Leaving the community.

People change quickly, especially younger people, and the community changes as a result of it. It is completely your choice if you want to leave because you think the community is different, but it is wrong to place the blame certain members, I know this from personal experience as I have done the same.

Have fun doing whatever it is you do.
c'mon guys, we all know that Ermak has secretly found a label for his latest album of tunes.
I will miss you. Farewell and good luck.
If i could rate this dumb i would @John Daymon

You deserve every little thing i've said to you, sometime way back when you didn't deserve it but nowadays ppl seem to let you off the hook and it's an outrage. Keep posting like this too feed onto more of the dumb shit you've done in the past and give me more of a reason to think negatively of you along with the rest of the boys