Help me (league of legends)

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For the love of god help me im trying to get gold but my teams are actually fucking retards without any fucking game sense and im losing my mind went from S3 60 LP to S4 10 LP
Improve ur CSing to somewhat decent at least 9-10, and play more carry champs like Katarina or Jax. Or just whats meta no matter how boring it is.
I feel chu OwO, gotta love lose streaks


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Play no skill champs like rammus, they're actually freelo.
went from s3 to g2 in a month. Moved to smurf because dont want to wash up, add me and i'll boost u (:
name is eUlPhBarton
same with anyone else who wants to play dont care about rank
went from s3 to g2 in a month. Moved to smurf because dont want to wash up, add me and i'll boost u :)
name is eUlPhBarton
same with anyone else who wants to play dont care about rank
Added you currently S4 0LP 1 loss away from another demote i actually cant
recently I started playing a lot of Yorick and i completely smash people to the point where I can split and they need to send 3-4 people to stop me. There's not really anyone who knows how to play comfortably against Yorick and the only champ that i've found to hard counter him is Nasus. I guess i'm trying to say; find 1 champion and tryhard him but I can recommend Yorick (Super easy and game plan is just to CS and only split push)
I hit diamond by duoing with a jungler, it really helps you get ahead in your lane because they can just yank you and you only!