How to S.W.A.T.

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1.Job Explanation, and Introduction :

The S.W.A.T (Special Weapons and Tactics) are the second main force that reigns in the city of Paralake. To make this clear, the S.W.A.T is the #1 force on the server. It is provided with the following :

  • A heavily-reinforced Kevlar, able to withstand a shot.
  • A black-coloured helmet, fully-covering the head and providing good protection.
  • A main weapon, often players get a Sub-Machine Gun at the start for the S.W.A.T
  • A Secondary weapon, which will prouve very efficient if running out of ammo on your main gun during a raid.
The S.W.A.T requires a full-48 hours on the server to be able to join that faction (I think so.) it is not a fuck-around division of the police. It is considered a very-serious division, not to be taken lightly. The S.W.A.T is often commanded by a Lieutenant, that is also taking the responsability of commanding the Officers of the Law. They are only able to go outside when requested (Lieutenant is requesting their presence at a 10-20, in-need of a meal break, [CODE 7], or a panic at a said location). Breaking one of those protocols, or simply going out because you are 'bored' will result in a warning, demotion/blacklist or even a more severe punishment. (A ban).

2. How to be a good S.W.A.T, what to do in raids, and the different classes.

A. Let's go through the basics. For example, what you should atleast be good at in-order to be able to play S.W.A.T correctly :

  • A good knowledge of the laws/rules on the server.
  • A minimum of seriousness.
  • Authority.
  • Patience. (You won't massacer a citizen for calling you a 'fag'.)
  • And a minimum level of intelligence.

Now. The key of being a good S.W.A.T is co-operation with your team. Normally, your team is composed of four-men. :

  • The Pointman :
He uses lighter weaponry, often a Sub-Machine Gun paired with a .45 ACP Pistol. In a raid, this man is the first to enter, and is often the first victim. He is the 'scout' of the team, goes in, scouts the ennemy, type of guns, numbers and defences and awaits for the two remaining units to move in. You'll see why only two of them moves in.

  • The Rifleman :
He is the second guy to go in : More acting as a juggernaut, he has a heavy caliber assault-rifle, paired with a powerful colt 1911. Upon entering the hostile area, he must make sure that the pointman is alive, and if he his ask him what's the situation. The Rifleman is the main force of the operation, a skilled assault rifle monster. In some cases, there might be two riflemans, but mostly there is one.

  • The Sniper.
The sniper provides both scouting support aswell as long-range sniping support using his M24 sniper rifle. He often uses his scope to scout the appartment from a long-range and report using his radio how much ennemies they are, aswell as their equipement and danger level. Upon being ordered by the Commander, he can open fire at the said ennemies, distracting them while the pointman flashes the ennemy and moves in. Careful : You must always find a good spot to hide, or you might get spotted.

  • The Commander.
Under the rank of Lieutenant, this man serves the purpose of commanding his S.W.A.T squad. The player must be experienced and have a very good-knowledge of roleplaying as S.W.A.T in order to become one. The S.W.A.T Commander is often elected by players, and his purpose is simple : Leading his men.

B. The Raids.

As you may already know, S.W.A.T is the quick and strategic response unit. Their job is to deliver a good blow to the ennemies, extract VIPs, secure hostages and stop drug cartels. As a S.W.A.T you should often raid with your collegues, which are standard police officers. DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT let the cops go first on a raid. You are fully-armored for a reason, duh. Now, here is a picture of a S.W.A.T organizating a raid with a couple of police officers :


As you can see. The pointman (Here, near the door) is currently holding his pistol. He is near the door for a reason : He goes in first. Now, when you are raiding a home filled with drugs/criminals keep this in mind :

  • Their might be hostages inside, and when breaking in without co-operating with the criminals that did such act, you are putting the life of the hostages at risk.
  • You are not invinsible, so expect to roleplay everything. When you are injured as a S.W.A.T (Bleeding out badly.) Do not charge back into the battle, roleplay it : Call a ambulance or radio in for medical assistance, give them your location and so on.
  • The S.W.A.T can also request additional officers if they feel it's needed for a long-raid. (It doesen't happen often, but here for example they did call in the two officers you see holding their glocks on the stairs.)
Now. When you are entering the sector, or have a search warrant. You must tell the officers to move back, as they might get killed first. Let's go over the Breaching process.

  • There is always two S.W.A.T.S on each door : One is holding the flashbang and the other one has his gun ready and loaded.
  • Upon breaking down the house and hearing gunfire You :
- Await for the criminals to cease fire, then proceed to throwing the flashbang into the room.
  • The flashbang effect lasts approximately for three seconds, and doesen't make you invinsible. You can still get killed, even thought the ennemy isn't seeing you that doesen't mean they don't have the capability of shooting. So here how it goes : The man holding the rifle must always go in first, followed by the man that threw the flashbang and the Commander. (Additional rifleman might be requested, if the sniper isn't needed.)
  • If you see any lethal forces used against you - you are authorized to reply with lethal force aswell. You can kill the suspect(s) and try to push forward as much as you can. Eventually, you are supported by the Second Line, which are the officers.
  • Congratulations : You just performed your first raid. You are happy, you did something in your life. Follow this guide and you might eventually learn something that you didn't know about the S.W.A.T.

This guide was realized by me, I roleplayed as a S.W.A.T for a straight 24 hours and got all the pieces of informations I learned from my collegues onto a paper, so there you go. Comment, tell me what I did good/wrong and I will improve. Bai.
The only problem i see with this is that Regular Police Officers should not be assisting in a raid/swat operation. They main mission is to secure the perimeter to prevent from civilians to enter the area which could result in him being killed or simply someone with a gun comes from behind taking out everyone on scene. Obviously most of the Police Officers still go in as they need the action but most of the times they face either a demotion just because they interfere with a Swat Operation which could compromise the hole situation, with other words it could end up in multiple deaths...

Other then that its a clean guide.
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