Server Suggestion Limit concrete barricades to 6 per apartment, again!

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United Kingdom
Description of the idea: Re-add the limit of barricades to 6 per apartment/base that will not realistically support the weight

These includes:
  • Apartments not on the ground floor (Regals, Slums and Projex all above apartment 1) - This is for simplicity as the 1st apartment can be seen as being the foundation and thus can support much more weight than the above apartments
  • Second floor of large subs houses (1-3)

Why should this be added? (pros):

1. Realism - The wooden floor would collapse under the weight of many barricades and this would be bad for extended living.

2. Nerf basing, Buff raiding all around! - This rule would allow new players to viably raid larger orgs because the limited barricades would only make so many angles for people to hide behind (this is much better than the 20+ possible barricades can be fit inside an apartment) and also allows people to raid without having to use bombs exclusively to deal with such

Police would also love it since they have no way to unfreeze/remove props and as such walk into endless angles and bunkers, Limiting the barricades would make the base easier to push into and this would make it harder for criminals to produce endless drugs.

3. Make locations such as subs houses and wood cabins more viable to use since the majority of people stay inside apartments due to the ease of defending (one entrance and no real limit of bulletproof barricades). By nerfing apartments this opens up the possibility to have other places be more attractive to base in since they will not have the same limit of barricades

4. Encourages raiding - This would make it more appealing to raid a base if you know there can only be 6 concrete barricades (similarly to spotlights)

What negatives could this have? (cons):
Nerfs the power of apartments for all players, including newer players (though from experience the only "new players" that even build a defence are the ones who are being used as a meat shield by other older players)

Confusing to understand - This can be resolved by giving specific examples of where you cannot use more than 6 barricades as the list is quite short.

People may stop using their bombs - These may still be needed/used by those raiding apartments with the limit but would also have a use in other bases with no limit

Other additions/Images:


There are a good 12+ barricades in this apartment with 3+ people inside defending. Raiding an apartment like this would be very hard and almost impossible due to the endless angles and places they could hide.
I come from the time of the building handbook and without a doubt I can say it was awful. It really killed off the fun of raiding anything, every apart was the same, every raid became the same.

Sure some designs of bases have become aids, but that is down to the staff to manage and talk about. Overall I disagree with this idea because the defence handbook killed the game.
I come from the time of the building handbook and without a doubt I can say it was awful. It really killed off the fun of raiding anything, every apart was the same, every raid became the same.

Sure some designs of bases have become aids, but that is down to the staff to manage and talk about. Overall I disagree with this idea because the defence handbook killed the game.
I specifically referring to the defence handbook that was written years ago to limit places to 6 barricades. It sucked. Everyone agreed it sucked, I do not want it back.
My point is that there already is a booklet that bans certain defences resulting in the exact same concrete barrier + metal fence + bookshelf + spotlight defence with no variation.
The reason that bases are still the same is that because it is aids up to the point where is breaks no rules. Even if this gets accepted people will use the same setup, it will just limit the times it can be placed around the base.

Regardless of the outcome bases will be built in the same way because its overpowered for the defenders which is the entire point, but its reached a point where if you don't use a bomb with 4+ people raiding you have no chance to win
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I specifically referring to the defence handbook that was written years ago to limit places to 6 barricades. It sucked. Everyone agreed it sucked, I do not want it back.
Its still a thing by the way, just newer.

Whilst I think defenders should have the upper hand over raiders generally, Barricade placement is becoming a pain in the arse, especially when bombing a base. Barricades being limited could well be our answer to this.
Its still a thing by the way, just newer.

Whilst I think defenders should have the upper hand over raiders generally, Barricade placement is becoming a pain in the arse, especially when bombing a base. Barricades being limited could well be our answer to this.
most of the time you can't even get in a property u literally spend a 15 k bomb on because there's a chainlink fence or tons of concrete barriers on the door, defenders may deserve SOME advantage but this is just nah dude
This can be a decent change as the defences can really get toxic even with the booklet out. They definitely deserve some limitations as most of the time as a civilian, if you don't have a bomb, you will struggle immensely to push high-populated bases, and if you don't push, you more or less accept that police will eventually pick you off.
As a cop pushing high-populated kill boxes feels like playing whack-a-mole where defenders occasionally peek out to spray a bit before another one peeks out. If there's 4+ people staring with automatic rifles at a one-way door you're not gonna have a lot of fun.

However, I do not agree any changes should be excluded to any apartment/house. Bases who defend should be nerfed all around as to create a balance for those pushing, but not too much as to make them obsolete. Civilians have an out to them in form of a bomb, police has no out but to deal with it. Finding a common ground to balance defending would just be to hit amount of props you can use and place it in one of the building rules, rather than booklet. This could be done by limiting props per room and/or props per property.
The limit used to be 9 was it not? I reckon that’s work a bit better.
The limit used to be 9 was it not? I reckon that’s work a bit better.
I was thinking this and was going to suggest as opposed to 6 it is upped to 8 as a few of the pictures in the current booklet show the use of 8 concrete barricades. I think 8 is a reasonable number that still gives plenty of room for creativity and different implementations.

However, I do not agree any changes should be excluded to any apartment/house. Bases who defend should be nerfed all around as to create a balance for those pushing, but not too much as to make them obsolete. This could be done by limiting props per room and/or props per property.
I think this would be a fantastic implementation, particularly if there were some coded restrictions in-place at properties. The only places I would disagree with for such a measure would be Bazaar Shops (primarily the front, publicly-accessible portion) and perhaps the Business Shops.
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