Employee Satisfaction Survey - Q2 2023 Responses

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Paralake City
Employee Satisfaction Survey 2023 Q2 Responses

Paralake Police Department


This quarter's Employee Satisfaction Survey is now closed, a total of 39 responses were submitted and gave us a wide range of opinions and feedback. We would like to thank everyone who submitted a response for taking the time to do so, here are some of the feedback given to us and our thoughts about them.

Names may have been removed, but responses have not been edited in any other way. Spelling and grammar is exactly the same as how responses have been submitted.

Some additional commentary has been added by the Deputy Chief of Department to some responses. All pieces of feedback have been reviewed and made available to the command teams.

Forms response chart. Question title: What rank do you hold?. Number of responses: 39 responses.

How likely are you to recommend joining PLPD to a friend or new player?
Forms response chart. Question title: How likely are you to recommend joining PLPD to a friend or new player?. Number of responses: 39 responses.

  • It is fun but the risk of getting penaltys for doing something minor is really high.
    • Typically, minor forms of misconduct result in lesser penalties. IA complaint outcomes are decided through a committee (the Complaints Committee) to ensure disciplinary action is reasonable.
  • kinda hard for new players
  • Clear improvements since last quarter
  • its pretty fun but you die so often as a pistol cop
  • It can be very fun but it's just not for some people. Especially not for those who cant do things while in a tense situation or in stressful situations.

In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work.
Forms response chart. Question title: In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work.. Number of responses: 37 responses.

  • You will either get a degrade than a compliment about your good work.
  • I haven't received official commendation or recognition for anything out of the ordinary. Occasionally a higher up or similar rank officer will just say something akin to "good job."
  • i only do because im starting to recieve observation reports as im trying to apply to be rtu and a senior officer, but theyre hard to find people who are willing to do them
  • i havent been super active recently thats on my part but i have in the past it is a very supporting community
  • Praise is only given to command members via medals. When do you ever see low ranks recieving awards?
    • The Officer of the Month award, is issued monthly and is specifically targeted towards low ranking officers. Additionally awards have been issued following performance in campaigns run by command teams. In previous announcements, I have also encouraged people to get in touch with me if they know of anyone deserving of an award. I have not received a single message regarding this.
  • I am shit at the job
  • Im banned...

I have the materials such as guides, policies and procedures to do my job well.
Forms response chart. Question title: I have the materials such as guides, policies and procedures to do my job well.. Number of responses: 39 responses.

  • Its all there!
  • No need to go in detail, we have all the resources we might need and all of them are top notch.
  • A lot of resources contain information, though, quite a bit is missing from it and/is or outdated.
  • Some things can be difficult to find, there are also some contradictions in documents
    • I agree that some policies can be difficult to find, especially if you’re not familiar with the structure of the department. This is something I will be working on improving in the near future.

Supervisors provide me with the support I need to complete my work.
Forms response chart. Question title: Supervisors provide me with the support I need to complete my work.. Number of responses: 38 responses.

  • Supervisor response time can be very slow at even quiet times
    • Please inform command teams if supervisors are not responding when they are available. Do appreciate, however, that just because it appears that there isn’t anything going on, it doesn’t mean that supervisors aren’t already busy dealing with something and may have their radio muted.
  • For sure, the supervisors are a helpful tool and always have been, especially since I got Corporal.
  • Whenever I went to a supervisor, they've always took the time to properly explain me things, whenever needed.
  • no i rarely communicate with them unless theyre doing an OR for me
  • It depends, sometimes they are unavailable and other times they are. I'll put 5 as I feel its average in response

Help is available from the PLPD when I have a problem.
Forms response chart. Question title: Help is available from the PLPD when I have a problem.. Number of responses: 37 responses.

  • Very often when i message someone they do not respond on plpd.online neither on discord
    • It is unfortunate that this has been your experience. Typically, helpdesk tickets are responded to within a couple of days and line managers monitor response times to ensure they are adequate.
  • There's always someone to ask questions
  • Everyone responds pretty quickly.
  • Depends on where. When I reach out on discord and forums, I generally have better responses but if its in game, Good luck trying to get a response
  • Because every member of PLPD want to help other members of PLPD

Are you proud to be a member of the PLPD?
Forms response chart. Question title: Are you proud to be a member of the PLPD?. Number of responses: 39 responses.

