Police Suggestion VIP TFU/SWAT

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Under Lewis088's bed
Description of the idea:
So as you all know there is mixed opinions between SWAT and TFU there was also a week where they bought back the old PD with SWAT and it was fucking cancer, which is why i propose a new idea! (kind of) bring back SWAT or keep TFU and have it so if you are VIP and senior officer + you can access the rank. This will mean that experienced pd players will be able to get a hold of the rank but not random sweaters who use it to minge. This will make it so that you have to actually progress and work towards getting this rank to become a SWAT or TFU member and of course if you do anything wrong in this you are eligible to an IA and removed from SENIOR OFFICER which will strip their access to the unit.

What about the TFU command? As you all know there is a ranking structure within the TFU this can still be implemented with this idea! TFU command will simply stay as their rank and control the SWAT or TFU, if any complaints come in they would deal with it along with IA and decide on their punishment. This will mean that it will be the same as it is now just with no application, this also bring a lot more resistance against people minging on the unit as they will be eligible for demotion or blacklist from the unit and with it being only accessable to senior officer + they will care about the rank more than some random officer sweater.

What about TFO trainers? TFTO will still be able to hold training sessions but do it how XQ used to, going to the pd's meeting room or farm to practice breaching and positions.

Why should this be added? (pros):
It will be easier to have more FUN on the server, right now you have to go through a long training process which doesn't really teach you much anyway, just to throw flash bangs and TFU van abilities. With this change it will also be easier for senior officers and officers to actually continue with an rp sit, as it stands if there are only senior officers and below on and no one is listed into TFU someone can run into their building, lock the doors and it's over, no way of perusing the sit apart from camping their door for hours. Not to mention the amount of fun this will actually bring to the PD and not sweaty kids showing of their rank as officer with automatic gun brrrr. This could possibly bring more members into the PD, as it is right now there are quite a few members who tend to stay away from the PD as it is too much of a grind and just boring, this will be so much fun to actually play with.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
Some people could not want this change due to them liking how it is now. People could think it is too easy to get an automatic gun and completely heavy gear. Also you may not like CHANGE!

*Other additions:
This worked when SWAT was a thing and it was extremely fun, this just removes the application process and allows you to get hold of the rank easier. Also please don't become a keyboard warrior if you don't like this suggestion, just put what you don't like and why.

*Images: N/A
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@Palodhi but you want to help because you find it fun! People passive rp as they think it’s fun, people do staff stuff because they think it’s fun...
@Samuel Yes I agree however a big problem RTU is having problems with at the moment is people just joining for the cars and nothing else.
@Samuel However, there are certain RTU things that should be given to higher ranking officers who aren't rtu such as the unmarked car which in my opinion, should be allowed to use for catching criminal undercover.
@Samuel That's why Mim and Bert are trying to improve the quality of RTU officers by actually including proper training in and not just testing.
@Palodhi we have been here before, it always ends in some Captain trying to do it too serious, and it fails badly. So I hope he does a proper analysis and talks with the chain of command before trying to implement it.
@Samuel Well the application process has already changed and so far has had a good impact on the division, however, I will take your concerns into account and we'll see what happens in the long term.
@Samuel i agree with the killhouse being unnecessary, hence why we haven’t done a kill house since mid 2019.
@BigBenji I think the last time you did kill house was the Stage 2 you did when I got TFU we were told we couldn't wallbang, yet the shooters were allowed to, I assume that is why it got removed.
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Taking the humanity out of TFU applications is absolutely a confident step down a deep dry well imo. You can trick a machine and you can learn the meta for an automatic application. A living person is a bit harder to trick than a few lines of python and / or Lua.
it does seem the majority of players want the swat with the conditions i have provided, though of course, we need more votes to get a balanced opinion
Just because the majority have voted for it with those conditions, I think SMT Vote on the idea. I wouldn't be surprised if this was denied.
i'd say we give @BigBenji a chance to reform the TFU division and judge from there. it's unfair to judge TFU now based on how TFU previously/currently is. there are big changes planned
Considering Benji has already said he has plans for training, I highly doubt this will be accepted as he hasn’t even had a chance to try out his ideas. I could possibly support this in a month or twos time but personally I’d like to see what Benji has to offer.
@flugs I spoke to benji yesterday, There are quite a few plans that I feel will improve the division, I agree, let Benji fix the division.
Maybe If they would actually open TFU applications Instead of keeping them closed for over 2 months. Not sure If they changed it but I remember the tfu application being an absolute bitch to do. Why would someone want to take hours out of their day for a swat rank on a Garrys mod server?
They were closed because there was no TFU command which is a obvious reason and it takes so long because they try to look for quality applicants however, if you read other responses, you can see that Benji has other ideas.
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