Do you enjoy 128 slots?

Do you like 128 slots?

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Metagaming in discord with the boys
I've been kinda either way but imo 128 slots is kinda bad for PvP and RP alike. The server just cannot handle it sometimes from my POV. I am not making this to complain, I just genuinely want to know your opinion on the current slot count.
It's fine for people setting up bazaar shops or whatever, but PvPing is just absolutely awful and unplayable for basically anyone outside of Europe.
what do you mean outside of europe? Its horrible for everyone and anyone in the shootout. I personally don't even think the more players helps with RP or even makes more rp situations. It just causes more problems for everyone involved.
It's fine for people setting up bazaar shops or whatever, but PvPing is just absolutely awful and unplayable for basically anyone outside of Europe.
It's still terrible inside Europe.

I haven't really been on since December after the incident (lol) so my vote shouldn't hold that much weight but 10-13 ticks or whatever it is is really terrible, any kind of gun play is just not enjoyable. I get its better for the community's over all health and getting more players but this also means a higher workload for staff/helpers of new players and other rule breakers. Having lower slots would discourage a quick troll from joining but so would a new player that wants to play so take it as a double edged sword. Although I am glad it's doing this well compared to what it was back in 2018/2019 with barely 20-30 people on peak times.

I would rather take 80 or 90 slots for a higher tickrate and the return of a queue server.
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Endless loop cycle, problem = solution but solution = new problems = demand for revert over change.

Guns too much = Reduce metal price = everyone had rifles = metal price went up again.

Marksmanship too unfair for new players = remove marksmanship = players Believed to be skilled previously die a lot more due to all players having equal stats = said people want marksmanship back.

Map too stale = map revert event = major issues of older maps became relevant again= no one played and demanded map revert ends = back to V4 perpetually until v5.

Make the PD easier to progress within = Everyone who can read and isn’t rdming people can get to Corporal or sergeant easier = the bar fell = Giving corporals more administrative responsibility to justify removing them for being shit easier.

In this case, playercount raises again = More active players than the server can hold at one time = people complaining they cannot even join the server = slots increased = The PD scaling system extends beyond previous capacity allowing for 9 TFU and several officers + Server tickrate having to be reduced to accommodate for server performance = The game performs significantly less optimally than it should = Solution to revert playercount entirely.

As per additions that people want to see reverted, We will perpetually be in an endless loop of reverting and reimplementing and implementing just to revert and revert just to reimplement and reimplement but then revert a month later and revert just to derevert and revert and there in the walls they’re in the walls they’re in the walls they’re in the walls they’re under my skin the bugs they’re inside my eyes
It's still terrible inside Europe.

I haven't really been on since December after the incident (lol) so my vote shouldn't hold that much weight but 10-13 ticks or whatever it is is really terrible, any kind of gun play is just not enjoyable. I get its better for the community's over all health and getting more players but this also means a higher workload for staff/helpers of new players and other rule breakers. Having lower slots would discourage a quick troll from joining but so would a new player that wants to play so take it as a double edged sword. Although I am glad it's doing this well compared to what it was back in 2018/2019 with barely 20-30 people on peak times.

I would rather take 80 or 90 slots for a higher tickrate and the return of a queue server.
Yeah 90 players is completely fine when i started playing it wasn't laggy that bad

its so over bros....

in all seriousness the lag is extremely detrimental to the experience for everyone, not just le toxic crimnoobs. its very frustrating to play a laggy game no matter what you are doing whether you are trying to set up a bazaar shop, drive above 50mph or shoot people. maybe quality > quantity should be considered by people, especially those who think there is more roleplay going on with the server at 128 players. the unfortunate reality is that as long as the server is being filled, there's no reason for player slots to change as far as the big dawgs are concerned.

if you disagree with what I said or think I am incorrect or mistaken please reply and learn me why!!! don't just rate disagree and gg.
View attachment 17627

its so over bros....

in all seriousness the lag is extremely detrimental to the experience for everyone, not just le toxic crimnoobs. its very frustrating to play a laggy game no matter what you are doing whether you are trying to set up a bazaar shop, drive above 50mph or shoot people. maybe quality > quantity should be considered by people, especially those who think there is more roleplay going on with the server at 128 players. the unfortunate reality is that as long as the server is being filled, there's no reason for player slots to change as far as the big dawgs are concerned.

if you disagree with what I said or think I am incorrect or mistaken please reply and learn me why!!! don't just rate disagree and gg.
From deep thought about the topic, despite often complaining about the hit registration issues gaslighting me into becoming a servant of the rat god in my walls, Overall is minuscule compared to the other downsides of lowering it.

