Employee Satisfaction Survey - Q4 2023 Responses

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Reaction score
Paralake City

This quarter's Employee Satisfaction Survey is now closed, a total of 32 responses were submitted and gave us a wide range of opinions and feedback. We would like to thank everyone who submitted a response for taking the time to do so, here are some of the feedback given to us and our thoughts about them.

Names may have been removed, but responses have not been edited in any other way. Spelling and grammar is exactly the same as how responses have been submitted.

Some additional commentary has been added by the Deputy Chief of Department to some responses. All pieces of feedback have been reviewed and made available to the command teams.

Forms response chart. Question title: What rank do you hold?. Number of responses: 32 responses.

How likely are you to recommend joining PLPD to a friend or new player?
Forms response chart. Question title: How likely are you to recommend joining PLPD to a friend or new player?. Number of responses: 32 responses.

  • I feel like the plpd is a fun and exciting job.
  • PD command feels more stricter than when I started.
  • Because the PLPD is one of the most fun in RP that you can have in Perp
  • Not enough attention to newer players learning and trying to rank up within the department.
  • I'll give it a 5 because I seem like everytime a friend of mine or a new player first starts no one wants to help them with things and to teach about the laws and policys.
  • Its a great place to learn
  • Being an officer at times may be a stressful experience but in the end it is really rewarding. I have recommended joining the department to a couple of friends which ended up joining the force.
  • If they're the type to take it at least a bit seriously then I'd have no issue recommending the PD to them!
  • It's pretty fun

In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work.
Forms response chart. Question title: In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work.. Number of responses: 31 responses.

  • I have gotten a lot of compliments after situations for good work so I feel like a lot of people have improved on this. Another thing is I have gotten or’s for good work which inspires me to go for a higher rank.
  • Got an OR right after getting CPL and also people have been congratulating me and telling me that I deserve it.
  • There's some parts from command members say I'm doing a good job. Sometimes I get told from other say I'm not doing good as an officer.
  • Aside from officer of the month, there isn't much reward for good performance for non command members.
  • I’m never told i’ve done something good or right, people only tell me the negatives.
  • I work very proactively with a number of my colleagues and my Commanding Officer especially is always very supportive and always gives us a pat on the back for good work.

I have the materials such as guides, policies and procedures to do my job well.
Forms response chart. Question title: I have the materials such as guides, policies and procedures to do my job well.. Number of responses: 32 responses.

  • I feel like the handbooks are easy to understand and can help all officers improve.
  • Everything i need to know is on the PLPD handbook
  • When I became SO I was a bit confused. I did not know what new responsibilities I had, the new equipment nor the new features on my police computer.
  • The guides can range from either helpful or something that'll get you killed on the server.
  • I have the amount of recourses i need.
  • I think all of the aforementioned resources can be ever-developed and shaped to fit the evolving Police Department but I always have what I need to do my job and if I do not then I can create it.

Supervisors provide me with the support I need to complete my work.
Forms response chart. Question title: Supervisors provide me with the support I need to complete my work.. Number of responses: 29 responses.

  • Supervisors tell us what we are doing right or wrong and helps us correct ourselves and become better officers
  • Supervisors if online become available for supervisor calls which is great, but, the lack of opportunities to get ORs or to have feedback on a daily basis without OR sittings are lose to nonexistent
  • when constantly asking for help in gov chat for a OR or further assistance/field training normally there is no response or "too busy"
  • I always try to take supervisor sits when Im not busy and whenever I need help I always ask another supervisor for hes opinion aswell.
  • Instead of punishing you over any minor mistake they explain what you did wrong and how to improve and they are just wonderful people in general which really helps.
  • Shoutout to the cpts and staff sgts here, both ranks have been spectacular the last month

Help is available from the PLPD when I have a problem.
Forms response chart. Question title: Help is available from the PLPD when I have a problem.. Number of responses: 32 responses.

  • Helpdesk and other officers have been a huge help to me throughout my journey
  • In an IA that was filed, it was in my favor based on my tuition to act lawfully, which reflects the understanding of PLPD to tricky situations..
  • There's sometimes I ask for help in the PLPD but mainly the time I do ask for help I get ignored and have to figure stuff out on my own.
  • I could say 50 50. Usually when i ask a question on the dashboard someone answers.
  • Yes you can always ask other officers, but I haven’t used the helpdesk much so I can’t comment on that.
  • It is only sometimes, that sometimes for me is incredibly rare though.

Are you proud to be a member of the PLPD?
Forms response chart. Question title: Are you proud to be a member of the PLPD?. Number of responses: 31 responses.

