Police Suggestion Give SGT.+access to mossberg 590 in patrol gear

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Metagaming in discord with the boys
Suggestion Title: Give SGT.+access to mossberg 590 in patrol gear
Suggestion Description: Remington was gained upon CPL rank. And I believe having access to something different upon retrieval of SGT. + instead of the Remington would be pretty cool since it’s like the #1 unused weapon minus the meme usage on TFU. This also would make SGT.’s stand out from CPL’s better from range for crims, or passive civlians. I’m mainly just tired of seeing the shitty wood stock Remington and want my more modern built mossberg available. This gun is not considered overpowered in any way and I see no reason it shouldn’t be an option.

Oh yeah and you guys stole our wheel clamp and speed cams, so the least you could do is meet in the middle and give us something cool in return

Why should this be added?:
- More incentive to further in the ranks
Cooler gun
Crims can spot higher ranks easier and target them appropriately based on arsenal choice

What negatives could this have?:
- more ammo crims complain

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Lack of diversity
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Cops don't need more guns, we have strength in numbers and better equipment. People will just run straight into a building like lemmings and die 1 by 1. We have TFU with a better arsenal who are "trained" to die first anyway.
Oh yeah and you guys stole our wheel clamp and speed cams, so the least you could do is meet in the middle and give us something cool in return
you guys have the cool crime scene markers tho! If you really want your speed cam back, you can now be in both patrol AND traffic!

I’m mainly just tired of seeing the shitty wood stock Remington
I'm sure a skin to change the wood stock in a different texture can solve this!

- More incentive to further in the ranks
@GP stated the best response to this PRO
Suggestion Title: Give SGT.+access to mossberg 590 in patrol gear
Suggestion Description: Remington was gained upon CPL rank. And I believe having access to something different upon retrieval of SGT. + instead of the Remington would be pretty cool since it’s like the #1 unused weapon minus the meme usage on TFU. This also would make SGT.’s stand out from CPL’s better from range for crims, or passive civlians. I’m mainly just tired of seeing the shitty wood stock Remington and want my more modern built mossberg available. This gun is not considered overpowered in any way and I see no reason it shouldn’t be an option.

Oh yeah and you guys stole our wheel clamp and speed cams, so the least you could do is meet in the middle and give us something cool in return

Why should this be added?:
- More incentive to further in the ranks
Cooler gun
Crims can spot higher ranks easier and target them appropriately based on arsenal choice

What negatives could this have?:
- more ammo crims complain

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Lack of diversity
Kasper made a really cool polymer skin for the remi, he posted it somewhere here or on the discord, I can send you it as well if you want.

I say the main incentive to get from corporal to sergeant should probably be the fact that you're a supervisor. If someone doesn't like what that entails, they can stay at corporal with less responsibility but similar perks. I think this is probably for the best, keeps the potentially bad sergeants out of the role.

Also, I've been told the Mossberg is noticeably better than the current shotgun they can access
That is the main incentive, I said more incentive as in addition too
In the same vein as some other ideas posted here, I had also been thinking about this. What if Patrol Supervisors were given access to a rifle but its usage was scrutinised with a policy much similar to the old remington policy in that it must be stored in a car when not actively being used and its deployment is limited to life threatening situations?
Think this is dope as well, would definitely support that. Don’t think another shotgun would be effective, especially if there’s a situation at range, hostage situation or bank robbery. This would also mean officers would have to stage around the scene and gear up rather than pulling up code 3 jumping out and blasting the second they arrive. If it were a rifle it would be best if it was only capable of semi automatic firing. TFU should be the only ones with fun switches as they took the time to apply and pass through training it would be a slap in the face to them if Sgt’s unlocked something similar.
In the same vein as some other ideas posted here, I had also been thinking about this. What if Patrol Supervisors were given access to a rifle but its usage was scrutinised with a policy much similar to the old remington policy in that it must be stored in a car when not actively being used and its deployment is limited to life threatening situations?
Actualy a really balanced idea and a way to increase patrols arsenal

The coming TFU changes will make getting a version of TFU, and as such a primary, easier and more accessible, since thats happening we don't need to also give non TFU another primary
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