Increase NLR for Officers

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Professional Stripper
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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 3.5 NLR

Your version of the rule: Addition - If an Officer has died during an ongoing raid or shootout. They must wait "x amount of time" before responding to the same situation after their NLR has expired.

This can be done by just Increasing the NLR timer for officers.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:

I understand the main argument against this will be the PD is a massive organisation which should have an infinite armoury of cops to respond. However, as much as I love realism this makes a lot of balancing issues with Raiders being unable to flank or assist in killing cops if an org is pinned in an appartment for 30 minutes.

Raiders more or less have a 25 minute NLR timer after they die in a raid so they cannot flank.
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I like your input but you will be biased as you NEVER play as a civillian and are constantly TFU.

This isnt true. Although i have heavily played tfu the past weeks since there is nothing else for me left to do on the server, i have played as a criminal for a good amount of time in the past.
This isnt true. Although i have heavily played tfu the past weeks since there is nothing else for me left to do on the server, i have played as a criminal for a good amount of time in the past.

Weeks since he's played as civ says it all.

@Saint Wylde plays mainly as TFU
@The HitMan plays mainly as cop
@jimmythehamster plays mainly as TFU
@Kirk plays mainly as cop
@Josef plays mainly as TFU

Try putting full-time virtual cop on your CV's

You are all biased as you have yet to play as a civ for more than an hour or get into a shootout with 16 cops. Try spending some money rather than relying other people to start a shootout for your broke asses. You havent experienced both sides so your input is pointless.

Just because we enjoy 1 side more than the other doesn't make us bias, I just don't think extra NLR time is a fair balancing method. In my opinion marksmanship is gay and should be nerfed or removed so as not to alienate noobs from using more expensive weapons. Also the price of weapons was drastically increased back when the gun update dropped, I feel like this hurt the game in some ways as people will only use the very best guns as not to lose money, nobody bothers with SMGs, bullpups etc because they are stupidly expensive compared to how useful they are versus an M4 or an AK. I think we should cut the max ticket size from 10K to 5K because again it alienates noobs. I was in support of planter boxes not being confiscated as it's a disproportionate amount of money to lose compared to how growing used to be.

I support many suggestions that only benefit crims so don't call me biased just because I disagree with your suggestion, I simply believe there are better methods to encourage more people to try the criminal side of RP and that would as a bonus increase the quality of play for all players overall.

Try spending some money rather than relying other people to start a shootout for your broke asses. You havent experienced both sides so your input is pointless.

If it was possible for me to pay for better guns when playing as cop then I'd happily pay, stop using this retarded argument.
Just because we enjoy 1 side more than the other doesn't make us bias, I just don't think extra NLR time is a fair balancing method. In my opinion marksmanship is gay and should be nerfed or removed so as not to alienate noobs from using more expensive weapons. Also the price of weapons was drastically increased back when the gun update dropped, I feel like this hurt the game in some ways as people will only use the very best guns as not to lose money, nobody bothers with SMGs, bullpups etc because they are stupidly expensive compared to how useful they are versus an M4 or an AK. I think we should cut the max ticket size from 10K to 5K because again it alienates noobs. I was in support of planter boxes not being confiscated as it's a disproportionate amount of money to lose compared to how growing used to be.

I support many suggestions that only benefit crims so don't call me biased just because I disagree with your suggestion, I simply believe there are better methods to encourage more people to try the criminal side of RP and that would as a bonus increase the quality of play for all players overall.
None of this would benefit having 37.5 second to kill a cop on average over 10 minutes if you are pinned in an appartment. If there was 8 cops you'd have 1 minute and 15 seconds to kill each cops on average. Either way even with 100 marksmanship and the best pissible gun it's now impossible with 16 cops on duty. Even @Dom_ cant do it.
If it was possible for me to pay for better guns when playing as cop then I'd happily pay, stop using this retarded argument.
Point is to start a shootout off duty so you can see what its actually like rather than staying in the PD safespace 24/7
None of this would benefit having 37.5 second to kill a cop on average over 10 minutes if you are pinned in an appartment. If there was 8 cops you'd have 1 minute and 15 seconds to kill each cops on average. Either way even with 100 marksmanship and the best pissible gun it's now impossible with 16 cops on duty. Even @Dom_ cant do it.

Why should 1 person be able to take on the whole police force? Why don't we just disarm cops so you can rob the bank without guns if you want the game to be this easy.
Any officer who doesnt have a shotgun and / or TFU gear shouldn't be sticking around when everyone who does have access to is dead. Supervisors should call code 6 mode often.