  • Some stigma within civis from more "trigger happy" officers
    • This is one of the reasons that we have been looking to improve the standards of especially new Officers. Most notably, a new and expanded Officer application has recently been released.
  • Hell yeah. It's fun and an enjoyable experience.
  • i die to often and nobody really cares about it
  • Maybe I am shit at the job But i still like doing my job we get paid enough but becoming a command member to command others is passion its like I just can't achieve that
  • Yes, except from my hours on GMOD, those hurt…
    • Yeah…

My opinions seem to count.
Forms response chart. Question title: My opinions seem to count.. Number of responses: 37 responses.

  • I mean, we have this survey with clear improvements
  • I've many times made very good suggestions on how to improve the PD, though felt on deaf ears.
  • I think surveys have some merit.
  • unless you are high up u are kind of seen as nothing of an opinion.
  • If I come with an opinion on something I do feel like I am being listened to.

What’s the best thing that has happened to you in the PLPD these past 3 months?

  • Got Major.
  • Promotions
  • corporal
  • Being promoted to LT
  • RTT
  • becoming a SGT
  • promotion to cpt
  • Definitely the focus on getting ors. Very helpful
  • Promotion, accepted to RTU, passed TFU stage 2, met some great people such as Orson, Terrence, Jordan and etc.
  • Learning from more senior officers on topics i was confused/unsure about.
  • Friendships made in there,.
  • winning 1 mil on the casino wheel while on duty
  • Most enjoyable thing has been getting TFU
  • I met some great people.
  • i have made many friends and it has always been a pleasure to be apart of, they have fun and active communites and silly little unplanned events out of random.
  • The best thing I experienced as PLPD was the TFU training. I know that sounds weird, but for me, these training sessions actually help me a lot and it gave me an opportunity to test where I am at.
  • Becoming friends with so many officers and being on great terms with them all.
  • Being appreciated by multiple officers for my dispatch work.
  • Relaunching a new supervised patrol scheme with Dom and Tyler
  • I was promoted to Senior Officer.
  • Nothing happened like that
  • Probably me going from PO to TFU, that is realy sick.
  • Not getting demoted
  • rtu tfu application acceptance
  • I have improved my driving skills and shooting
  • patroling with Goonsberg, Bogdan and john (deputy cheif of police)

Most days I receive feedback from my Supervisors and coworkers about my performance.
Forms response chart. Question title: Most days I receive feedback from my Supervisors and coworkers about my performance.. Number of responses: 38 responses.

  • Well mostly supervisors give feedback, not other coworkers.
  • Unless it's an OR then i rarely get told about my performance during my service.
  • I've barely received feedback from other officers on how to do better, or do things, even in the very beginning when I started out.
  • Hard to say as when im on duty im usually the highest rank
  • most people kinda do there own thing unless looking for an OR
  • Barely. I don't know if some ORs count, but I've never received anything feedback wise unless it was in tests and even then I feel some of the feedback didn't help.
  • Its very rare but i would really want to get feedback to make myself better
  • they tend to keep opinios for themselfs

If you had a magic wand, what's the one thing you would change about PLPD?
  • Make RTU a secondary division so Patrol becomes the only primary.
    • This idea is currently being discussed but nothing set in stone yet due to the development requirements.
  • Downgrade the IA concept. I think it is much better to just talk to people who are commited a misconduct instead of throwing out reprimands like it is nothing.
    • Unfortunately, it has been our experience that people don’t take much note of more informal warnings nor can we record these to track repeat offenders. If you feel that any form of disciplinary action is too harsh, I would recommend making an appeal to the Professional Standards Department through the helpdesk.
  • Increase command pay. One month of work, training sessions, marking, discipline and monitoring for only 150k
    • The monthly bonus pay amount is not set by us. If you think this should be increased, please make a suggestion on the forums.
  • training system
  • Application responses be answered sooner
  • Better guidance for new officers just joining the department
  • how lower level cops are treated. they are seen as "just pistol cops". often get pushed to the side and left out of higher end situations and then they complain that they dont have backup and often get yelled at for this,
  • Increased pay :)
  • Allow dispatchers to select multiple units at the same time when assigning units to an incident.

