Double J's Helper Application

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Manchester, England
I think the reason many people are disagreeing with wanting you to be a helper is that you aren't as approachable as you think you are nor as helpful.

I see that some people @BigBenji,@DANIEL_,@ICEKILLER_99 have rated the post, disagree. Could you both explain why you have come to decide on this rating?
Feedback is really useful, so It would be nice for you to leave some here.

The above quote, to you. You probably think that 'Ah yes, I'm doing this for some feedback' but to others, it's as if you are calling them out and drawing them for a response in public. A way you should've responded to this, that I think would've been more appropriate rather than doing it all so publicly is just send them a PM or even steam message them if you have them on steam.

Furthermore, you seem very defensive whenever someone offers simple criticism. I feel like you aren't able to take criticism and move on from it, irregardless of the way you attempt to.

@Jack P Clearly you misunderstood lol. The Public Forum was the PD Q&A Session with Chiefs ETC

The response above is not the sort of response you would want from a helper, especially if you are saying the person is misunderstood.

I think you are a great person, and certainly in the future would be able to be a great helper however for now, you should work on the way you conduct yourself, on the forums and in-game. When people respond with their views on you, you shouldn't just respond 'Just to note this person hasn't been on for a while' or anything of the sort. If you think you have changed, you can easily just say 'I used to be like this, however I've matured and am a lot better now' or something along those lines. I just think you need to work on being a lot more respectful to the general public and appeal to them (this does include making jokes etc and not seem almost robotic).
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regals 6
I have known Double J for ages, he is a great guy and I have nothing against you.
From my experiences in another community he was fair and could take a joke, don't know what has changed but I give him my +1
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