Forced ERP/Rape RP

What do you think should be done?

  • It should be banned under all circumstances

    Votes: 17 13.3%
  • It should be banned but only if the other user does not give consent to the roleplay

    Votes: 35 27.3%
  • I don't really care

    Votes: 34 26.6%
  • It shouldn't be banned at all.

    Votes: 31 24.2%
  • I

    Votes: 11 8.6%

  • Total voters
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hey guys i cant handle virtual rape better call the police!!!grow the fuck up its a GAME if you cant handle shit like that then dont play
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*sigh* Okay, so here's the thing. Traumatic experiences do not all equal in severity. I suggest you read up on psychological trauma of feeling like your own body has been stolen from you, while fearing for your life. I don't have the time nor energy to give you a psychology lesson.

Also, in addition to this. As defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, rape is.

unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against a person's will or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent because of mental illness, mental deficiency, intoxication, unconsciousness, or deception

This makes forcing a player to ERP with you against their will, by definition, rape.

It literally doesn't matter. If you're getting traumatic flashbacks you should stop playing the fucking game.
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It doesn't really matter which country the server is in and wether it will be legal or not. I'd say that RapeRP is allowed, but only if everyone involved is okay with it. Forcing people that will most certainly be very uncomfortable with it(Read: almost everyone is a minor here) is ethically wrong on so many levels.

If people for wahtever reason want to do it(its RP after all) then just let them. Just make it so if someone doesnt want it they dont have to(eg: doesnt count even at gunpoint)
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hey guys i cant handle virtual rape better call the police!!!grow the fuck up its a GAME if you cant handle shit like that then dont play
omg i cannot handle real terrorism attacks better call a psychiatrist!! if you can't handle real life just fucking kill yourself!!!

You know you sound absolutely retarded right?

Rape is something that can more easily happen to any of your family members than an armed shooting in your house for the drugs in your attic. That's why people are comfortable with shooting each other. Unless they have severe traumas from a real shooting, then they'd probably avoid shooter games...

This goes for anyone who says its just a game. If i don't feel well or comfortable about certain things in life(like shit that freaks me the fuck out) im going to avoid specific games. I dont play horror games. If perp would SUDDENLY allow some spooky fucking shit i'm not going to go along with it. Weird example but i hope you get what i mean.
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It literally doesn't matter. If you're getting traumatic flashbacks you should stop playing the fucking game.

It literally doesn't matter. If you need to pretend to rape people in a video game who are being played by minors (Sometimes actual children under 13) to get your rocks off, you need to turn yourself in to a local authority and tell them that. That is fucking disgusting.
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London, England
I mean I don't know why you enthasize the US lol? It doesn't really matter where you are from, if you are making a kid on a game do some fucked up things that's just not right, in some situations maybe both people are just joking but really if you do wanna do that its pretty fucked anyway.
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It literally doesn't matter. If you need to pretend to rape people in a video game who are being played by minors (Sometimes actual children under 13) to get your rocks off, you need to turn yourself in to a local authority and tell them that. That is fucking disgusting.

Well obviously kids around that age shouldn't be in that situation, but as I said. When you joined the game, you accepted all the terms and conditions.
ERP in itself is fucking weird and super homo but RP sits are RP sits

ps im talking about older niggas not children
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How about we stop treating it like it's a fucking "super homo joke for older niggas" and treat it like it falls under the definition of rape?
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I literally said that ERP was homo which means I find it disgusting but 18+ people have to follow any types of RP sits
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Yea, whenever someone T-bags me on COD I feel insecure and begin to worry about me being raped irl. I mean it really is a super serious issue that we must discuss, raping in games should be forbidden. Just another American who gets offended by the slightest of things. It's a fucking game, grow some balls kid. Only thing I think should happen is if a staff member spots someone raping another person in-game and the victim turns out to be a 10 year old, the staff member may stop it and explain to that bloke how stupid his actions are
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Right, I'm not "offended like a snowflake" this is literally illegal and ethically wrong. I'm not even a victim of this shit but I know people who have been in real life and it is NOT FUNNY. If living through an absolutely dehumanizing and horrible experience is what you find funny I think you have to reevaluate your life.
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Yea, whenever someone T-bags me on COD I feel insecure and begin to worry about me being raped irl. I mean it really is a super serious issue that we must discuss, raping in games should be forbidden. Just another American who gets offended by the slightest of things. It's a fucking game, grow some balls kid. Only thing I think should happen is if a staff member spots someone raping another person in-game and the victim turns out to be a 10 year old, the staff member may stop it and explain to that bloke how stupid his actions are

