flugs' Helper Application

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Great Britain
Helper Application

Steam Name:


In-game Name:
Wao Chow

Why Do You Want To Be A Helper?:
Anybody who knows me well will know I’ve always wanted to be in the Staff Team and have admired all the Staff and I always will. I have great fun on this server and in my 3-4 years of being here I think it’s finally time for me to start properly giving back to this amazing community. This new rank suits me perfectly as I can dedicate a few hours a day to low-level staffing and the rest to personal life, hobbies, and rp. I have always had a love for helping other people out and this role is absolutely perfect for that love and suits it completely. I would find it very rewarding to finally do some benefit for others and do some good in this community. Recently the criminal side of PERP has become quite boring for me, hence why I’ve thrown myself into the PD and oriented my playstyle around it, which has been very fun for the most part. However cuffing people and reading them their charges is also slowly wearing and I want an actual way to truly help others in a rewarding way and the Staff Team is always a motivating thought for me and I believe this role will be very rewarding for me and a new, exciting adventure.

Why Should We Choose You?
In my previous enforcer application, I listed all of my key qualities that would assist me in my duties - I will however list them again.
  • I have good knowledge of the server rules and laws and ability to enforce them
  • I have lots of experience in staffing and taking on leadership positions
  • I have very good judgment of situations and can make good on the spot decisions
  • I have good mediation skills and I am able to defuse any situation relatively fast
  • I can accept constructive criticism and act on it well
  • I can work well in a team
  • I have great dedication and activity
  • I have lots of confidence and I am able to say what I believe is the right choice to any amount of people
  • I am not biased and I disregard friendships and other relations in administrative situations
  • I have a good mindset towards enforcing rules and a positive attitude in doing so
  • I am very approachable, kind and I treat everyone with respect, regardless of whether I like them or not
  • I am mature and display professionalism in any situation requiring me to act as such
  • I am a laid back person but if necessary I can be strict in order to get my point across
  • I am not perfect and not afraid to ask questions
  • I have experience in both the legal and illegal activities on the server and could offer support for both

I believe none of these qualities about me have changed and in fact I think they have only improved. In the (around a) month since I applied I have really started to experience lots of situations in-depth that I hadn’t before and I think my knowledge of the gamemode and the rules has only improved.

I always want to help out and like I said, it fulfills me to do so. As a way to try and help other people I recently spent quite a bit of time writing a detailed guide for new players, which has been very well received and I’m happy about that and hope it does good for other people. I have also recently joined DS in PLPD to spend time doing something I love for the benefit of others, and am settling well into that role.

This role is such a great alternative to Enforcer and I would really love to be given a chance for lots of the reasons I have listed above. Whilst I haven’t necessarily taken the advice I was given last time, which was to make more ARs, I think most ARs to be made nowadays are very petty and I don’t want that to be how people see me. I will and have made ARs if someone has blatantly broken rules and I have lost items from the situation but honestly, in all the situations I’ve been in recently, I’ve either talked it through with the offender or I have made an F6 and had them explain their intentions and it’s so much more effective than making ARs. I understand my lack of reports doesn’t show any rule knowledge but I am active in help chat and I try my best to show people I know the rules and laws in the way I conduct myself.

Do You Have Any Relevant Experience?:
Playing PERP for 3 years, I have lots of experience in all different situations in PERP and I expressed this experience in the guide. I also have been a Staff Member in many different communities and have a lot of administrative experience behind me.

Also, this point may not be well received; but my recent time I’ve spent in the PD I have been in a lot of situations where I’m dealing with and mediating heated situations and I honestly think it’s been great practice for Staff but if anybody cares to disagree I understand why people don’t like “cop mains” as Staff, even though I’m not one I have just been doing it lately.

Do You Have Anything Else To Say?:
I understand this isn’t as detailed as my first application, but the same amount of thought has gone into it, and honestly; I said everything I needed to last time and I feel like I’d be repeating myself. Words aren’t a great way to express someone’s intentions or other qualities and I fully believe I deserve a chance in this position to prove myself.


In order for your application to be considered you must meet the following requirements: ✅
Your time played on the server must be at least one week (press Q in-game to check this) ✅
No warnings within the last month or bans within the last month, this includes both the forums and the server. ✅
You must have extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws to the extent where you can Enforce them. ✅
You must have access to and use a consistently clear and audible microphone. ✅
You must maintain an active presence on the TeamSpeak Server ✅
Reaction score
+support, great guy and think he has lots of potential in the staff team.
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