[Enforcer] MrLewis122

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IN-GAME NAME: Lewis Doman

AGE: 14 - Birthday (11th July 1999)

COUNTRY: Birmingham, United Kingdom

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:67145457

Just To Say I Had Permission From Alex To Re-Apply


I Believe that i should now be ready for the role of an Enforcer so here it goes...

I Feel that after my last application i have taken all the feedback that i have been given ( Positive or negative ) and i have taken it all into consideration. I Have started writing a lot more in the help chat and helping others OOC, i have also calmed down on the fact that people said that i always screamed OOC things and brought them IC which ruined some RP immersions, i just want to add that if i did this to people then i am sorry. I Have also started reporting nearly every rule breaker i see as i care about other people’s RP situations and i don't want their RP situations destroyed due to other people’s stupid moves.

I Also feel that the way i Roleplay has drastically increased along with my maturity, when people have problems i will go up to them ask what the problem is then i will proceed in whichever way i need to even if that is by getting an admin or just telling them information e.g - SWAT Patrolling. I Have had encounters with many rp’ers and i understand the frustration when someone new or old to the server doesn't know what they are doing, instead of having to call an admin or a moderator to deal with the rulebreakers i would be honoured to do it myself and feel an accomplishment knowing that i have stopped rulebreakers.

I Want to add that i am also a very dedicated PERP player. I Have played 1 week ½ of PERP ( Over 300 Hours as it says that on steam ) and i have enjoyed every moment of it, i begin to learn new and exciting things about PERP everyday and i love being part of one of the nicest community’s out there. As PERP grows so does my knowledge for the rules as seeing new players come to PERP everyday really inspires me to freshen my knowledge of the rules so i can help them whenever i am needed.

I Believe that i have also been alot more active on the forums than before, i Have begun to read and comment(s) on almost anything i see on the forums ( unless i feel it’s not needed ) and can almost always become very engaged in the conversations that happen over them.


FlawlessRoleplay :- This was a server owned by BelgLmfao and Senlingames, i was a moderator on the server and a proud one. It was a serious roleplay server and i had much fun sorting out the rulebreakers that came on and ruined the experience for other’s.

MysticCraft :- A Minecraft server that i owned, it went well for about 2 weeks then got completely screwed up by our server hosting company.


Really quick i want to say that i have 1 VAC ban on MW2 because on my first ever game i joined a hacked lobby then got Perma Banned from mw2 so basically i played 15mins of MW2 then got banned xD
I realise that i have recently been banned on May 13th for 2.1, 3.24 and 6.4. To be honest i know everyone says this but i really regret my actions and i know for a fact i will never receive another ban again (i hope) i just really hope that people can look past all of my warnings and bans and just look for the things that matter e.g - RP, Friendliness.

I Just want to thank a few people for everything they’ve done for me on PERP and how they have helped me up to this point :-

Nuka - Has helped me by allowing me to watch over and participate in minor rule breaker situations as he was an Enforcer, Good friend and always cared for me back in the early days.

Senlin - Has helped me by also letting me cruise around with him whilst he was an Enforcer. I’ve known his for a long time and he’s a true friend.

Chrissy - Has always mocked me and criticized me making me try my hardest not to break 3.24 and or scream OOC things at others.

AyJay - Has helped me with allowing me to Enforce situations with him, Also a good friend

Blomman / FlowerPower - We work well together ;) xD. Good guy and he has always pushed me when Enforcing situations.

Lewis 088 - Has always been a friend but has held it firm when he needs to, Thanks alot man ;).

Moron - Always let me speak in sits to show my understanding of the rules, A Good friend ;)

3Bitz - Has allowed me to engage in situations where he has had to Enforce, a good friend and you can always have a laugh when you’re around him.

Blackdown - Helped me by pulling me in sits and allowing me to tell the people what they had done wrong, this shown my knowledge of the rules. Also a good friend ;)

If i've missed out any others then i do apologize, you all mean something to me so dont worry about it ;) Thanks everyone for reading this post and i hope you’re all reasonable and just with your decisions ;) -Lewis

Skype :- Will only give to trustworthy people
Steam :- odezireemc

Teamspeak :- [PH] MrLewis122
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United Kingdom
+ Support

Lewis is a fantastic player with a great rule knowledge, as he has stated I've let him drive round with me and he handles situations really well - he'd make a great enforcer!
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SenlinGames said:
+ Support

Lewis is a fantastic player with a great rule knowledge, as he has stated I've let him drive round with me and he handles situations really well - he'd make a great enforcer!
Thanks so much man :)


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Naughty Robin, not giving a reason for your supports :(. Baed!
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United States of America
+ Support, said it to many times in other applications. Flawless rule knowledge, amazing Role-play, very nice guy, and would make a great addition to the staff team.
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Where to start...

After watching Lewis for many months I have watched him develop qualities that would greatly benefit him as a staff member so lets go through some of those points.

He can keep calm - Recently I have not seen Lewis get mad in any situation he has been in even when the situation goes against him (Such as losing guns from an rule breaker) He has always kept calm and spoken to the person and tried to help him understand what he has done wrong.

He is very active - This is a good as it shows he is committed to playing on the server and he enjoys it.

He is a very friendly person to be around - I have had many hilarious role playing times with Lewis and this makes him the great person he is.

However It's not all good news here goes the bad stuff.

Sometimes immature - He can often act way to immature in situations and can sometimes not take them seriously (IC such as being arrested) although I do not think this affects him in OOC situations at all.

