Flat Earth or Spherical Earth

Sphere or Flat

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Im skeptical, I dont trust NASA.

Werhner Von Braun,
The late head of NASA, The NAZI Scientist who built the V2 Rocket during WW2, who instead of being tried for War Crimes, was brought over to the USA.
Upon his death, he requested a single verse to be on his tombstone. Was this his confession?
Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
People often try to discredit scientists on their death beads by saying they made Christian quotes. They did the same for Darwin and pretended on his death bed he denounced evolution and everything
We Triangle Earthers find it offensive, that you haven't added us to the vote. Therefor we ask @Collier politely to demote this fucking nerd, this is completely outrageous and absurd, we demand the respect we deserve. We have an eye on everyone and everything.
Sorry NERDS! But let's see your precious science answer this one!!
Wake up sheeple!