Firestation alarm

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Fire station alarm

Short explanation:
Add an alarm at the firestation that will sound whenever there's a fire (For example triggered by someone writing /fire in the chat box).

Detailed description:
Instead of being called via radio by the PD or by a medic, I think there should be an alarm which alert the FD that there's a fire in the city. The main reason why i thought this is that i find it very annoying having to listen all the conversation going on the radio, that rarely have something to deal with firefighters. Also it isn't very easy to listen to the radio while you are watching, and try to listening the TV.
(everyone knows that the main job for a firefighter is watching TV :kappa:)

Basically I don't want to hear people talking/screaming on the radio while I'm on relax-time as a firefighter.

Optional additions:
  • Remove the vocal radio for firefighters (this is kinda more then optional: i thought at the alarm as something to replace the radio);
  • Make it so that the alarm sounds only if the person who writes /fire is relatively near to a fire.
  • After /fire you'll have to write your location so that a message will appear on the firefighter's chat box
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+Support I think it should be done differently than a command though, maybe a button or something I don't know. I once tried doing this with a TV by playing a fire alarm sound effect but it wasn't exactly ideal.

The idea of having an alarm sounds amazing! I agree, that the /fire command should only be available, if you're actually near to a fire. Otherwise, i'm pretty sure that the command would be abused for trolling.
+ support. i would also like to see difrent goverment radio channels istead of one for everyone
Matches perfectly with the now existing Dispatcher Job. He just presses a button and a Alarm goes off and the Dispatcher talks to him in the Radio.
Fire alarms in buildings

This is already accepted, read the optional addition


+Support this idea is great and gives a better experience as FF instead of being screamed at down the radio of "FIREFIGHTER GET DOWN NOW"

I also assume you mean an alarm like this?

As the alarm goes as follows (not same as in video like)

<Alarm tone/beeps>
<Alarm announcement>: Foxtrot Sierra Alpha (repeated x2)
<Alarm tone>

Phonetic Name codes
Foxtrot Sierra Alpha = Full Size Appliance (Fire Engines are called Appliances)
Foxtrot Romeo - First Responder

This alarm COULD go with either Phonetic code with whatever vehicle is on duty & inside the FD at the time?

this would carry on until the FF has left the building via the garage door

Sorry to hijack your thread with my addition to your suggestion :)
+Support - Would add an element of surprise to the job. Also add a pole so that me and @Duffy can pole dance.
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Adding to my old post this alarm could be integrated into the dispatch system so that the alarm is triggered by fire crew being assigned an incident, maybe add different levels of danger in incidents for example a low priority callout may not trigger the alarm but a high priority callout would.

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