  • Being a pistol cop makes me feel like cannon fodder, not a officer of the law.
  • I love the PD I main PD and I absolutely love everyone I met on PD and they are amazing friends
  • Yes im very proud to be a part of the PLPD I have very fun moments and everyone always is super chill when we raid etc etc.
  • Im very happy to part of the PLPD comnuity and im usually having a great time both with officers and civilians
  • The PD is regularly demonised by members of the community.
  • Recent events have made my views on PLPD Differ, Do not feel as welcomed!
  • Its ok I guess. Some officers are just rude so we get bad rep, but you can’t blame them. It’s a stressful job and people sometimes get annoying.
  • Undoubtedly.

My opinions seem to count.
Forms response chart. Question title: My opinions seem to count.. Number of responses: 30 responses.

  • we give our opinions and get to choose the outcomes of situations and we get listened to
  • Senior management will easily run you down and many issues has persisted since 2018 despite many feedbacks I’ve seen from others that aligns with mine, throughout the years I’ve been a member.
  • If you mean supervisor sits then its a 10. If its something else then I dont think so.
  • Well this survey is the first time i’m actually expressing my opinion about the PLPD and I really hope my opinion counts here.
  • I am in a position where I have a voice in lots of issues pertaining to my department and I always feel like I am listened to and have a real say.
  • Everyone listened to my advice when we were filming the RTU videos despite me being a nobody in the PD

What’s the best thing that has happened to you in the PLPD these past 3 months?
  • Getting good OR’s and being able to apply for cpr.
  • Passing my stage 2 CPL and getting back in the PD
  • I was denied for my SO application as I had an ongoing IA, which truly bummed me out. I made a helpdesk as I later found out the IA didn’t go anywhere as I expected, but the one who replied was not interested in reviewing the response to my SO application. Axel Keen (something along those lines, CPL) supported me all throughout and reached out to JackFieldings who overturned it all, which I think was a moment I felt grateful for some individuals interest of others.
  • I got CPL and SGT
  • New command members
  • The patrols with other officer's, and the general niceness of other officer(s).
  • Probablly doing good on work such as good spikes on pursuits or doing good in shootouts. Other than that getting along with orher members of the PLPD
  • i am new so the best is i shot a robber
  • It's either becoming an officer for the first time or that promotion to senior officer.
  • Mastering dispatch and starting to do probationary test sessions and teaching
  • I was a Traffic Trainer and enjoyed my position but got removed from it.
  • It absolutely has to be taking on a command role within my primary division.

Most days I receive feedback from my Supervisors and coworkers about my performance.
Forms response chart. Question title: Most days I receive feedback from my Supervisors and coworkers about my performance.. Number of responses: 32 responses.

  • My supervisors are amazing people and they help with everything if we ask for it including other coworkers
  • Never been recognized for my work
  • i do get feedback from supervisors on how improve myself just not people who aren't supervisors.
  • I never get feedback on my performance, apart from OR's.
  • Yes, they always correct you if you’re wrong and are always nice about it.
  • It's less, "wow you did a great job!" and more "wow. these fucking criminals amirite?" I prefer it that way.
  • This is a tough one to answer but I've gone with absolutely because as a team we are critical of each other when needed and that makes for a constructive workplace.

If you had a magic wand, what's the one thing you would change about PLPD?
  • Giving a semi-auto rifle to Sgt+ to use when responding and when no TFU are on
  • Have a strand in the Patrol Management where Lieutenant position and above becomes available to those passionate about patrolling, and not paperwork etc.
  • Give CPL/SGT more equipment gun choices etc.
  • Audi RS4 for TFU
  • How divisions deal with the after affect of there Members/Colleagues receiving infractions.
  • fix up the handbook to have basically all the info cops will need, probably even include relevant parts of the server rules

Is there anything else on your mind which you'd like to tell us?
  • Road spiking taxis would be a good addition to add
  • Hope you have a good day and hope you are heaving the greatest time here on perpheads and the PLPD
  • I feel like divisions are too harsh on there Colleagues after they have received infractions. Instead of giving help and support its more of an additional punishment
  • Please advertise these better, I had no idea this was happening until I heard someone talking about it
How would you rate the Operational Services command team?
Forms response chart. Question title: How would you rate the Operational Services command team?. Number of responses: 27 responses.

Total Score:206 Average:7.6
  • The command team of Operational Services are really good at their jobs and have the perfect people in charge
  • Haven't been able to get a OR by any rank that will include the command team.
  • Sean is a really great person even though he sees me like and idiot or a imature person butbi still pay him respect. That person is one of the nicest people i ever met on PLPD
  • They have nothing to improve.
  • Fine but potentially a bit more on it with OS command members.

How would you rate the Patrol command team?

Forms response chart. Question title: How would you rate the Patrol command team?. Number of responses: 28 responses.