T-bag =/= someone talking smut to a 13 year old in a game.

Ofcourse it's a fucking game. One where you avoid reality to have fun. If you think that forcing them to do sexual acts in-game when they don't like it is okay then you're clearly mentally brainfucked or have some hidden trauma.

Im not a safespace crybaby and i think ERP is okay, just dont fucking force people into it. Personally i don't really feel comfortable doing it. Just imagine your parent walking in and seeing what the fuck is going on...

You're not going to walk up to someone telling them how you would fuck them in real life, why does a game suddenly make that okay? It's seriously ethically wrong, it's straight up pedophilia.
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Netherlands, Groningen
You're telling me that a robbery hasn't traumatized anyone? Any kind of physical violence has the effect to give you a traumatic experience.

And the "Bad memory" part,
if you don't want to risk getting a traumatic flashback , how about you stop playing? Pretty sure your mental health is more important than a dumb game
You say that people should stop playing if they can't handle rape, but rape RP is not such a necessity as other criminal RP, rape RP doesn't give you any in game items and it's usually just as a joke anyway, if you someone won't or can't conscent to that then let them be. It's not like you're actually losing something by them not complying. And yes, robberies traumatize people but like I said, what is any kind of roleplay where you can't be a run of the mill thief, since the purpose of roleplay to allow you to do things you can't do in real life in a realistic setting. So yes if rape is your fetish go for it, but "raping" others does not gain you anything in game, it's mostly meant as a joke, and if you think that people should stop playing 'cause they get a traumatic episode that doesn't mean more to you than a joke and isn't necessary for core gameplay... then forgive my rudeness but I think that's despicable.
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North East England (UK)
This is a joke, right? Your coming onto a roleplaying server on Gmod where the majority of people are socially immature (Not trying to be a dick but its fairly true) and most of the RP on the server is just banter/minging around so your telling me that when @Slayerduck comes along and does some ERP on you as a joke and means nothing by it you would then take grave offense to that and he should be banned for it? I'm sorry but this is the internet and there are offensive and sick things everywhere I would be very surprised if someone just shouted a load of feminist bullshit on this server. I had no idea something like this was suggested before. I agree with unrealistic ERP such as sex rp outside the PD but banning someone for it OOCly? really? I guess if this does get made as a bannable offense then I agree with most people how the server in terms of rules have gone to shit because I never thought I would see the day. If ANYTHING were to be done then I would just suggest a verbal correction such as "Mate he is fuckin 12 stop please?" and then warn him of getting a warning but straight out banning someone for it isn't necessary. And you also cant be 100% certain of someone's age just by their voice. Look at me, Some people think I was 20+ for some reason which was apparently my voice. Whereas @finlay3110 (No offense) sounds younger due to his voice. Well he did when I used to play anyways but believe it or not Finlay is actually older than me he once told me. By a couple months. I was surprised myself but it taught me that you cant make yourself certain of someone's age by their voice as puberty happens when it likes to not when you want it to. So the argument of "Owh there are kids on the server" is invalid as the vast minority of those who are too young for things like this on the internet shouldn't be on the internet at all. I understand that there are those who get a little upset when people like Baggers jokes around with you but if you are that shook up about it just make a report and tell the staff member to tell that player to leave you alone after telling them yourself of course in LOOC as they might not take it seriously in voice chat or local chat.