Police Suggestion VIP TFU/SWAT

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Under Lewis088's bed
Description of the idea:
So as you all know there is mixed opinions between SWAT and TFU there was also a week where they bought back the old PD with SWAT and it was fucking cancer, which is why i propose a new idea! (kind of) bring back SWAT or keep TFU and have it so if you are VIP and senior officer + you can access the rank. This will mean that experienced pd players will be able to get a hold of the rank but not random sweaters who use it to minge. This will make it so that you have to actually progress and work towards getting this rank to become a SWAT or TFU member and of course if you do anything wrong in this you are eligible to an IA and removed from SENIOR OFFICER which will strip their access to the unit.

What about the TFU command? As you all know there is a ranking structure within the TFU this can still be implemented with this idea! TFU command will simply stay as their rank and control the SWAT or TFU, if any complaints come in they would deal with it along with IA and decide on their punishment. This will mean that it will be the same as it is now just with no application, this also bring a lot more resistance against people minging on the unit as they will be eligible for demotion or blacklist from the unit and with it being only accessable to senior officer + they will care about the rank more than some random officer sweater.

What about TFO trainers? TFTO will still be able to hold training sessions but do it how XQ used to, going to the pd's meeting room or farm to practice breaching and positions.

Why should this be added? (pros):
It will be easier to have more FUN on the server, right now you have to go through a long training process which doesn't really teach you much anyway, just to throw flash bangs and TFU van abilities. With this change it will also be easier for senior officers and officers to actually continue with an rp sit, as it stands if there are only senior officers and below on and no one is listed into TFU someone can run into their building, lock the doors and it's over, no way of perusing the sit apart from camping their door for hours. Not to mention the amount of fun this will actually bring to the PD and not sweaty kids showing of their rank as officer with automatic gun brrrr. This could possibly bring more members into the PD, as it is right now there are quite a few members who tend to stay away from the PD as it is too much of a grind and just boring, this will be so much fun to actually play with.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
Some people could not want this change due to them liking how it is now. People could think it is too easy to get an automatic gun and completely heavy gear. Also you may not like CHANGE!

*Other additions:
This worked when SWAT was a thing and it was extremely fun, this just removes the application process and allows you to get hold of the rank easier. Also please don't become a keyboard warrior if you don't like this suggestion, just put what you don't like and why.

*Images: N/A
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I’ve brainstormed some ideas with @Momo and @Madda about the possibility of splitting light and heavy gear with heavy gear being something that doesn’t require a rank to acquire, just a PLPD.online account and a good recent history regarding recent warnings, bans and PD infractions. To prevent this deteriorating the quality of TFU, it will still have the current stage 3 scenarios to Pass before getting the role. I’ll give you guys more details when I am able to fully discuss this with both the rest of PDs high command and developers though because I don’t want to make any false promises.

Note that this Reply is not a definitive answer on the future of TFU.
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@Suspine , I realised that I might not have told you guys the game plan for TFU. Here’s the game plan so far:
- Formally introduce myself with the rest of the TFU command team and the COD’s: Done.
- Mark all the TFTO stage 1’s that are open: Done
- Interview all currently passed applicants: In progress
- Host a meeting with the TFU training team and command where we will discuss changing the scenarios present in stage 3, as well as clarifications on the marking criteria: Meeting date set for this weekend.
- Reopen TFU Applications: Will be done the moment the meeting ends.

A major issue you might have noticed attending a stage 3 as a volunteer was how critically Understaffed we are. I decided to focus on recruiting new training staff before opening TFU applications to ensure that the first TFU cycle in 2 months will run as smoothly as possible.

My two cents

TFU in terms of quality does not outdo swat to the level that it also justifies the removal in terms of players simply having fun. As most things are in the server currently, TFU isn't sure in what direction it wants to go in (not surprised).

Do they either:

a) make it professional, expand it and crack down on quality and professionalism
b) come to some sort of agreement with the community that allows them play in heavy gear as mentioned above by ( @BigBenji )

Not only this but the inactivity from command members and the chiefs simply isn't good enough, why is it the job of a LT to run through applicants? as a TFTO I completed them ASAP, why is this now a highlighted achievement from a command member? standards from when it originally was born have plummeted.

