don't want to die, go, if you are cop and don't expect to get shot/ die then you must be new to perp
Lots of macho wanna be's in a close proximity there are always going to be tension and fights.
The issue isn't the location of shootouts the issue is the gradual breakdown of required process in order to initiate a gunfight with the police.

It used to be you had to avoid them at all costs but now any tom dick or garry can give a half arsed excuse and be fine.
The issue is people not even trying to hide from the police because they wanna flop their dicks around showing how cool they are, they often go to bazaar, when they see a cop they scream and run and then start shooting without knowing if the cops are still after them, which just annoys me for example.
Bazaar is the most retarded place in the city and just a constant breakage of 3.4. People in Bazaar don't react to a shootout and just stand there. Even when the body's are spread around the Bazaar they continue betting and shit as if nothing happened. If you respond as a cop to a Bazaar shootout litterly everyone and their mother will shoot you, regardless if they are involved or not. Cuz KOS cops??

There was this one time where only 3 cops were on duty and 2 of them already died and I responded to Bazaar as tfu with a scar-l. I come there and see a pile of bodys, including the officers and it's just packed with 7 people or so. I scream for them to leave the area immediately and all of them just laughed so I fired like 10 rounds into the floor as every one of them seem to not give a shit but all they did was screech IA complaint. The only one who did roleplay anything was Husky I think. I got into a shootout with some dude 10 sec later, pretty sure i hit some bystander in the process, I died. It would feel incredibly good to pull a mage in that situation ;/
I understand from most replies that bazaar is basically a criminal hideout/hub. But when gunfights breakout, it ends up being aids on both sides. During any gunfight you just see a bunch of dumb fucks standing there in the middle of a gunfight like nothing is going on. I personally have had gunfights in the middle of bazaar as a cop and as all of you could say 'criminal'. It is complete aids. Bazaar gunfights just bring a fuck ton of salt into the OOC chat and then it comes into forums where everyone bitches. People just need to get used to the changes and the police just need to shut the fuck up and leave bazaar and take any suspect back to the PD to conclude an investigation.

@ErmakDimon Having defences or not doesn't really do fuck all in bazaar. Criminals kill a guy and hide in any of their friends shop and just chill there and shit themselves in org chat (Like I do.). They know that the officers cant search every single market stall, and they use all of that to their advantage. Criminals use bazaar for many reasons:

-Easy to hide from police
-Great places to peak and kill people
-In public at most times so no one bothers to raid, giving the criminals an easy drug growing experience
-Guns are always sold there

There could be many more reasons but these are the only reasons you could assume why they chill around bazaar. Realistically and in many TV shows and Movies, markets and these type of shops are used to sell many shady things. They are normally criminal hideouts and this seems like a suitable area for the criminals to mostly be.

About the police in situations located within bazaar. The cops are sometimes the cause of many gunfights, they normally decide to do a 'Whole' investigation in the middle of bazaar in view of their suspects friends. I suggest like @Slayerduck suggested on PLPD.online that officers conclude and do the rest of their 'investigations' at the PD. This keeps information private from the suspects friends causing them to do fuck all. This avoids gunfights and deaths of many people. It saves lives, your life that you Value.

Then these officers (like i do sometimes, if not all the time) decide to take it to the OOC chat. This is where the shit hits the fan and causes hatred between others. Then these criminals tend to reply 'You don't loose anything, so why complain?' The officers do honestly loose something and that is their Life. That is a high value thing. Its more important then a gun and 4 pots off narcotics. So it isn't just criminals that loose the most. Sometimes people don't give a shit as a cop and run into shootouts like headless chickens. Their lives also matter. Like anyone's life on the server. We also have those idiots that decide to shout '10 toes' when being arrested for a small sentence of about 5 years that causes the confusion and gunfights.

In all honesty it isn't bazaar that is shit, it is just the idiots that populate the area that are shit and it isn't always the criminals that decide to start a gunfight, its an officers incompetence to keep high priority information classified from individuals that causes most shootouts. We all just need to get used to this shit and just carry on with it instead of bitching about. If someone breaks a rule, fine, but that's why you have the F6 function and the Action requests section on forums.

Some may disagree and that is fine, just leave what you think in the comments.

i go there, mug 3 people, come back 60 minutes and mug more

at least i did until i was banned but bz is cool place

also shootouts are fun there
Would be nice to have some kind of a safezone where any criminal activity would be disallowed. It would actually make it a real bazaar then : )
Having places where criminal activity is prevented by so called 'Aliens' is a bit unrealistic isn't it?
Never seen such things exist
Aka you broke NLR or you are lying if you cant handle the bazaar stay out of it or dont do illegal stuff there on your own...

No, i wait out NLR, the previous shootout dies down. And then the next shootout is over something different.
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