Franko's Enforcer App

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ROLEPLAY NAME: Franko Jomar-Bobbison

STEAM ID: 32: STEAM_0:1:123987305 , 64: STEAM_0:1:123987305

AGE: 18

WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE AN ENFORCER?: Throughout all of my now 2600 hours on Garry's Mod, no matter which community I've been part of, I've always wanted to do moderation/administrative work, whether that has been in form of helping players in ways such as answering frequently asked questions, showing them the ways to do certain IC jobs/"lifestyles", or simply claiming and dealing with reports. As I believe that honesty is the best policy, I have to share that I've had a hard time deciding whether I want to apply for enforcer or helper. At first I was sure that helper was the best choice for me, as I feel comfortable enough to provide my help, and answer questions, but I also realized that I want more responsibilities and to be able to help within the community in ways that I have tried before, by becoming an enforcer where I would actually enforce the servers rules whilst still, of course, being able to help out in #help-and-support or the /help chatbox ingame.
I believe that I originally joined the community around summertime last year, although I did take a break for quite a while and joined back this year around the middle of March, and I have played almost everyday since then. I mainly play as a civilian, although every now and then I try other jobs to, or at least a slightly less criminal side of the civilian life.
I've also started to get back into policing, even though I'm still only an officer, I know that I can work my way up the ladder and climb the ranks of the PLPD.

Now, as I mentioned earlier, I have been staff within big Garry's Mod communities before, I've even climbed as high as being an Administrator in one community and a Senior Mod in another.
With the knowledge and experience from this, I know that at times there will be a lot of reports, and whilst you shouldn't necessarily claim them in a stress, I find it better to take your time, stay relaxed and keep your cool, but handle them professionally. I'm also aware that at some points during the day, there won't be as much staff online as other parts of the day (for me that's mostly early mornings or late nights) and seeing as I still haven't found a job, I've got a lot of freetime and I usually play until just about 1 or 2 am most days.

Now with all of this said, to summarize, I want to help out to the best of my abilities within the community in the best way that I know how to, and that is by enforcing the very foundation of any good server, it's rules, whilst also of course being available to help out in any other way needed, whether that be in the #help-and-support channel over on the discord, any of the forums' chatboxes or of course, anywhere ingame.

I really appreciate the consideration of my application, and yes I will of course be taking constructive feedback from anyone within the community.


In order for your application to be considered, you must meet the following four requirements:
  • Your time played on the server must be at least one week. As of right now, I have a bit over a month worth of playtime.
  • No recent in-game bans, warnings or blacklists on record, this includes both the forums and the server. (1 month) I've only ever been punished once which was a blacklist, so I don't have any bans or warnings on my record.
  • You must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws to the extent where you can enforce them. Yes I do.
  • You must have access to and use a microphone. Yes I do.
  • You must maintain an active presence on the Discord Server. I'm active on the discord server everyday, whether that be checking if anyone needs help in #help-and-support or just chit chat with others in any of the discords' channels.
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+1 good man.

Always see him responding on discord for any questions.
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+1 would be a great addition to the staff team, friendly and has a good understanding of the rules, he also answers alot of questions in the server and out of the server. i can see potential with this man right here.
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United Kingdom
+ Rep

I’ve known Franko for a while now and his knowledge of the rules are top notch, he is also friendly and a very approachable guy. so I think he would be a great candidate for the role!
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