@Saint Wylde plays mainly as TFU
@The HitMan plays mainly as cop
@jimmythehamster plays mainly as TFU
@Kirk plays mainly as cop
@Josef plays mainly as TFU

Try putting full-time virtual cop on your CV's

You are all biased as you have yet to play as a civ for more than an hour or get into a shootout with 16 cops. Try spending some money rather than relying other people to start a shootout for your broke asses. You havent experienced both sides so your input is pointless.

Nice calling people out who disagree'd with your post buddy, didnt think negative ratings really mattered to you that much. And yes, In my 3 months of game time on this server, I wonder how I havent gotten round to playing as a civ, maybe I've just had a tight schedule. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

No, I'm not Biased towards the PD at all, and I have experienced this from both sides and I have experienced being shafted by the police force after NLR has expired too many times. I've done bank robberies where mayors raise slots mid robbery allowing 4 TFO's to come on duty, I experienced @Samuel Being himself all too many times, Had TFU snipers dome me effortlessly, and generally being "Zerged" by the PD. If you dont want to be "Zerged" By the PD then maybe stop trying to take on cops underequipped.

Just because I dont feel like police need an additional NLR rule doesn't make me "Biased" and doesnt mean my opinion matters over yours in any way, shape or form, and making a post like this one is just childish. My only solution is cops should abide by rule 3.4 and 3.6 and know when to get the fuck out of a shootout, because a police victory in a shootout isn't relevant to the police force at all. If you're gonna make a discussion post demanding drastic action be taken to improve YOUR gameplay experience at the expense of other peoples and people criticise it, then suck it up buttercup and get the fuck over it.

And I TOTALLY put Full time virtual cop on my CV, Numerous times, in all my CV's, Because apparently that's something I'd put on a CV.
It's not like anything about playing civ changed at all in the last half a year

-No more Olsen
-No more zerg orgs like Harpers, cANCER mINUS or Cosa with more than 10 active members because orgs now are a lot less.
-A lot more TFU added as theres constantly 4 TFU on duty at peak times.
-Now it's mainly 4-6 Criminals against 8-16 cops including 4 TFU.
-TFU still have head armour.
-Nerfed recoil on 556's like the 101 and 74u

Where have you been? fly away or something.
-No more Olsen
-No more zerg orgs like Harpers, cANCER mINUS or Cosa with more than 10 active members because orgs now are a lot less.
-A lot more TFU added as theres constantly 4 TFU on duty at peak times.
-Now it's mainly 4-6 Criminals against 8-16 cops including 4 TFU.
Olsen and all the other orgs went away at least 3 months ago, I don't see how you would think that not playing civ for 2 weeks makes one's opinion invalid. All I see you do is bash anyone that disagrees with you and call them biased because they enjoy playing as cop more.
Still within 6 months like you asked. None of this is relevant.
You think that R-Flex's opinion is invalid because he hasn't played civ in 2 weeks. Barely anything changed in 6 months, almost nothing in 3 months, what makes you think that he is wrong because he doesn't play civ 24/7?
This is a shit idea.

If a crim dies and has nlr, he will respawn, can then wait out his nlr and be notified of what's transpiring via org chat or whatever so he could then come back and flank and be a nuisance.

If a cop dies and has nlr, he will respawn, go on patrol, and once his nlr is up, he can be called out to the situation again, so that's cool. Oh but his nlr is doubled, because fuck you.

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This is a shit idea.

If a crim dies and has nlr, he will respawn, can then wait out his nlr and be notified of what's transpiring via org chat or whatever so he could then come back and flank and be a nuisance.

If a cop dies and has nlr, he will respawn, go on patrol, and once his nlr is up, he can be called out to the situation again, in the same amount of time. Oh but his nlr is doubled, because fuck you.

criminals need to wait 30 mins u idyot
criminals need to wait 30 mins u idyot
That's only if they're raiding someone else's place, idyott. If you're raiding someone else's place, you shouldn't expect to be able to dominate that area because the idea is, you raid, get shit, then get the fuck out of there. If you can't get out in time and u get surrounded, too bad, you done fucked up, and you should've had lookouts making sure cops were distracted or whatever.
Just want to point out that dying in Glass Co then "patrolling" in bazaar happens quite a lot with officers.
the varying amount of available TFU at any given time makes the PLPD extremely difficult to balance

maybe we should focus on the bigger picture and the solutions to them
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