Killing citizens

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In my opinion all citizens who are not involved in the shootout should be shot. They might be flankers for the organization that you raided. So would it be 2.5 to shoot them because they're just running around?
I understand your point however if a shootout for example randomly starts in a bazaar ''oh there are unarmed civilians who aren't involved let me mass shoot them all'' I do think though if they had a decent amount of time to flee from the scene and they haven't and they're kinda just watching about then I would love to shoot them. For example shoot out at projex and there are a few people watching about from the gas station.
Of course, let's shoot 25 unarmed citizens because they might be flankers. No.
What if all the people you decide to shoot down is really just there doing nothing, planning nothing, then you just ruined their gameplay?
Honestly, if you warn the citizens to leave atleast 3-5 times by shouting at them or using advert, you can pretty much shoot them if they are there, because they are in an active shootout and they are kinda breaking 3.4, and they were already warned by you. and therefore it wouldn't be 2.5, but shooting at them before warning then thats 2.5.
I wonder where this came from?
If someone is standing watching a shootout they are either breaking 3.4 or a flanker. I say fuck them either way, if there's a shootout you aren't involved with then flee the scene because neither the raiders, the defenders nor the cops want to deal with your bs.

Don't cry when you get shot because you were trying to pikey a free AK.
I wouldn't kill someone hanging around a raid immediately. I'd force them to surrender and give them a reasonable period of time to fuck off. If they don't... well... they get capped.
Gunpoint them and tell them to fuck off

Just like if someone fails to cooperate under gunpoint as cop I shoot them regardless of whether they're armed or not PMSL
Staff always slay them anyway if observing (which I can tell you is very satisfying indeed) but if they’re in your way I suppose you can fuck them up
Nah they normally just spectate and commentate... thats my personal experience anyway :)))

I was fucking brutal I slayed the same guy that NLRed back 3 times at one incident before
Not sure why this revived but I guess it's common sense by now? If you're just standing around a shootout like a tom hill mate you're gonna get shot. Give them a warning shot for good measure if they don't leave, after that you can just kill them if they decide to stay. If they're close enough to you tell them to fuck off, if they don't you bang 'em, simple.
I don't believe this should be the case if the shootout has just recently started but as I was sorta told by @Xquality during a raid at Farm as I was a sniper I fired multiple shots at cuffed and uncuffed at the farm to try and get them to disperse. Apparently, they are not open-minded enough to understand this and XQ told me to just shoot them which in that case they deserved. If people are just standing there drooling while watching bullets land by their feet then I feel you have every right to shoot them because they willingly put themselves in harm's way and therefore should suffer the consequences. What I'm saying is shoot warning shots to those who feel watching a shootout is more important than being alive (3.4) and if they still act like dumb idiots then shoot them as it's their own fault and it's completely justifiable as they could be involved. I mean wouldn't any sane person who is not involved and has at least the average IQ leave the area so they don't get a bullet in between their eyes? Because if you feel you can rightfully stand in the middle of the shootout willingly and on purpose and not have anything happen to you then you're about as useful as the chewing gum on the bottom of my shoe. Most if not some police forces do it IRL so wouldn't you think a serious roleplaying server attempting to be as close to real life as possible that is set in America would do the same or at least something simular?