The PD and TFU has not worked hard enough or simply enough to remain the right to say no to the community on such a fundamental issue, heck I mean half of the PD's supervisors+ decided to abuse the trial and use it now as an argument against anything the community has to say.

"hur dur the trial was a disaster!"

The PD is filled with laziness, hypocrites and people who care more about rank than they do about the state of role-play or the community.
Can't please everyone. At least with this, the people who value their rank so dearly will still feel superior on a garrys mod server while allowing others to have fun.
That trial was a fucking disaster. Not because it was destined to fail or anything, but because we had staff members who didn't do fuck all. I saw Samuel having to deal with people and he was frustrated as well. You had people from PLPD completely ignore rules and the minimum requirement of "being serious" and started doing lots of mingy shit and justifying it with "no policies". You had TFU shooting anything and everything that moved, and the worst part is that some higher ups in PLPD AND EVEN STAFF said that they won't punish anyone for acting like a crackhead during the revert.

It's probably the worst flop I've seen in PERP where people received no consequences. This is mostly due to staff being absent and just dumbasses in general intentionally trying to make it look bad. What a joke. It's unbelievable how much a virtual rank can shatter someone's ego this bad that they have to pull shit like this.
Also they chose the most RETARDED time to do the revert, this was because this was when the server was literally on it's knees about to die, they literally only had about 20 people on a day peak times and everyone was there to be cunts, staff were inactive and it was just a shit show. I think if they did a revert NOW and actually did their jobs and punished players for being spastics while as TFU then it show another side
People either sabotaged the integrity of that event entirely because they disagreed with it, seized the opportunity to minge as TFU, or treated it as if they were whitelisted TFO's when in reality they were supposed to be behaving the same way SWAT were supposed to (sit inside PD or in the rear parking lot, Only involving themselves in shootouts, etc.). Instead of having a team of Rag tag gun slingers like SWAT was, we had heavy armed police enforcing the law outside of PD to make sure no one spawns in and starts punching windows. Another bad part of that event was due to their being no ranks, I couldn't order TFO's who were all standing around the shady street sign to get back into PD.
This suggestion is fairly close to the currently proposed changes to TFU. The current plan for heavy TFU is to make it a lot more like SWAT. We want this for two main reasons. A) People have asked for SWAT to make some kind of return for a long time. B) We want the PD to be more appealing to newer players. The idea currently is to open up the applications to anyone and make them fairly easy to pass. We do, however, want to bring TFTO's in-game giving them a special position, which allows them to do training, and reprimand or demote people if they act out of line. Any of these changes are at least two months away.
It's not really easy however, The TFU division is aiming to make it easier to learn how to be a TFU officer.
It would limit them a lot as well tho, no patrolling etc. Before there was any whitelist, normal officers were generally a much bigger problem then SWAT was as well.
EDIT: TFTO's will also be there to keep them in check
@Momo Before the white list the PLPD was fun, now it's more boring than firefighter, hundreds of policies and random ticket amounts and jail years for players to remember, players can't even fart without the fear of IA coming down on them like a ton of bricks, and then pretty much everything is restricted to higher ranks which goodluck getting without investing your life into it.
@Momo As the lieutenant of TFU, the issue that’s been voiced to me the most since I got the position is an apparent lack of quality and professionalism displayed by members of TFU. I am entirely all for reaching a compromise with the community who are less involved in the PD by removing the rank Requirement for heavy gear TFU, but the Problem with this is despite the fact that I cannot guarantee that it will further reduce the quality of TFU, I can’t say for sure that improving the general quality of TFU would be as much of a simple series of tasks should the rank requirement be removed.
Quality is woeful and TFU command have had years to fix it but haven’t, you’ve unfortunately had your time but it’s become so bad SWAT somehow seems like a better option
I think something I'm concerned about is having some random seniors who haven't been trained at all just run in and die. There needs to at least be some assessment for these "SWAT officers" every x amount of months, so we have some quality control in place. Perhaps every 2 months or so, and then if needed, they can have an assessment earlier if tftos/command feel they are not fit for the role.
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