Fat AR on PD terrorists

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Sneaky/Jennifer Greenfield
His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
1. Mohammed Al-Mohammed
2. Ahmed Al-Sharif
His/Her SteamID:
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Note: The video is 30 mins long and this story is quite big aswell so im going to make it as short and detailed as possible. alot of the video is just context to show the entire situation therfore ive added timestamps to every situation start-end. you can find these in the plays.TV comments.

1. My partner goes to PD to retreive his barricades, i do some plpd.online stuff.
2. Mohammed Al-Mohammed jumps on my cruiser. he falls off(glitches out)
3. Mohammed Al-Mohammed is injured and blames the driver. we get him a medic and resume our duties
4. We do a traffic stop in subs. Dispatch assigns us the call for the 4th time we have been busy. We then resume our patrol.
5. We get called by dispatch again to get to the PD. We inform him about the bullshit thing and request him to close the incident, we get denied and respond to PD.
6. LT. Sean Claude oatsiour handles a complaint, let two people in the PD without having searched them. complaint has been submitted.
7. Mohammed-Al-Mohammed molotovs the PD in complete chaos.

I believe the players should be punished for 2.1, 2.5 and 3.4 because their actions were completely foolish.
I also disagree with the actions done by other officers and dispatch, who im making a complaint on including another reason irrelevant to this AR.

Evidence (Demo Required):
yes, i did mock dispatch in the video. personal opinion dwi.

Video timestamps:
1. 00:00 | My partner goes to PD to retreive his barricades, i do some plpd.online stuff.
2. 00:00 - 04:12 | Mohammed Al-Mohammed jumps on my cruiser. he falls off(glitches out)
3. 00:00 - 04:12 Mohammed Al-Mohammed is injured and blames the driver. we get him a medic and resume our duties
4. 05:30 - 10:00ish | We do a traffic stop in subs. Dispatch assigns us the call for the 4th time we have been busy. We then resume our patrol.
5. 11:30 - 14:20 |We get called by dispatch again to get to the PD. We inform him about the bullshit thing and request him to close the incident, we get denied and respond to PD.
6. 14:20 - end LT. Sean Claude oatsiour handles a complaint, let two people in the PD without having searched them. complaint has been submitted.
7.14:20 - end | Mohammed-Al-Mohammed molotovs the PD in complete chaos.

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