Downsizing TFU

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Main Idea: Downsizing TFU Slots

Full description of the idea: To lower the slots of how many heavy gear tfu can be in duty at one time. Back in 2015 and probably even before that, there was only 2 SWAT slots and a maximum 4 if a mayor had decided to set it to that.

Why should it be added?: This should be added because it's been nearly 48 hours and the server is chaos throughout the whole day mainly because of the high amount of TFU that are always on duty. I believe there is extreme balancing issues that are occurring due to the fact that there can be like 5 TFU in HEAVY GEAR at one time and it is slowly becoming impossible to win in a shootout when there is 5 TFU with barely any kind of scaling besides general PD slots.

Pros: More Balance in shootouts
Proper reversion to pre-whitelist

Cons: Jay Hatch can't be TFU
People will have to wait a little longer to get TFU

*Other additions: Implement a small questionnaire just like officer so we can weed out people like @LP7K
@John Daymon how would that be too much when everyone wanted the PD like it was in 2015 and before tf
@Aquaa I fixed his system. We make the spreadsheet into a PLPD website and appoint people to high ranks to manage it :)
I just feel this is over the top, it's much easier if there's a slot you can go TFU but waiting for your week to come around is just boring as one week you can play TFU then the next few weeks you can't.
@LP7K My reason was because you’re a mingy retard just because you know you’re gonna fail tfu and there is no policies atm. My whole point was that u were being mingy asf and yes i proved that today and yesterday when you ran me over for no reason :) care to make urself look even more dumb ?
This also makes it feel more of a chore than it already is and needs to be
chaos is the word here 6 tfu zerg is wayy too op i was tfu today for like 3 hours and it was a rain of flashbangs and mass push zergs



Being TFU shouldn’t be some Jury-duty thing. We can’t just implement a drafting system.
So how would you staff this then, to stop people spraying a full mag into the wall to cop bait.
tbh before this trial, there could be 6 tfu on duty cus it scales with the amount of cop slots. Not how many people are on duty, but the actual slots.
@Ayjay What i mean is that yesterday we had several people spraying a whole mag into the wall, to essentially to get raided by cops, they got what they wanted, and they lost. They call TFU being aids with 6 of them, yet they are the ones causing the aids that TFU has to respond to.
@Daft Punk what did I do to deserve getting kill ejected out of my car for running over an officer who was in the middle of the road at bazaar
@Daft Punk I agree that some players are retarded, staff should be dealing with these people accordingly. I wouldn't say that having an overpowered group of 6 individuals in the PD is necessarily the best remedy for people blatantly breaking the rules. How about our staff members actually do their job?
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