Dumb rejected petitions on Parliament petitions website.

Wait I have some unhinged ones from Slovenia
"Izpit is slovenskega jezika pogoj za pridobitev vize" Translation: "Language exam as a requirement for visa". The kicker is that the title is gramatically incorrect.
"Omejevanje lajanja psov" Translation: "Limit dog barking"
"Obvezen s.p za vse polnoletne državljane" Translation: "Mandatory self-employed status for all adults"
"Obdavčitev kolesarjev" Translation: "Taxing bicyclists"
"Ukinitev gotovine" Translation: "Stopping the use of physical money"
"Ukinitev pokojnin" Translation: "Remove pensions"
"prepoved sekte veganov v Sloveniji" Translation: "Ban Vegan cults"
"Prepoved splava in kontracepcije" Translation: "Ban all forms of abortions and all contraception"
"Revizija otroških ljudskih pesmi" Translation (roughly): "Force kids to revise folk songs"
"omejen nakup hrane za debele ljudi" Translation: "Limit purchases of fat people"
wtf happened in 2021?
There was a shooting done by a guy who should have lost his gun license due to a criminal assault charge but got it given back to him as well as his gun because he partook in a path finder programme to avoid real criminal charge. His mother (the first victim) told police not to return his firearm due to his declining mental health however they ignored her.
There was a shooting done by a guy who should have lost his gun license due to a criminal assault charge but got it given back to him as well as his gun because he partook in a path finder programme to avoid real criminal charge. His mother (the first victim) told police not to return his firearm due to his declining mental health however they ignored her.
ofc its British police, jokes aside, that's really tragic