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Under Lewis088's bed
What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: Able to become a hitman if there is a valid reason
Your version of the rule: You are able to accept hits if the person giving you the hit has a valid reason for the hit to be out on the certain person E.G

They raided them,
They killed their friend,
They seriously hurt them.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:
It would bring a whole new part of roleplay and you can feel like john wick going around with a silenced pistol tapping people and fleeing, it would be the coolest thing ever
Already is a thing, sadly no one will pay for something they'd try and do themselves...

If you have a reason to kill someone, you have a reason to pay someone to kill them.
Issue with being a hit man is that you have to have trust in the employer that they aren't just doing it 'for the lulz' otherwise you can end up being punished as well.

source: been there done that numerous times
Yeah being a hitman is just one of those rp things that the users need to allow. It doesnt need to be a rule about it or anything. We dont need everything to be so robotic and strict, let the rp be free
Being a hitman is not forbidden, with the player recruiting having a good reason and the hitman getting a good pay from it, it's fine.
I falsely thought it wasn't allowed cause I recalled a similar discussion from the past which from what I remember it was concluded not to allow it.
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