Total Score:193 Average:6.9
  • The patrol command is filled with nice officers
  • They are amaznign people and have helped me through everything Partol and PD related.
  • Haven't been able to get a OR by any rank that will include the command team.
  • I havent hear a lot from Aquaa other than a few announcements but i believe patrol is at a good paste right now and its pretty good
  • They are just wonderful people.
  • Havent seen em as much recently, but when I have they have been fantastic
  • Idk I am not in Patrol but Aquaa is cool

How would you rate the Road Traffic Unit command team?
Forms response chart. Question title: How would you rate the Road Traffic Unit command team?. Number of responses: 28 responses.

Total Score:209 Average:7.5
  • Never really had contact with them but they seem like cool people
  • Haven't been able to get a OR by any rank in the RTU
  • Sidd, another great person as well as the rest of the command team. The Road Traffic Unit Command Team has always had nice and friendly members. Ive always wnjoeyd talking to them and i seemed to have had a really bice time with them!
  • RTU recruitment is regularly done and seems effective
  • I've never seen him in-game. Most inactive command
  • Nothing to improve except the driving of the officers.
  • Sidd is also cool but please give Dave and Flugs Lieutenant thanks

How would you rate the Tactical Firearms Unit command team?
Forms response chart. Question title: How would you rate the Tactical Firearms Unit command team?. Number of responses: 28 responses.

Total Score:216 Average:7.7
  • Good leaders and they train their TFU very well.
  • Again, same thing with RTU. A lot of nice and understandable people and had a great time especially my tfu training
  • big ups benji
  • Can be unprofessional in game
  • They never communicate with pistol officers like me which once resulted in a missfire on an officer by me because of his poor communication, other than that nothing much.

How would you rate the Dispatch command team?
Forms response chart. Question title: How would you rate the Dispatch command team?. Number of responses: 29 responses.

Total Score:231 Average:8.0
  • Amazing dispatchers and senior dispatchers.
  • We love Dispatch, but TBH I haven't seen a Dispatch command member
  • Since we got the new head of dispatch,Swiper, dispatch has improved significantly and im generally Really suprised by this. Keep up the good work!
  • Jord made some phat changes to dispatch and its much better now
  • I love Jordan but my blood pressure rises every time I got kicked out of my unit when changing gear so out of protest I shall rate this command team negatively!

How would you rate the Professional Standards command team?
Forms response chart. Question title: How would you rate the Professional Standards command team?. Number of responses: 24 responses.

Total Score:193 Average:8.0
  • Every officer I have come across has been very professional and they do a lot for the PLPD
  • Idk how to feel about them overall... just things they could do better I guess.
  • Really happy about this division mostly becsuse of A1L. He is really chill and enjoyed talking with him from time to time
  • I'm gonna stop using the shrug emote, but I legitimately do not know who would even be in these groups or their purposes.

How would you rate the Internal Affairs command team?
Forms response chart. Question title: How would you rate the Internal Affairs command team?. Number of responses: 27 responses.

Total Score:218 Average:8.1
  • Amazing leaders and they know how to handle things very well when it comes down to officer conduct
  • Same not too sure how to feel
  • I dont know alot about this but happy with the Internal Affairs system and the work people put into it!
  • i dont know what that is
  • They do their work just as fine as everyone else.

How would you rate the Office of the Chiefs of Department command team?
Forms response chart. Question title: How would you rate the Office of the Chiefs of Department command team?. Number of responses: 26 responses.

Total Score:212 Average:8.2
  • Amazing leaders and they make the PLPD great
  • Same not too sure how to feel
  • If I'm unsure about a things in the PLPD such a Policys I would ask the chiefs questions and they give me an answer and I'm aware of it now.
  • Both Hayden and AwesomeGamersHQ are really nice people and enjoyed spending time with them!
  • They are the best, always an active presence.

How would you rate the Human Resources command team?
Forms response chart. Question title: How would you rate the Human Resources command team?. Number of responses: 27 responses.

Total Score:226 Average:8.4
  • You guys are great, very good people for the PLPD
  • Mallard, another wonderful person to talk to and even though he is at the rank of SO he still keeps posting announcements and I always have a nice feeling when i see that this guy is still among us. Really nice person!
  • Great division with a decent amount of activity.
  • i love you mallard
  • (I have no idea what HR does)

How would you rate the Development Services command team?
Forms response chart. Question title: How would you rate the Development Services command team. Number of responses: 28 responses.

Total Score:233 Average:8.3
  • Keep up the good work devs!
  • I feel that their team is very well suited to run any development plans
  • not too sure how to feel
  • Every single developer have done a great job on the PLPD website and proud to see that they are already making a new one!
  • PLPD online v2 hype
  • Sindarin good plpd man =)
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