Are TFU ruining the fun for citizens?

Are TFU too OP?

  • Fuck yes, it's impossible for citizens they need a change.

    Votes: 35 36.1%
  • No, the city is struggling against crime. (Which is not the case)

    Votes: 62 63.9%

  • Total voters
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United Kingdom, Southampton
I know this is a rp server and everything, but i feel as if the good fun of raiding and criminal roleplay is kind of ruined now TFU are a thing. It is almost impossible to kill the police force even when you are in big organizations. I remember when SWAT weren't allowed to patrol, but now TFU are basically SWAT but are patrolling constantly and their can be 6 of them.

I'm not saying they should be completely abolished because i understand a lot of hardwork was put into the unit however, i've seen video's of TFU taking 4 shots to the head and not dieing? don't you think that it slightly ridiculous. I know citizens are meant to fear the PLPD and everything but you must remember there is a lot of people who enjoy raiding etc and it's good to have a fun little raid with friends often. Back when SWAT were a thing it wasn't exactly easy to kill the police force.

Let me break this down for you there is stand officers with berreta's, then their is almost half of the police force with shotguns in there trunks at all times, then to top it off there is TFU who patrol with M4's and armour and basically are 5 seconds away from every shootout. I don't know about you guys but i certainly don't see officers in a car wielding m4's in England but i don't know about America but im sure it's not all the time you see armed units just waving there gats about in America. And to top it off their is the rain dance...this stands for both citizens and police force. However, i feel as if the amount of free ammo the police force have they just spray their mags everywhere not caring if they hit or not.

this is by know means a salty post i just want to hear other people's opinions as i have heard mixed views on the topic.

Deleted member 6228

Have to agree, you don't see officers patrolling around with assault rifles preforming traffic stops. TFU should receive an armour nerf and should not be able to patrol, it makes no sense.
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I'd rather see criminals getting rekt all the time than police, because that's how it is in reality.

In paralake 90% of population have military grade weapons and police should be able to stop them, and that's what they do.
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Nottingham, England
TFU itself is not the problem. If you are well organised and equipped, you can take them on and outplay them. The real problem seems to be the overwhelming number of TFU, that can be on duty, at a time. I feel that there should be a reduction from 6 to 4 maximum as it just isn't needed nor is it usually fair. Also, your poll is just stupid: the fact that you completely dismiss one of the answers, and put them in a context where "yes" only makes sense, makes it an unfair poll.
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IKEA - Northern Europe
I'd rather see criminals getting rekt all the time than police, because that's how it is in reality.

In paralake 90% of population have military grade weapons and police should be able to stop them, and that's what they do.
I agree.

TFU is in good shape imo, i thought myself that TFU would bring more rp in shootouts such as negotiations and such so that no one actually would just go aids and shoot them all up, but I think it's generally how you act in-game. I think what is necessary is players being more careful
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Mustvee, Estonia
I agree.

TFU is in good shape imo, i thought myself that TFU would bring more rp in shootouts such as negotiations and such so that no one actually would just go aids and shoot them all up, but I think it's generally how you act in-game. I think what is necessary is players being more careful

Erm not really. 90% of the time TFU just run in with op armour not worrying about their own life as a criminal would, I remember once when there was a bank robbery with atleast 15 people TFU just ran in and rain danced back out again. Rate dumb to agree
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It's quite unfair to pit 6 players who are allegedly veterans(or at least have good aim) against a group of 3 sweaters who just wish to have a bit of fun and do raids/grow. I understand that it's realistic to have these units armed this much because that's how it is irl but for god sake you can walk up to an npc and have it magically teleport your car to you from the middle of the forest.

