Luke Person

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Niko / Jared Fillerton
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Luke / Luke Person
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:7218412
Reason: Rule 4.2 As the lieutenant of the Police Department, Luke was illegally parked at the Suburbs Storage. I am guessing it was for a duration around 5 minutes (or more), as he appeared to have been parked there before I arrived. The officer and himself proceeded to ticket nearby cars for being illegally parked, including mine, which was parked just as Luke's. This means that Luke knew it was illegal to park there, and yet decided to do it himself. As soon as I said I'd contact the superiors of Luke's partner, they drove off.
He also tried to shake off someone telling him that his parking is illegal by saying "We have a badge, which means we can do whatever we want."

The rules (4.2) states: "Government employees, excluding Road Crew Workers, may violate traffic laws if responding to an emergency services [call/request, if the emergency situation is vitally time sensitive" And from what I saw, Luke didn't have siren, lights or hazard lights on, only his left indicator. He didn't appear to be in an emergency, and calmly walked around, giving all cars tickets.
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I'm prety sure he had a reason he parked there, also a ban request for illegally parking is something I've never seen before and is my opinion not ban worthy.

Because you can't prove he had no reason to park there before you arrived I'm going to -support this.
take note of the video - the indicators have been activated to let you know that he's pulled up on the left.

judging from the video, it would appear you've only just got there. how would you know that he's been there for more than 5 minutes? he could've been dealing with a suspect. from how i see it, Luke has done nothing wrong lawfully or regarding the rules..

I'm afraid...

(negative support)
He really is breaking 4.2 there from the looks, but it's a very little rule break, so it should be a verbal warning and the problem is solved, I guess.
Really? He clearly had his hazzards on? Why wasn't this dealt with in game? He might have been responding to an emergency or was simply ticketing someone and didn't feel the need for lights and sirens?

Most pointless BR EU. -Support.​
MASSIVE PLUS SUPPORT!!! This guy is a fucking retard

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Luke should park properly next time if he doesn't have a valid reason for it.
This ban request wasn't very needed in my opinion and he should have been reported in-game instead.

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