Is using bombs or grenades to raid 2.5 if you don’t know the occupants are armed?

Do you think bomb/grenade raiding should be 2.5 if you can’t confirm the occupants are armed?

  • Yes, I feel it is 2.5

  • No, this makes explosives useless.

  • I feel grenades being thrown in if you don’t know they are unarmed is 2.5, but using bombs isn’t.

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Code Monkey

Communication Banned
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So, I recently got a ban for clearing a room with a nade while raiding. This is 2.5 according to Bolli and Tinyslayer. If this is the case, would using a bomb to raid be 2.5 as well because you can’t guarantee who is armed inside? I would like to see the communities opinion because in my opinion, this renders explosives useless. Am I supposed to check if they are armed first and end up getting shot for breaking in? I find this extremely troubling and I can see both sides. I personally think grenades and explosives should be exempt from this rule if you are raiding. I welcome all constructive feedback. Here is the AR I got banned for:
Oh ye I know this for a while its kind of hidden.
it's the same thing that if you start wallbanging a property without knowing they're armed you can also get banned for 2.5.

Kind of stupid imo oh well.
molotovs are a definite nono for raiding but i would think raiding with grenades can be problematic for places like apartments and small spaces but I wouldn't consider it much of a problem if raiding bigger places like glass co where there is a much more likely chance that there would be armed residents
I see what you are saying but how do we differentiate the two? I just feel that it makes explosives pointless. I agree with molotovs by the way. Straight 2.5.
I have to say that the AR is vague due to you seeing him before the grenade, although I'd say now after reconsidering,
Grenades are 2.5 if you are unaware of the fact that they are armed or not,
However bombs should still be allowed, I feel as if disallowing bombs would restrict Criminals even more than they sometimes already are.

This is a very great discussion thread, nice one Code.
If this is going to be enforced 2.5 needs reworded as at the moment it seems to be really focused on intentional negativity however if you're throwing a nade without the knowledge of whether the person is armed or not is that intentional negativity?
Since I also grenade/bomb nearly every time when raiding, I completely understand your opinion @|RC| Code Monkey. I think what the staff team are trying to argue here is that they made no attempts at your life so you had no reason to believe they were armed other than assumption. I think this would've been acceptable if there was someone in the room shooting through the walls and you simply threw a grenade that hit an unarmed person in the room, yet in this scenario staff see that you did not gather enough information to raid.

It's not that I particularly agree that this should be considered 2.5 - I agree with @Ethan, that it should be reworded - but it's much more so that you can kinda understand a staff/victim point of view in this situation
honestly i relate to that video more now after playing wow classic
Is basing unarmed 3.4 because you're liable to be bombed and / or robbed at a moments notice and yet you knowingly fail to prepare yourself for inevitable death????

If windows are boarded and defences are down then its bait as fuck that they have something of value to defend in there, if the windows are boarded then go ahead and bomb them. If you accidentally wipe out the only 3 passiveRPers left on PERP with 1 grenade and find the inside of the property your raiding is some sims 4 style house then I guess its bad but at the same time the nature of the server typically is cruel and unforgiving and if you get grenaded whilst passiveRPing chances are you wont lose anything of value anyways? But overall if the windows are boarded then go right ahead and just explode all that shit dude.

Edited 2 times since original post.
But like telling someone to neck themselves is inexcusable and you probably wouldn't have gotten warned if not for that part.
Basing in general in perp should be 3.4 then , even if you just had sofas and just passive rp material your still betting raided
It's a very mixed bundle of opinions on whether it is 2.5 or not, as many people raid and throw a grenade in there too. Classing this as 2.5, would also raise the question about 'bomb raiding' and whether this would also be classified as 2.5. The issue with this, is that if this was accepted it would set the example that people can not bomb raid unless you know everyone in the property is armed. This would be very hard to do, and render the usage of bombs and explosives almost useless.

On the other hand, it is quite unfair that you have had to die due to this, and lost some time of your life. To an extent it is negative, and could be classed as the same as if someone came in with a gun and shot you instantly. But these things happen, people just need to be careful about it, and people dying just need to take it on the chin unless you made it completely clear you were unarmed and they shit you anyway.

This is what I said in response to the AR made on you. I was hoping the staff member who accepted this could explain and put an end to this debate when closing the AR but I guess @Dom_ didn't see it or was too busy cheffing people at work.