OOC Name: Chickenrappa
IC Name: John Dempsey
Bank Balance: 170k
Do you have vip?: Yes.
Tell us a bit about yourself: I am an 18 year old american. I enjoy playing this game, and a few other games on steam. I have previously played this game quite casually but now have begun to take things more serious and I am looking for an organization to join; whilst doing research on this I have come across this organization and thought that it would be perfect for me.
What can you bring to the org?: I have decent crafting ability, and the know how of using a weapon effectively in a raid. I've been involved in raids a large amount, and hope to continue with a group and bring an organized aspect to it.
Additional comments: I look forward to getting a reply on this application.
Crafting Level: Firearms - 27, Crafting - 7.
Can you bring your own guns?: Yes.