Is there anything else on your mind which you'd like to tell us?
  • Make this survey more casual and roleplay oriented. What does it mean to be "proud" to rp as a cop? What kind of question is this? The survey is OOC.
  • The applications take far to long to just get a response along the lines of "read the policies".
  • i just want to help change PLPD. i needed to get better (irl) so i took time off. now im back i want to help get PLPD to a good point with new officers
How would you rate the Operational Services command team?
Forms response chart. Question title: How would you rate the Operational Services command team?. Number of responses: 34 responses.

Total score:287 Average:8.2
  • The current Operational Services are doing a great job, so I assume the command team is doing a good job along with that.
  • I think Sean has done a fantastic job. He understands the issues from my experience though I barely see him on duty. He judges fairly so far and I hope he keeps it up
    • I’m very happy to hear that you have had positive interactions with Sean (Head of Operations Services). Sean is currently exceeding the command activity requirements by a considerable amount, please remember that every member of the department has other obligations that mean they can’t spend every waking moment on duty.
  • They should stop being so damn good at their jobs. Never been prouder to be an OS member and wish we had these command members when I began work as trainers.
  • I feel like the tickets i make, quickyl gets approved and taken care of

How would you rate the Patrol command team?
Forms response chart. Question title: How would you rate the Patrol command team?. Number of responses: 36 responses.

Total score:258 Average:7.2
  • The Patrol command team in my opinion is great, even though I am a RTU officer, patrol command is doing an amazing job.
  • they can be abit too strict on lower level cops again,
    • When you are on duty as an officer, you are put in a position of power which can be used to negatively impact a large number of people. Especially with the large number of new players, we have had to work to mitigate the impact of this. The new Officer application, while it has been made more difficult (by the addition of new questions), is still passed by new applicants several times a day. If you think that any specific punishment is too harsh, I would recommend sending a helpdesk ticket to Professional Standards to appeal.
  • I think they generally do good, but my biggest complaint is that a lot of them in my experience aren't able to do ORs with me. I understand there are time constraints and such, but its a pain not being able to learn under them or show them my skills.
    • I appreciate that gathering ORs can be difficult, especially in certain time zones. If you are repeatedly struggling to get ORs, I would advise contacting your command team who will be able to either advise further or organise an OR for you.
  • Patrol has very little incentive to remain in the division.
  • They got what they’re given and do a great job with what they have.

How would you rate the Road Traffic Unit command team?
Forms response chart. Question title: How would you rate the Road Traffic Unit command team?. Number of responses: 36 responses.

Total score:297 Average:8.3
  • These guys were here whenever I needed help and I really appreciate it, I hope they continue it like this, especially since Sidd became RTU head.
  • not really command but all the rtu officers ive talked to seem pretty fun and chill
  • They’re proactive and good
  • Make a curse to makeRTU's better at driving some times they even kill people on highway (from my observations)
    • If you witness RTOs diving poorly, please get in contact with Traffic Command so they can enact their internal quality control policies. Additionally, you can always make an IA complaint against any officer, should you feel it necessary.

How would you rate the Tactical Firearms Unit command team?
Forms response chart. Question title: How would you rate the Tactical Firearms Unit command team?. Number of responses: 34 responses.

Total score:258 Average:8.3
  • Great effort, you don't see TFOs that play around that often which is great, but the only con is the recruiting system takes long, as mentioned previously, but I understand it since there's a flood of recruits.
  • Good but why activity requirement of 4 hours lower that to 2
    • Following some miscommunication regarding the new TFU activity policy, the activity requirement has been set to 2 hours per calendar month.
  • they need to lower their voice abit..but they are all amazing at their job
  • Good training, i would like if the questions were more yes no or if it was easier to answer, rather than writing a whole book for getting tfu in the application. I believe that the team is great though!
    • Due to the responsibilities of TFOs, one of the command team’s biggest tasks is quality control within the division. A rigorous application process is one way that they manage this. The application itself is not as long as it used to be following multiple reviews to improve the application experience. If you have any specific pieces of feedback, please create a helpdesk ticket to the Tactical Firearms Unit where further discussion can take place.
  • high standards. great people. know what to do. gave me great cover in a firefight to pull a TFU officer out of a firefight. somewhere i aim to be.

