FPS Drops

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Ever since I've started playing, I've had to deal with FPS drops... specially when I first shoot my gun, which might mean life or death.

Do you know any useful console commands or anything I could do to lower the strength or frequency of these FPS drops?

thank you habibis
(All commands are entered without quotes)
"r_shadows 0" will disable all shadows, lights and even the flashlight from showing up. Sometimes you'll have your flashlight enabled and won't even know it, you come out of a door slowly to not alert someone of your location, but the flashlight already gives it away, then you die. Which is one of the bad sides of it. Aside from that it increases FPS by 5-10, sometimes even 20.

"r_3dsky 0" will disable the skybox with all the buildings and islands off the coast in the distance. When you stand next to the fire department, and look up at city hall when r_3dsky is set to 1, you'll see the city hall, set to 0 and you won't, this is due to the map being modeled in the skybox, which is disabled when set to 0. You can only render a set distance ahead of you on perp, therefore to avoid creating a dead void in the distance, the map was modeled in the skybox as well.

Perpheads should be enabling this by default, but if it hasn't, type in: "gmod_mcore_test 1" to enable multicore rendering, this will be the command that gives you the most FPS out of them all.
Forgot to post this but feel free to use my .cfg, remove the alias/voice parts from the botton if you don't want a toggled voice button. If you want a working flashlight do r_flashlightrender 1 and r_shadows 1. This config seems to have helped on Cody, he has a I-7700K and gets around 40 in most areas where I get 50-60 FPS with a Ryzen 5 [email protected] GHz so it's all dependant on your CPU.

r_fastzreject 0
con_filter_enable 1
con_filter_text_out "VehicleType:prop_vehicle_jeep:"
con_filter_text_out "Error initializing music stream. BASS_ERROR_UNKNOWN"
snd_mixahead 0.06
gmod_mcore_test 1
studio_queue_mode 1
host_thread_mode 1
r_queued_post_processing 0
r_queued_ropes 1
r_rootlod 0
r_lod 0
r_staticprop_lod -1
rope_collide 0
rope_wind_dist 0
r_flashlightdepthtexture 0
r_flashlightrender 0
r_flashlightscissor 1
r_shadowmaxrendered 18
mat_max_worldmesh_vertices 65536
r_ambientmin 0.5
r_lightaverage 0
r_dynamic 0
muzzleflash_light 0
cl_particle_batch_mode 1
flex_smooth 1
r_teeth 0
r_decals 2048
r_drawmodeldecals 1
r_maxmodeldecal 9
r_renderoverlayfragment 1
mat_specular 0
fps_max 240
engine_no_focus_sleep 0
disp_dynamic 0
r_hunkalloclightmaps 0
r_entityclips 1
mat_clipz 1
r_worldlistcache 1
r_frustumcullworld 1
r_occlusion 1
r_lightcache_zbuffercache 0
r_drawopaquestaticpropslast 0
mat_tonemapping_occlusion_use_stencil 0
host_flush_threshold 0
r_pixelfog 1
fast_fogvolume 1
r_norefresh 1
snd_pitchquality 1
snd_lockpartial 1
snd_cull_duplicates 0
voice_steal 2
voice_buffer_ms 200
snd_noextraupdate 1
snd_async_spew_blocking 0
r_threaded_renderables 1
r_threaded_particles 1
r_threaded_client_shadow_manager 1
cl_threaded_bone_setup 1
cl_threaded_client_leaf_system 1
r_threaded_particles 1
r_queued_ropes 1
r_shadows 0
r_3dsky 0
r_drawdetailprops 0
mat_queue_mode -1
net_splitrate 2
cl_pred_optimize 1
cl_cmdrate 66
cl_interp .033
cl_interp_ratio 1
cl_lagcompensation 1
cl_predictweapons 1
cl_lagcompensation 1
cl_smoothtime 0.1
hud_escort_interp 0.1
net_compresspackets 1
cl_smooth 0
cl_smoothtime 0.01
cl_updaterate 67
rate 196608
r_decals 2048
jpeg_quality 100
exec nullmovement

//Voice toggle
alias voicetoggle "voicetoggleon"
alias voicetoggleon "+voicerecord; alias voicetoggle voicetoggleoff"
alias voicetoggleoff "-voicerecord; alias voicetoggle voicetoggleon"
bind "v" "voicetoggle"

alias voiceon "+voicerecord; alias togglevoice voiceoff"
alias voiceoff "-voicerecord; alias togglevoice voiceon"
alias togglevoice voiceon
bind v togglevoice

echo "------------------------------------"
echo "   ___  _______  ___         ___    "
echo "  / _ \/ __/ _ \/ _ \   ____/ _/__ _"
echo " / ___/ _// , _/ ___/ _/ __/ _/ _ `/"
echo "/_/  /___/_/|_/_/    (_)__/_/ \_, / "
echo "                             /___/  "
echo "------------------------------------"

exec confilter
exec tabgraph
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