Lag spike issues

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I spoke with icekiller earlier IG and we both said that it started about a week ago at the same time and so have several other players. Im not on 64 bit but whatever is causing the spikes is annoying as fuck. It happens really frequently and isn’t the occasional type of spike that was known to PERP since the day it came out kms
he's lying he actually rdm'd me because i stole his waifu himiko toga

it sometimes be like that, even on 32-Bit and with no workshop addons loaded except for PERP content. It appears every time you shot now which is worse than before as it appeared whenever you killed someone.

Edit: might be areaportal related due to the door
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If you jump and hit the roof then you will get a lag spike 99% of the time that's the reasoning for that one, I figured that out a long time ago good lord it can be annoying.
Having the same issue's recently. While driving the lag kicks in and makes a lot of people wrack their vehicles. It may be caused by lots of client side requests that are made in that period of time.
pretty much daily commits
still will take a while though
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