Server Suggestion Farmer

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Suggestion Title: Farmer
Suggestion Description: A Civilian way of making money where a person can actually put the ghosttown of a Farm barn or any Hick Town property to good use and buy seeds for Potatoes, Carrots, Cucumber and whatever is possible from an NPC at a shop.

These foods which are yielded will obviously be edible. Lesser hunger value than store bought as it opens avenues for future ideas regarding cooking but that is not the point of this suggestion. The yield also is intended to be sold by the farmer.

The user can plant these down in the ground anywhere like how pumpkin is planted. To check on the status of it's growth you can observe it grow. You will need to buy or craft a watering can which requires 5 plastic. You will fill it up with water tanks or any water source then use it on the planted seed to raise it's water level which will keep it healthy. Naturally the plant will grow and your harvest will rise.


Yield would be based on your attentiveness to the plant.

Best case scenario your plant reaches 100% growth never dropping below 65% water level. Making your yield 2-3 out of one seed.

If the plant dropped below 65% at any point it is inevitably going to yield 1-2 out of one seed.

If the plant was allowed to drop below 50% you will gain only 1 for one seed assuming the plant didn't die already.


While the plant is growing each plant will consume more water depending on it's worth. Let's say Cucumbers are worth 250$ a pop for a cucumber if sold to the gas station clerk meanwhile Potatoes are worth 100$ a pop.

Cucumbers would consume 5% of the water every 20 seconds for each plant exclusively. That would be 1% every 4 seconds so that watering a plant is an active and engaging job.

When a farmer is watering his plants each seed will raise in percentage at 5% every second the user is holding down the watering can over the plant. Therefore the only real concern would be awareness and water provisions for the plants.


Plants will grow based on their worth. If Cucumber is worth more than Potatoes than a potato seed will take 5 minutes, while Cucumbers would take 10 minutes.


Players may plant up to 6 seeds at a time. This means if cucumbers were planted for example which would be 250$ each, that would be 8 x 250 = 2000 per batch.

This is taking in account the no risk passive roleplay setup this job brings compared to weed which has at times yielded 34 grams at it's worst from what I have seen, which would be about $5000. If both were to be done simultaneously, live will be brought to the Farm and Hicktown. No longer is that part of the map just a mugging location and a sweater fest but rather a place for agriculture.

Why should this be added?:
- In-depth passive roleplay
- Involves no priority and is a relaxing activity for all players to enjoy
- Can cooperate with a drug business as both are just plant growth
- Brings life to Hicktown and the Farm
- More stuff for sweaters to do
- Another job that is progressively challenging and engaging
- Intended to not be over-powered
- Opens another avenue of roleplay for more styles of organizations and companies to be made.

What negatives could this have?:
- Probably some numbers may need tweaking and some ideas left out or improved upon even though the idea itself as a whole is in the ball park of something good.
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I'd much prefer gardening be something people do as civilian entirely, as opposed to having it a job.
i apologize if i wasn't clear enough, that is actually the intended purpose of this suggestion. I am not asking for it to be a on duty job like a Courier or a Taxi, I am saying like you are.
In my opinion the server lacks activities that could make you earn money other than fishing, working and growing drugs or trading. Creating a new legal way like gardening would be awesome and in my opinion will make the server more attractive to newcomers, as everytime someone asks "how to earn money" people will respond with "grow drugs".

Farming should be less profitable than drugs, and should have similar gains to what you can earn on a job. The process should be a bit easier than drugs - so new players can quickly understand how to farm, and it will be an entry-level way to earn money.

In general I love the idea, and would love to see it implemented.
This is a great suggestion as it gives people a wider variety of jobs and roles on the server, not just growing drugs. Should earn less money than criminal activity though,
From what's apparent my suggestion a quick calculation of the math, Which I am sure developers have / will look at when reviewing my suggestion, would show that even the highest in-value vegetable which was mentioned here (devs can still decide to name it different; change the payout; etc..) being the cucumber for example if you were to put down 6 seeds and get a lucky 3 yield out of every single one making it 18 cucumbers than you would do another batch and get extremely lucky making it 36 times 36 by $250, That is $9000 for 20 minutes of work compared to $15,600 which is just from weed not counting cocaine or meth.

TLDR / In Conclusion: Drugs are still the best way by far. No need to worry :)

@Poppy Duncan @tymon007
From what's apparent my suggestion a quick calculation of the math, Which I am sure developers have / will look at when reviewing my suggestion, would show that even the highest in-value vegetable which was mentioned here (devs can still decide to name it different; change the payout; etc..) being the cucumber for example if you were to put down 6 seeds and get a lucky 3 yield out of every single one making it 18 cucumbers than you would do another batch and get extremely lucky making it 36 times 36 by $250, That is $9000 for 20 minutes of work compared to $15,600 which is just from weed not counting cocaine or meth.

TLDR / In Conclusion: Drugs are still the best way by far. No need to worry :)

@Poppy Duncan @tymon007
Sounds good to me. Nice suggestion
Your idea is good but you said the forrest and hicktown is currently a mugging place and has nothing more to offer and if this gets added it will even get worse, I already can see the tesla‘s running into farm and stealing tons of potatoes and cucumbers.
There should be a safe place for people to grow their stuff and not have to water their potatoes in fear.
Your idea is good but you said the forrest and hicktown is currently a mugging place and has nothing more to offer and if this gets added it will even get worse, I already can see the tesla‘s running into farm and stealing tons of potatoes and cucumbers.
There should be a safe place for people to grow their stuff and not have to water their potatoes in fear.
Good point, however considering what's already a part of the server and considering the culture of the server. I'd say:

1. there's a considerable amount of people who are well-off that have the decency not to raid/mug a new player harmlessly farming for no reason

2. If said player was to get run up on at Hicktown or Farm the Farmer should know that the financial loss and potential danger of a car pulling up is evident so they'd begin working while armed just in case.

3.This boosts the usefulness of guns, gives criminals more stuff to do than just raiding 2 times and basing for an hour, gives cops more scenes to respond to and opens up the map to more roleplay of all kinds.
Your idea is good but you said the forrest and hicktown is currently a mugging place and has nothing more to offer and if this gets added it will even get worse, I already can see the tesla‘s running into farm and stealing tons of potatoes and cucumbers.
There should be a safe place for people to grow their stuff and not have to water their potatoes in fear.

I think this is a really good point. If you're just as vulnerable to mugging/raiding, why not use a planter box and grow inside where you have a more defensible position. I could very easily see this ending up in someone sniping a lone farmer then stealing all his crops. Frankly, police raids aren't that common, it's almost always police responding to a raid started by other criminals. So the loss in value for the massive tradeoff in security isn't really worth it. I feel that it may necessitate some form of rule or other workaround that would make it so that even if you wanted to steal crops, it wouldn't be so damaging that players would give up on farming.

I'd hate to see a lot of development go to waste because it's just created a less profitable form of drugs that makes you a large target for everyone to mug on the server. Especially with it being out in the open at the farm for example, at high population times you have over 100 people who could choose to mug you. I'm not entirely sure what system should be used for protecting these players, we just adding a "don't mug them" rule is pretty boring gameplay wise, but something to make them able to actually play with a relative degree of safety would be necessary.