He does not know the rules fully and has often said to a player that he has broken a certain rule when in fact the players has not broken that rule but a complete different one. (We all had to learn too)

Now do I think that Lewis could make a great staff member? Of course he has proven himself in the past week that he is very capable of the role and at least should be given a chance.

So in conclusion I will give MrLewis122 a + SUPPORT.
Reaction score
LEWIS 088 said:
Where to start...

After watching Lewis for many months I have watched him develop qualities that would greatly benefit him as a staff member so lets go through some of those points.

He can keep calm - Recently I have not seen Lewis get mad in any situation he has been in even when the situation goes against him (Such as losing guns from an rule breaker) He has always kept calm and spoken to the person and tried to help him understand what he has done wrong.

He is very active - This is a good as it shows he is committed to playing on the server and he enjoys it.

He is a very friendly person to be around - I have had many hilarious role playing times with Lewis and this makes him the great person he is.

However It's not all good news here goes the bad stuff.

Sometimes immature - He can often act way to immature in situations and can sometimes not take them seriously (IC such as being arrested) although I do not think this affects him in OOC situations at all.

He does not know the rules fully and has often said to a player that he has broken a certain rule when in fact the players has not broken that rule but a complete different one. (We all had to learn too)

Now do I think that Lewis could make a great staff member? Of course he has proven himself in the past week that he is very capable of the role and at least should be given a chance.

So in conclusion I will give MrLewis122 a + SUPPORT.
Holy moly, if there was any person I wanted to prove myself to it was you man thank you soo much! :-D
Reaction score
Blackdown said:
+ Support, said it to many times in other applications. Flawless rule knowledge, amazing Role-play, very nice guy, and would make a great addition to the staff team.
Thanks a lot bud, means alot coming from you also! ;)


Reaction score
Leeds, England.
Lewis shows great knowledge of the rules and overall is a great player, really active and would be an excellent Enforcer. You have my full support.

Reaction score
AyJay said:
Lewis shows great knowledge of the rules and overall is a great player, really active and would be an excellent Enforcer. You have my full support.

Thanks a bunch man :)
Reaction score
France, Lyon
LEWIS 088 said:
Where to start...

After watching Lewis for many months I have watched him develop qualities that would greatly benefit him as a staff member so lets go through some of those points.

He can keep calm - Recently I have not seen Lewis get mad in any situation he has been in even when the situation goes against him (Such as losing guns from an rule breaker) He has always kept calm and spoken to the person and tried to help him understand what he has done wrong.

He is very active - This is a good as it shows he is committed to playing on the server and he enjoys it.

He is a very friendly person to be around - I have had many hilarious role playing times with Lewis and this makes him the great person he is.

However It's not all good news here goes the bad stuff.

Sometimes immature - He can often act way to immature in situations and can sometimes not take them seriously (IC such as being arrested) although I do not think this affects him in OOC situations at all.

He does not know the rules fully and has often said to a player that he has broken a certain rule when in fact the players has not broken that rule but a complete different one. (We all had to learn too)

Now do I think that Lewis could make a great staff member? Of course he has proven himself in the past week that he is very capable of the role and at least should be given a chance.

So in conclusion I will give MrLewis122 a + SUPPORT.
As you said before, give him a chance, we can always just demote him if he fucks up badly ;)
Reaction score
LEWIS 088 said:
Where to start...

After watching Lewis for many months I have watched him develop qualities that would greatly benefit him as a staff member so lets go through some of those points.

He can keep calm - Recently I have not seen Lewis get mad in any situation he has been in even when the situation goes against him (Such as losing guns from an rule breaker) He has always kept calm and spoken to the person and tried to help him understand what he has done wrong.

He is very active - This is a good as it shows he is committed to playing on the server and he enjoys it.

He is a very friendly person to be around - I have had many hilarious role playing times with Lewis and this makes him the great person he is.

However It's not all good news here goes the bad stuff.

Sometimes immature - He can often act way to immature in situations and can sometimes not take them seriously (IC such as being arrested) although I do not think this affects him in OOC situations at all.

He does not know the rules fully and has often said to a player that he has broken a certain rule when in fact the players has not broken that rule but a complete different one. (We all had to learn too)

Now do I think that Lewis could make a great staff member? Of course he has proven himself in the past week that he is very capable of the role and at least should be given a chance.

So in conclusion I will give MrLewis122 a + SUPPORT.
Reaction score
France, Lyon
LEWIS 088 said:
Where to start...

After watching Lewis for many months I have watched him develop qualities that would greatly benefit him as a staff member so lets go through some of those points.

He can keep calm - Recently I have not seen Lewis get mad in any situation he has been in even when the situation goes against him (Such as losing guns from an rule breaker) He has always kept calm and spoken to the person and tried to help him understand what he has done wrong.

He is very active - This is a good as it shows he is committed to playing on the server and he enjoys it.

He is a very friendly person to be around - I have had many hilarious role playing times with Lewis and this makes him the great person he is.

However It's not all good news here goes the bad stuff.

Sometimes immature - He can often act way to immature in situations and can sometimes not take them seriously (IC such as being arrested) although I do not think this affects him in OOC situations at all.

He does not know the rules fully and has often said to a player that he has broken a certain rule when in fact the players has not broken that rule but a complete different one. (We all had to learn too)

Now do I think that Lewis could make a great staff member? Of course he has proven himself in the past week that he is very capable of the role and at least should be given a chance.

So in conclusion I will give MrLewis122 a + SUPPORT.
No worries mate :D
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