Legalising weed

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Weed is so accessible, having it illegal only puts money in dealers pockets. People are being killed over territory for no reason, making it legal would put a lot of dealers out of business and prevent crime in general. I also think that kids should not be smoking, I do not think that whether its legal or not will affect the consumption of weed by a lot since its so easy to get these days. There will always be junkies no matter the substance. The sad part is normal people that like to enjoy it on occasion(like once a month) get crucified and have their lives ruined if they are caught.

Legalize weed
“Lets move on to people that say weed is bad stop smoking weed but they drink a fuck ton of alcohol. Fuck you, shut the fuck up retard. The only reason alcohol is legal is because it is too late to revert it, if we invented alcoholic beverages today it would be made illegal for recreational use. It is dangerous and stupid to drink.”

Most alcoholic drinks aren’t made to get you fucked up. They’re to enjoy with a meal, a social setting, or to relax in an evening after a long day. Drinking to get intoxicated = abuse.
Let me make it clear that if you have never tried weed or anything basically, your opinion is invalid. To give your opinion about something you must experience it and experience it multiple times.

Unironically dumbest quote in the whole thread. Who are you to dictate what is a valid opinion? Let's throw away logic and statistics because you think experience primes over everything. We get it dude, you have smoked a lot of weed, no need to gatekeep giving opinions. Otherwise you better not ever give your opinion on abortion because you're never going to experience one yourself.

Also you don't know who has smoked weed here, you know they can smoke weed and still disagree with you right?

If you did weed once and went bad on it, there is defnitely one out there for you.
Please provide a source other than your magnificent and superior experience. You don't need to make generalizations on the basis of your experience aka sample size of 1.

Weed is literally the safest drug on planet earth
It is not. First of all, there's legal drugs like caffeine that according to me would be much safer than weed. If we talk about illegal drugs, shrooms are ranked safest drug on earth.

I believe it is extremely stupid to think weed is bad just off of 1 experience or seeing people have a bad time
Funny that you're doing the same thing by thinking weed is good just off of 1 experience (yours). It does not matter that you smoke a lot and are about to get your degree.
Experiences do prime? How do you know if something is bad if you havent tried it?

I know many many many people that are in the same boat as me with weed, sample size isnt one.

Dont even mention drugs like caffeine, thats not a drug people use to get high... Generally speaking. I meant one of the safest, this is just trying to find something to disagree with.

Read 2nd response
No, I am proving a point that you can't gatekeep opinions with experience. Even though I am pro legalisation I believe that your argument is flawed
@Generic Twat i mean we are talking drugs, you definitely need to experience drugs to give an opinion. Everyone has a different effect on drugs.
If I go and murder someone he dies. Nothing special or unique. He dies.
I've never had any intoxicating substance except alcohol yet I am pro legalisation. Is the experience argument only valid when it's against your opinion?
Nah homie I want it legalised so I could try it legally, sure the facts are a nice cherry on top but it's mainly for the sake of me being able to use it care-free
you can argument your points with the information you have about the substance.
a person that hasn't tried weed, but is unbiased and well informed can teach you better than your local stoner