first time playing

A couple days into the server, first shootout, MAC-11 I acquired with all the money I had, Bazaar, broke out my friend from police custody (7 officers dead @Bnjemann), it was very challenging to start and integrate into the server back then. Now, it's easier and more welcoming for new players, welcome to the server
Hello there and welcome to the community!

The first time everything was literary pink and errors, that was my first time but after looking more into it and buying HL 1 & 2, portal and fixing all needed files (yes back in the day you needed to have those files) I felt overwhelmed. There was so much to take in and people to meet. things to learn and skills to master and it was not always easy but at the end of the day, you always learned something new.

I started out growing drugs like many people before and after me, I was raided many many times and mugged even more, I ran into issues with server regulations and was just enjoying the times as they came. But then when I started to get more involved with the community, by chatting meeting friends and joining organisations my interest in the city quickly grew and it felt like a place that I would make permanent. I quickly started playing as PD and getting my act together to not risk losing what I now had found and got more involved with the police side of things, met the people and had many good interactions and fun scenes throughout my first few years.

The community started to grow and people came, and people left. Many good people left which resulted in my energy dipping a little but, the organisations grew stronger and it was active shoot-outs all of the time. I then in 2019 decided to take a break, focus outside of the city and joined once or twice a month just to keep myself in the loop. After I had gained new energy I came back and all I can say to easily summon my first time in the community and the server. It is a great place with even greater people and there are so many memories to be made and so many laughs to be had.

You will not become a pro overnight but if you give it time, meet people with respect and hear them out there are friends for years to be found here.

Kind regards

Heikki Smith
I joined, got to work as Courier, got rdmed at Subs Jennifer's by two sweaters yelling the n word at me, continued working, got to work on PD and EMS, the rest is history.
I completed the tutorial, got the mini cooper, drove over a couple people, got warned, hopped off for a year and came back actually playing.
I ran over the city bridge and got mugged at the business Jennifer's lol
got into a car thought the guy would be nice instead he brung me to the dead tree at woodcabins and gunpointed me and proceeded to shit talk gotta love the grind
joined, micspammed loud noises, kept setting my name to security guards from fnaf, got forced to become Ryan Lucas. Did this all while metagaming.
Ran around Hicktown with @ENAD and @ssssij
Fished and grew some weed. Minge grabbed Dom Ghandis AS50 from business gas station, stored it in my mini cooper and drove off. 20 minutes later a nefarious black man called "Alfa Ross" appears at my slums 1 base saying that if I don't return the AS50 I will be on the list. Didn't return the AS50 and got molotoved and bombed.

We found a ghost salmon as well that we walked with fists the whole way to Fredy's bakery from Hicktown thinking we'd found some infinite money glitch but we just wasted half an hour.

Then @Max joined and it all went downhill from there. :penguin:
My first memory was being SWAT. Back then it wasn’t a whitelist and just first come first serve.

We were raiding regals and I didn’t know how to breach the door. There wasn’t Community Managers to put in rules around certain words. Safe to say every word was used on me for not knowing how to breach a door.

I can remember feeling incredibly embarrassed and actually going red sat in my room.

But look at me now hey! PERPs top fragger am I right!?