Killing Floor Death (Sofia Vanish). I'm leaving perpheads

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I am sorry but I am gonna leave perpheads after the new update I think this is a shitty update and I don't like anything with it really it just sucks the only way I will be back is of the update gets removed with I will guess it will not so bye all random ppl and friends enjoy with playing with a shitty update.
thanks for this detailed criticisim...[irony off]
sad to hear that you are leaving
I wish you all the best
Some people expect so much from a brand new update. It's like a game that is in very early alpha, you can't expect it to be amazing and five star quality yet, don't get your expectations so high and get used to this update.
Never really RPed with you but sad to see you leave. All updates have bugs so you should stick around still everything is fixed and see if you like it then.
sad to hear killing we always play together. though im banned for 6 months now, so i does not really matter
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