Discussion Post: https://perpheads.com/threads/exact-playtime.24650/
Main Idea: Have some sort of command/feature where you could view your exact playtime.
Full description of the idea: This command/feature would allow you to view your playtime like staff can where it shows "Month/Week/Day/Hour" kind of thing. This could be a Chat command for example /playtime or something that is just displayed Maybe on the Q menu. This is a feature that could even be activated from the F1 options.
Why should it be added?: I think this should be added as Although it is not necessary or even that big of a feature It would show people how much time they have spent on the server. This would also be pretty good for people with over 1 month playtime as they will see How close they are towards a certain amount of time rather than just seeing the 1 month.
Main Idea: Have some sort of command/feature where you could view your exact playtime.
Full description of the idea: This command/feature would allow you to view your playtime like staff can where it shows "Month/Week/Day/Hour" kind of thing. This could be a Chat command for example /playtime or something that is just displayed Maybe on the Q menu. This is a feature that could even be activated from the F1 options.
Why should it be added?: I think this should be added as Although it is not necessary or even that big of a feature It would show people how much time they have spent on the server. This would also be pretty good for people with over 1 month playtime as they will see How close they are towards a certain amount of time rather than just seeing the 1 month.
- Staff is not needed to check If someone wants to know their exact playtime.
- Save Staff Time
- People don't have to take a guess if they are past Weeks/Months
- Good to know how close you are to a certain amount of time
- Unnecessary
- Waste of developers time
- Would Potentially not get used