How would you rate the Administrative Services command team?
Forms response chart. Question title: How would you rate the Professional Standards command team?. Number of responses: 34 responses.

Total score:277 Average:8.1
  • never talked to them
  • In my experience, they are one of the best departments. Every issue, IA or complaint I had they took care of it very well. I never felt that they were biased whatsoever! The only suggestion I have I guess is to streamline things on duty rather on website as some situations are better assessed on duty. But I feel like I am stretching a little.
    • Unfortunately, moving tasks from PLPD.online to in game requires development time which could be better used elsewhere.
  • They responded to my ticket quickly
  • Not the most present and people who aren’t on the inside don’t know who they are

How would you rate the Dispatch command team?
Forms response chart. Question title: How would you rate the Dispatch command team?. Number of responses: 35 responses.

Total score:214 Average:6.1
  • Never seen them on duty
  • In general they are less effective than if one weren't on duty, that's not to say they are not good, far from it they can be they just have to be more affimative, give orders, demand updates and information. If a dispatch member comes on duty and doesn't assert control over the comms then they are in general just another voice on the radio and at best slightly helpful and at worst more confusing.
  • Encourage Officers to go on Dispatch. Get more involved in the PD.
    • Recently, Dispatch Command ran a campaign to encourage more Dispatchers to go on duty.
  • dispatch always make things easier and are so useful to work with

How would you rate the Internal Affairs command team?
Forms response chart. Question title: How would you rate the Internal Affairs command team?. Number of responses: 36 responses.

Total score:283 Average:7.9
  • I filed only one complaint and it's been dealt with in a swift and quick manner so I assume the command team is doing amazing.
  • could use faster responses for certain situations
  • Again being more active and visible would benefit them greatly.
  • ia investigations are not clear and evidence should always be presented after

How would you rate the Office of the Chiefs of Department command team?
Forms response chart. Question title: How would you rate the Office of the Chiefs of Department command team?. Number of responses: 37 responses.

Total score:304 Average:8.2
  • Would be nice to see them more.
    • There are only two of us! Both the Chiefs have maintained above average (compared to other command members) when not on official leave. As I touched on in a previous response, we both have other things to do so it is not feasible for either of us to be on duty more than we already are (which has typically been around 20 hours per month).
  • Actively pistening to feedback and clearly acting!
  • I like how the department is run, so big grats to the Chiefs, I love how they pick officers of the month, and especially that they give it to people that deserve it.
  • They seem to be able to do a good job when it comes to roleplaying and being the last to deal with any issues when it comes to appeals or similar. Both very competent, AwesomeGamersHeadQuarters is fun to patrol with.

How would you rate the Human Resources command team?
Forms response chart. Question title: How would you rate the Human Resources command team?. Number of responses: 36 responses.

Total score:286 Average:7.9
  • I like those surveys to let the command teams know whats going on with the officers and how they think about some things.
    • Indeed, the ESS is one of the best ways that you can give feedback to the department, anonymously if you so choose.
  • I don't know anything about the HR team and I haven't had any experiences with them
  • Somewhat good, weird survey questions.
  • Quick response and always seem to help

How would you rate the Development Services command team?
Forms response chart. Question title: How would you rate the Development Services command team. Number of responses: 33 responses.

Total score:237 Average:7.2
  • N/A, I don't know much about development services.
  • never even heard of them let alone interacted with them
    • While McGlinchy is currently Head of Development Services and mainly focuses on PLPD.online, we do have a number of other developers who all have their own areas of work. These include Sindarin, TinySlayer (Quartermaster), and Muffin (Deputy Quartermaster).
  • Good work
  • I think they do a good enough job. There are some weird glitches here and there but that's about it on my end
    • While PLPD.online can be a little strange at times (with the best experience on a desktop/laptop rather than a mobile device), if you do come across any bugs or glitches, please report them so they can be investigated.