Police Suggestion Mandatory Hostage training

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Brief description of idea: Add hostage situation training to the performance management form so supervisors can request another officer (including higher-ranked colleagues) for mandatory hostage situation training. With the correct evidence, I feel supervisors should be able to refer anyone for hostage training as there have been many complaints on officers of all ranks handling hostage situations poorly. Maybe have Head of Tac Ops run the training session alongside Head of TFU.

What benefits would this idea have for the department:
A chance for people to improve and have a clearer understanding of how to handle a hostage situation.
Fewer complaints on officers handling hostage situations poorly.
Ability to help officers where they've gone wrong instead of punishing them.

What potential negatives could this have for the department:
People will complain, they always do.

Other additions:
If someone is reported to Internal Affairs for handling a hostage situation poorly, if the complaint is sustained, maybe issue a comment card as well as mandatory training.
I fully agree on this idea, the last hostage situations i've seend or have dealt with, were handled poorly. Earlier today we had one, and i ordered every officer to let them go since theyu still had the hostage, but some of them coudln't listen which resulted in a massive shootout and loss of many unnessecary lives!
Well, all the arguments and people complaining about hostage situations gave me the idea to post this suggestion. Hopefully, it is accepted because I feel people will be happy with the outcome.
Anyone who isn’t a Corporal or supervisor shouldn’t be leading hostage negotiations anyway.
Correct, but there are certain circumstances in which lower-ranking officers have to take lead in the situation.
that's true, i'm corporal and as i got the 911 call i led a hostage situation earlier. Personally i think i did everything by the book, everyone cleared out of the area and the hostages were going to be released after the hostage takers got away safely. Nonetheless i've ordered everyon to stay out a few individual officers didn't and just cause a massive shoutout.

I know you could say then just make an IA on them, but i feel like by giving them training they'll learn more then from a disciplinary action!
Each hostage situation differs to be honest. Some are easy, some aren't. The key is patience, confidence, understanding, and the safety of everyone.
Honestly if you need any kind of training beyond corporal then the trainings won't help you. The key to roleplay situations is having roleplay situations and communication skills, which you dont get from being thrown in the depth in a training session. Maybe scenario videos can help but i dont believe trainings are useful.

I do negotiations alot, despite my rank, and 9/10 hostage situations are based on completely unreasonable demands. People cry about police officers not being able to take hostage situations when they demand a 30 minute joyride with the hostage without officers knowing the safety of the hostage. When demands arent met within a second they shoot the hostage and blame it on the cops
Well, you can't really say "If you can't handle hostage situations you shouldn't be a Cpl or Sgt" When there are no decent recourses to tell officers how to deal with the situation.
@curak Well, the fact of the matter is, you shouldn't be degraded as a cpl+ just because you can't handle a hostage situation. Instead, you should be supported and assisted. Training videos aren't always helpful to some people.
We don't need training sessions since its pretty much common sense on how a hostage situation should be dealt with. It's nothing to do with lack of training it's just people would rather shoot than negotiate for ages since they don't value good role-play. A training session wouldn't solve the problem at all you would basically have to change the whole communities play-style in order to make situations like hostage situations be taken seriously by the PLPD.
There is no resource to tell you how to handle a situation that can go a bazillion different ways. That comes down to experience and communication skills.

Sure, the basis is simple:
- Your primary goal is the safety of the hostage, the hostage takers come after.
- You attempt negotiations
- You instruct officers to scout locations should you setup a plan with the hostage takers
You cannot write down every demand and how to handle it.

additionaly anything with the word 'mandatory' in it makes my balls itch. I do recommend this great video though; which i use in-game aswell. just add this as a resource or whatever
What is this, at least i didn't shout 'Is that coke i can see' in front of the owners of the apartment :)
Might have to recommend @CensoredExe for re-training. Got most of the force killed! You know how much it costs per death. That is your whole ADMIN BONUS gone!
I brought this idea up to command a while ago and the general consensus I received is that there isn’t enough interest in training sessions to justify hosting them at the moment. Regardless of category. However I do believe primary command wanted to try a few training sessions this summer.
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