Forums and Discord Update - 17/02/2021

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Reaction score


I have noticed that as a community we do not actually interact with each other in a positive manner a lot of the times on the forums, we tend to be making Action Requests or taking part in discussions which can get quite heated. As a way of encouraging community interaction, I have, with the help of @Collier and @Tyla Jai reworked the entirety of the forum ranks and added a bunch of trophies to encourage engagement and community content.

Ranks & Trophies

The ranks are now ordered as follows:
Sweater‌ ‌-‌ ‌0‌ ‌Points​
Rookie‌ ‌Member‌ ‌-‌ ‌75‌ ‌Points​
Novice‌ ‌Member-‌ ‌150‌ ‌Points​
Junior‌ ‌Member‌ ‌-‌ ‌250‌‌ ‌Points​

Thriving‌ ‌Member‌ ‌-‌ ‌300‌ ‌Points​
Respected‌ ‌Member‌ ‌-‌ ‌350‌ ‌Points​
Noble‌ ‌Member‌ ‌-‌ ‌400‌ ‌Points​
Senior‌ ‌Member‌ ‌-‌ ‌450‌ ‌Points​

Expert‌ ‌Member‌ ‌-‌ ‌500‌ ‌Points​
Veteran‌ ‌Member‌ ‌-‌ ‌750‌ Points​
Elite‌ ‌Member‌ ‌-‌ ‌850‌ ‌Points​
Legendary‌ ‌Member‌ ‌-‌ ‌1000‌ Points​

You can view the trophies here.

Apply for trophies you are owed

Content Creator

A big part of what I have been trying to do is encourage creative content from within our own community as I truly believe we have some talented individuals among us. So, to encourage those of you to pick up OBS and Sony Vegas the following changes will occur:

  • Added #content-creators to Discord, apply here to be featured.
  • Added Content Creator forum rank.
  • Added Content Creator Discord rank.
Requirements as it stands for Content Creator:

- Regular content on the server or about the community.​
- Non-offensive names or content on your channel.​

There will be more added soon for Content Creators in-game, however, our developers are busy gambling at a new location. Also, keep an eye out for the CS:GO Tournament that will be hosted over the coming weeks.

Again, thanks to @Tyla Jai and @Collier.
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I'm waiting:cool:
I will be handing out trophies once I have eaten!
Just a few things:

Montage's do not count for the PERPHeads Content.​
If you do not have enough room on one form please submit mutiple.​
Please submit evidence for ALL trophies, such as linking to recommendation posts.​
Is Sharpshooter new? I never got that one if it is, need my damn forum points!

Love this though, good job!
Sharp Shooter was done back in 2019 when marksmanship was removed, mine was awarded Nov 18, 2019
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