I think its time to call quits.

Sad to see you leave Pepitoz, even though we had our run ins, it was resolved quickly enough!
Won't forget your upper class business man impersonation and thanks for the 2 times mention.

Have fun with whatever you decide to do next and be sure to say hi on Teamspeak every so often!
Goodbye man! I don't even know what happened, just got on TS and heard the news.
I didn't know you very long, and at first time I met you I thought "This guy is a fucking idiot!" because we had a little incident. I quickly got to know you better and from the little time we spend as enforcers together I had a blast.

Best of wishes!
We had some great banter together.

No but seriously, you were a great enforcer althought sometimes annoying, I will miss you.

(We'll play TTT sometimes and RDM, fgt!)
I cant....No....Im so donneee.. :'( Im so upset. Miller ill miss you. You were honestly one of my favorite people on the server and still is. Talk to me bb.
Goodbye man. Our last moments and even your last moments that we raided jazz and some sweater :)
We did great, only you messed up.
Goodbye friend
Well guys, its great to see the community reaching out to me and saying their goodbyes. I dont know what will happen, maybe I will have a change of heart. PERP is such a wierd and vast gamemode.

Sometimes you have enough of it but other times you want to leave your little mark in it. I think all you guys and your own friends really make what this community is about. I have seen people come and go, people banned permantly but with this it just brings people closer and the amount of friends I have made is great.

*added more people to my list, sorry for leaving you guys out, not purposley, but just wasnt thought of during the moment.

My current status is uncertain in terms of what will happen next. But with the amount of Steam messages Ingave recieved, I really appreciate that.
For you i hope you have something else to do! Bye, My wannabe friend :P I hope i meet you some other day! Goodbye!
See ya man, nice knowing you, shame to see you go D:
(P.S IC name is John Bishop :P)


!angry english man.jpg
good bye buddy it's sad to see you go mieen had some great time with you and a lot of memories "why you gotta be so rude'' we also played a lot of other games and skying you're still a great bro of me :) you and a lot of other people really helped me trough a rough time when I broke up with my gf I approached it so much that you took the time to hear my story's and made me forget about it by doing fun stuff. hope we can still continue Skype and snap chat and play other games :) :) but I still gonna miss you in perp :(

nevermind I just saw the datum whoops but this is what I would say :) I'm so glad that ur back broo