The PVP aspect is heavily bought up when arguing against the server slots being so high. From what I’ve seen in reports, a huge portion of the new players actually hate this aspect of the server as it is obstructing their daily activity and no one wants to sit on a curb for 20 minutes waiting for a shootout to end.

The upper management obviously don‘t want to prioritise the need Player vs Player interactions and the people who play to do nothing but shoot other players in some way, shape or form over everyone else, including paying donators looking to generally make the most of their VIP subscription by playing as much as they can. It’s pretty open that the community managers are praising players who are building fun areas for other players to go ahead and enjoy as a public space, and that players who do nothing but PVP are more heavily scrutinised in reports.

What we need to consider is for how long the server has tried to breakaway from being almost solely a PVP server and if hitreg is going to really gravitate as a reason for wanting less player slots, Especially how aggressive and obstructive it has become in terms of people shooting people without warning. New players doing their “buy a house” mission are being gunned down on entry to the apartment completely unaware, and reasonably so, that they’re breaking server rules by entering the shootout. A shootout at bazaar halts crafting and players buying things as well as turns a clear pathway into a hazard they aren’t allowed to cross.

An issue I will elaborate upon in great detail right now is one that the majority of new players who found themselves into shootouts and wound up dead all believe the pvp aspect of the server in its current warzone form is a deterrent to wanting to play here. In general a PVP situation restricts access to that part of the map, which is especially prevalent as the majority of these situations occur in bazaar, apartment blocks, and other areas where a significant portion of player activities are halted for what could be up to 20 minutes at a time in some apartments. The meta is to pick apartments to base in over houses because the apartments are miles easier to defend than houses. A shootout at the wood cabins doesnt really ruin anyone else’s experience.

And consider this, players who are spending the better portion of their playtime turning a sizeable portion of the city scape into a high intensity warzone begging for United Nations military intervention; Beyond an enjoyable shooting game experience akin maybe to a casual match of CS for the few players who are allowed to, by rules, get involved, what benefit does it really bring? I’ve built and partaken in passive RP structures at bazaar just for all of us to have to submit to a godstick enforced mandatory evacuation of the area because someone with an arrest warrant didn’t let said warrant deter them from partaking in the daily stand around bazaar with no real intention world championship.

The undisputed fact is the playercount has not killed PVP at all and shootouts still occur regularly, more than enough for players to enjoy themselves, and certainly enough for players to have their gaming session interrupted by them.

Obviously I enjoy partaking and regularly start said shootouts. I never was going to imply this behaviour is, in general problematic. A large scale shootout is a Roleplay event. Key word is event. The issue arises when it no longer becomes an event but an hourly guarantee. Shootouts constantly breaking out, even over a simple verbal threat, gets old, and people get bored of deciding that they’re going to let it ruin their day. Spending the majority of your playtime as a passive RPer stood on a curb twiddling my thumbs waiting for people to finish killing one another just to take a pot luck guess to see if it’s even over doesn't make for an enjoyable experience in general.

Lowering the playercount, whilst i personally would enjoy having more shots register, would solely to be to ponder for that aspect of the server and nothing else. Maybe to make driving smoother? I’ve only had like 2 lag related crashes lately.

Bearing in mind that the server is regularly full, and this is already with the 128 player slots an obstructive issue. Lowering the count would guarantee the server is consistently full. Furthermore, due to training and recruitment within the PD being carried out on the live server, I have a prevalent issue of not being able to attend said sessions because I didn’t join the server 2 hours ago.

As I previously highlighted, the problem with our solution could mean that we’ll find ourselves a few months later claiming that there was a problem with our solution and that the solution to our new problem was the problem we had before. The problem with our solution is it will create an obvious problem where the solution is to go back entirely on this and make this effort mundane.

Tl;dr: PVP isn’t likely to ever be seen as a reason to want to lower playercount by both new players and upper management and playercount probably won’t be reduced solely to cater for the PvP aspect of the game mode when a huge portion, the majority potentially, of new players already disagree with the fact that they shouldn’t be allowed to enter their homes or access shops, NPCs and other methods of shopping and travel because people started raiding, and that said players shouldn’t shoot them when they clearly and obviously won’t be a threat to them.

The problem with your solution is the problem that called for the solution creates a problem in which the initial problem will be the only solution and wasting time yoyoing between both states would be a complete inevitability.