You have to also consider gameplay, as I'm sure it should be a focus on a server like this. There's a difference between a nice challenge and straight up frustration. Killing the police force pre-TFU was a good challenge, TFU is quite obviously pure frustration. You can tell this from how only 1 party is having fun during police raids, and the criminals are left to be frustrated at their big losses caused by a team of 6 heavily-armored and armed pro players.(+ shotgun/pistol officers)
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Parts Unknown
You're even being biased in the poll and indicating that the 2nd option is false by default by saying '(Which is not the case)'
There is nothing different besides the fact random sweater cops can't get onto SWAT like the way it was before the plpd whitelist, therefor current TFU at least kind of know what their doing.
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New York City
This is my own opinion, to be a little more fair I think maybe the TFU just shouldn't be allowed to patrol. It's a little bit overkill. Of course the PLPD is suppose to dominate the city, and as someone who willn't even be accepted into the PLPD, before there was TFU and when it was just SWAT, criminals tended to overpower the police, and I don't find too much realism in that. And think about this, too, the amount of crime in the city, it would make sense that there are policing units like this. But to see police walking around with military grade weapons are kinda overkill.
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i've seen video's of TFU taking 4 shots to the head and not dieing? don't you think that it slightly ridiculous.

This is a bug which I believe @Blicky already posted a bug report about.

I know citizens are meant to fear the PLPD and everything but you must remember there is a lot of people who enjoy raiding etc and it's good to have a fun little raid with friends often.

If you enjoy raiding then do it more careful. Use supressors and scout for nearby cops. And as you said yourself, you are meant to be scared and fear them.

i don't know about America but im sure it's not all the time you see armed units just waving there gats about in America.

As @Allen Kennedy said, some response units have AR-15's.

Besides, none of you suggested a fix. You just wanted to make a thread to point out they're OP without even suggesting a way to fix/improve it? Good job.
People gotta understand that the PD has to adapt to the worst possible scenarios and considering that almost every citizen in paralake has contacts to a military grade arms dealer or have military grade crafting level, the police department needs to adapt to that. The can't adapt and downgrade it to make it fair for 3 sweaters (@Marian) Because then they would be absolutely destroyed when facing better orgs.
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United Kingdom
Not going to lie, I'm getting tired of seeing posts like these. I appreciate feedback however I am not seeing any solutions to any of the problems you are raising.

Before TFU, we had SWAT which everyone agreed was terrible and needed to be more organised and fixed and that's exactly what we've done. There has been no differences from SWAT and TFU, with the exception of them being allowed to patrol. During the "beta stages" if you'd like to call it where there was the option of getting gear from the armory only when there was a shootout we found that it was just not feasible and ended up with all officers or the suspects dead before the geared up officers arrived on scene and the response time was generally shocking so to fix this we then allowed them to patrol in small groups.

In my opinion 6/16 officers being TFU is not unfair, you guys just have to be more organised/get as good as some of the TFU we have it's currently hard to kill the police force as it should be however we are currently developing policies which will ensure that only the needed amount of TFU is on at any given time.

I've seen video's of TFU taking 4 shots to the head and not dieing?

The above quote is currently a bug that is due to be fixed when @StephenPuffs gets time to fix it. This issue was also addressed in this thread

I feel as if their is no strategy in some TFU and they just rush in not worrying if they lose their stuff.

There are always some situations which require improvisation, however if you feel that an officer has broken policies or acted unprofessionally you're free to make a complaint

I don't know about you guys but i certainly don't see officers in a car wielding m4's in England

Lastly, in England at least in my area (Greater London) as far as I know there is always at least 2 armed officers response cars holding 2 officers that are armed patrolling which allows them to respond to any call that they may be needed at quickly.
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in a basement
No they are not we're just salty cause they ruin our powergrowing

Except from the head armor which they shouldn't have because they wear caps pmsl

Deleted member 6228

TFU are also way to raid hungry it seems, they will aggravate you until they have the tiniest reason to raid.
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in a basement
TFU are also way to raid hungry it seems, they will aggravate you until they have the tiniest reason to raid.

// phone can't comment

And that's when you use knowledge to talk your way out like i do everytime whilst powergrowing, remember that time when you had weed when we were basing together?
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random ass farmers could have an m82 in their back garden but you say that police shouldnt have an m4 in their trunk?

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Mustvee, Estonia
TFU are also way to raid hungry it seems, they will aggravate you until they have the tiniest reason to raid.

Generally, this is how I see it as. Even in a raid, Some TFU are wanting to continue it on. Instances like defending a property, but TFU come swarming and raid the defending property instead well knowing that there has to be illegal substances inside to take.

edit: some people assume what I say is meaning that they already seen the drugs or meth or whatever illegal, but they didn't. I mean that they have a high thought (can't explain it in english) there is and on the back of that thought they will "clear" the property.
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