Server Suggestion Implement a cooldown on respawning the SWAT Van

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Wales, United Kingdom
Suggestion Title: Implement a cooldown on respawning the SWAT Van
Suggestion Description: Implement a cooldown on respawning the SWAT Van after it has taken 5% vehicle damage, currently you can just respawn the SWAT Van whenever you fancy as long as you are the one who originally spawned it. This results in people responding to a Regals raid/Slums raid/Bank Robbery and bumming the SWAT Van and then once it starts smoking they respawn it.

Personally I'd say that a 2 minute cooldown is fine as it will discourage people from doing the strategy with the SWAT Van that I explained above.

In addition, it is pretty unrealistic how the PD has infinite SWAT Vans at their disposal that can be handed out at any time.

Why should this be added?:
- Realism
- Stops people from ratting in a SWAT Van for an infinite amount of time in shootouts.

What negatives could this have?:
- Upsetting people who are scared to take a shootout with 200 health and a free gun.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Me breaking my keyboard
Are people genuinely doing this? I don’t feel like enough people are doing this immensely specific thing that applies to a single situation to consider pushing an update for.

Id rather just be notified that specific individuals are doing this so I may personally discourage them from doing so.
"Upsetting people who are scared to take a shootout with 200 health and a free gun." @Megasaw

This not you @Backe? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

As for the suggestion,

It's a cringe strategy, but let's be honest. It legit never happens, it's not worth it 90% of the time to respawn the swat van. You normally would be able to disable the swat van anyway (Like you did during the same situation) when you had 3 people spraying it at once. I also think it is realistic since they have to return to base to respawn the van and resupply since you would expect the PD to have access to multiple swat vans no?

End of the day, if the suggestion is accepted or not, it wouldn't really make a difference for 99% of situations that occur.
Are people genuinely doing this?
It legit never happens,
Here is a screenshot of logs of Megasaw responding to a Regals raid earlier ;

Out of the 8 minutes the raid lasted, 5 of which were spent where Megasaw was just sitting in the SWAT Van just hopping out for a few seconds and then getting back in. I have no issue with using a SWAT Van how it would realistically get used, BUT the issue arises when he returns to PD when the van is low health so he can just come back and sit in it for longer. We then all sprayed the van so it was disabled but having 3 people take their attention away from looking for other TFOs/Pistol Cops because they have to spray down a brand new SWAT Van immediately after doing the same a few minutes prior is stupid.
Here is a screenshot of logs of Megasaw responding to a Regals raid earlier ;

Out of the 8 minutes the raid lasted, 5 of which were spent where Megasaw was just sitting in the SWAT Van just hopping out for a few seconds and then getting back in. I have no issue with using a SWAT Van how it would realistically get used, BUT the issue arises when he returns to PD when the van is low health so he can just come back and sit in it for longer. We then all sprayed the van so it was disabled but having 3 people take their attention away from looking for other TFOs/Pistol Cops because they have to spray down a brand new SWAT Van immediately after doing the same a few minutes prior is stupid.

again tho, legit the only time I have ever respawned the swatvan after taking dmg. It's not worth it 99% of the time and the reason why I stayed in was to get info for my other fellow LEOs.
starting to play more crim i realised that raiding slums or regals is harder because pd can just go back and resupply, personally never had this happen to me but i do think this is a pain in the ass, not removing it wouldn't affect PD much, as megasaw said it's a rare situation someone does it, but I believe the crims would appreciate it
I don’t feel like enough people are doing this immensely specific thing that applies to a single situation to consider pushing an update for.
Relax lil bro they're not calculating ICBM trajectory jus tweakin small stuff...
I feel like 2 minutes isnt nearly enough time for any of this to make a difference either way regardless and its so scenario specific that it wouldn't make much difference.
Personally I disagree with that. Its stupid if people will respawn the swat van for the same situation over and over, however as the balance currently stands, you might say, that threres 1 100%HP swat van per situation intended.

Sometimes, you respond from one situation to another with the swat van, and this change, would make the TFU to wait for 2 minutes in order to respond from situation to another, whenever the swat van was damaged or destroyed.

Let's say, that the swat van was sprayed with an AK during bank raid, or even destroyed by an AS50, and its not full HP. After police won the bank raid, theres another raid called out instantly, but theres a need of a new swat van, as the previous one was damaged or destroyed. Then the TFU has a choice of either using the damaged one, or delaying the response by 2 minutes, because the previous van is damaged or disabled.
This not you @Backe? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

As for the suggestion,

It's a cringe strategy, but let's be honest. It legit never happens, it's not worth it 90% of the time to respawn the swat van. You normally would be able to disable the swat van anyway (Like you did during the same situation) when you had 3 people spraying it at once. I also think it is realistic since they have to return to base to respawn the van and resupply since you would expect the PD to have access to multiple swat vans no?

End of the day, if the suggestion is accepted or not, it wouldn't really make a difference for 99% of situations that occur.
link the entire demo and show what you did for 10 minutes before that single kill...
It's a cringe strategy, but let's be honest. It legit never happens, it's not worth it 90% of the time to respawn the swat van.

End of the day, if the suggestion is accepted or not, it wouldn't really make a difference for 99% of situations that occur.
It happens in 90% of bank raids, if you didn’t rush straight to spawn it in and others used it, you’d notice
Are people genuinely doing this? I don’t feel like enough people are doing this immensely specific thing that applies to a single situation to consider pushing an update for.

Id rather just be notified that specific individuals are doing this so I may personally discourage them from doing so.

With the experienced devs that we have, I don't think this would be too much of an issue. This would hopefully also discourage swat van camping and ensure that it is being used appropriately, recently I've seen far too many TFU just drive straight in with the intention of using it as a weapon and it just isn't what it's been intended for.

Far too many TFOs pass their stage 4 where they are marked on their swat van usage, and completely seem to forget that not a single part of their training told them to drive it in like a maniac or sit in it until the raiders die of boredom.

I also often see it deployed for such petty crimes like a sweatervest shooting a roadcrew worker with a ppk for not unimpounding his car, however most of these are policy issues that we'll need to discuss but I think this change, if done correctly, will deter TFOs from using it incorrectly.
I also often see it deployed for such petty crimes like a sweatervest shooting a roadcrew worker with a ppk for not unimpounding his car, however most of these are policy issues that we'll need to discuss but I think this change, if done correctly, will deter TFOs from using it incorrectly.
SWAT Van deployment guidelines in progess...
Not sure why this wouldn't just fall under a server rule as unrealistic actions or exploiting. You guys making some big ass deal about it when it could just be classified as a server rule break cuz it seems pretty exploity to me to keep respawning a car during an active shootout affecting people's gameplay. I've never done this in all my time playing TFU and that's saying something, this should show you people are doing this on purpose to gain an advantage over others and it should not be allowed. In fact I'm confused why staff don't consider this a rule break, considering it would be easier to fix instead of going through weeks of an IA process if this gets added in policy.
Make it a 5 minute requirement seeing as a SWAT Van can easily drive around a shootout sustaining damage for 2 minutes. #GiveTheSwatVanNLR
Add a cooldown if it makes you happy. I use the van regularly and don't ever recall running back to PD to respawn it mid shootout, this just seems like a salty response to @Megasaw doing it once and wiping your raid group.

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